ThreeTenToYuma's Replies

It was great before Obama became president. I bet you supported Obama when he downplayed the Russian threat during the 2012 debates. "Hypocrisy" is the bread and butter of the Democratic Party. Consensual pussy grabbing is perfectly acceptable. Still cranking out long-winded fake news commentary in the middle of the day? Incredibly sad. It sounds like you're a big believer in conspiracy theories. Do you believe the moon landings were fake too? Another grandstanding indictment of Russians who have no way of defending themselves. Yawn. Trump's approval among Republicans is over 90%. That's the highest of any Republican President in the modern era. Thanks for playing. You mean he isn't viewed as the greatest President ever after one and a half years in office? That is truly damning. Do you fantasize about Trump often? You are all over the map with your commentary. Straight from the Department of Justice: "A valid entrapment defense has two related elements: (1) government inducement of the crime, and (2) the defendant's lack of predisposition to engage in the criminal conduct. Mathews v. United States, 485 U.S. 58, 63 (1988). Of the two elements, predisposition is by far the more important." "Inducement is the threshold issue in the entrapment defense. Mere solicitation to commit a crime is not inducement." "Even if inducement has been shown, a finding of predisposition is fatal to an entrapment defense. The predisposition inquiry focuses upon whether the defendant "was an unwary innocent or, instead, an unwary criminal who readily availed himself of the opportunity to perpetrate the crime." "Also, predisposition may exist even in the absence of prior criminal involvement: "the ready commission of the criminal act," such as where a defendant promptly accepts an undercover agent's offer of an opportunity to buy or sell drugs, may itself establish predisposition. Jacobson, 503 U.S. at 550." [url][/url] Since you most likely lack the intellect to make sense of this stuff, I'll dumb it down for you: 1. Entrapment requires both "inducement" and a lack of "predisposition" to commit a crime. 2. Mere solicitation of a criminal act by an undercover agent does not constitute "inducement". It generally requires significant coercion and persuasion on the part of the government. 3. Even if inducement can be proven, it is not a sufficient condition for an Entrapment defense. The defendant's lack of predisposition to commit criminal conduct is far more important. One's readiness to commit a criminal act can by itself establish predisposition. You simply don't understand the difference between Entrapment and "inducement". Perhaps you should spend more time reading law books and less time posting nonsense on the internet. #WalkAway No, that would be the person who thinks undercover cops aren't allowed to encourage illegal acts. LOL. Hilarious stuff. You don't have the analytical mind for legal work if you think anything you quoted (which you failed to provide a source for) contradicts what I said. Undercover agents encourage people to commit illegal acts all the time. Encouraging someone to commit an illegal act is not automatically "Entrapment". Now, run back to your $13/hr paralegal job. LOLLLLLLLL Um, no. It is perfectly legal for a law enforcement official to ask someone to disobey the law. It happens all the time and is bread and butter for undercover work. Try again. Despicable lies and distortions. Quite a few Ohio State wrestlers have come to Jordan's defense. 270 electoral college votes are generally required to win an election. Understand? The story is 100% credible and accurate, unlike most of the unsourced conspiratorial nonsense posted by you. It is certainly nowhere near as good as the first Alien film. Yep, just doing what comes natural to them.