pazuzu9's Replies

Building a raft? Sounds like you really didn't pay attention. This movie deserves more than one watch. It's unfortunate that people struggle so much with this movie. Maybe they watch too many Mad Max style movies :) The backdrop is not what the story is about. It doesn't need to be explained. The story is about the man and the boy. The father and son. The love they have for each other. The boy was not out there fighting cannibals every day for ten years. He was at home being protected by his parents. You can tell he's not used to dealing with the things they deal with on the road. He was sheltered. The kid was sheltered. How could you not get that? Then it had the impact it was intended to. It just wasn't the long term plan. The father was determined to head south hoping things would be better there. He new he had serious health problems and limited time to accomplish his objective so leaving the bunker was regrettable yet necessary. Well, at least some good came out of this Horse Hockey. He was great in Wild Wild West. I always thought it was a fun movie. "It was too A.D.D. for my taste, kept jumping around timelines for what seem like every 5 minutes. The dialogue was also not really natural, focusing on getting in a "zinger" within the 3min scene timeframe than off the the next scene. Music background played over most all dialogue in the film (like 90%+), this annoys me to no end, older movies just didn't have that much music." I completely agree. I feel all of Nolan's movies are like this. It's become a favorite of mine too. He was too confident and cocky. "Not to mention, Joe constantly reminds people that he's wrong a lot and not an expert on all things, and they should do their own research. He does not try to convince anyone he's some brilliant know it all, he's just willing to talk about anything." Yeah, he seems reasonable. I see. I guess I'm more forgiving than others. I realize he has some crazy views but that's no reason to hate or be angry. His show can be somewhat entertaining. I stopped watching it a while back. It's worth checking out though. Free clips on youtube. Why is there so much hate for this guy? I don't know much about him but I've seen some clips on youtube from his podcast and he seems like a nice guy. Although, he does have a lot of crackpots on his show. "DW II has my all-time favorite Bronson line: You believe in Jesus? Well, you're gonna meet him." Doesn't Clint Eastwood kill the same guy in one of the Dirty Harry movies? Leave him alone. He's a minor celebrity. I really couldn't buy into the whole idea of him rambling in his head and listening to music while he worked. I'd rather watch Bronson do his thing in the Mechanic with no dialogue. Based on his performance, I'd say minimum wage. He should have apprenticed under Charles Bronson.