MovieChat Forums > Duck6 > Replies

Duck6's Replies

So much cope 22 march 2019 Mueller confirms it was a hoax. Democrats and fake news CNN BTFO yet again What "ball washing"? Hardly anything in that thread is even about Trump. I think i mentioned him once maybe? You didn't refute anything, all you did was try to spin facts to suit your twisted narrative I kind of agree that she had a point but the way she expressed it was so obnoxious and condescending. But I supposed that's the way she feels like she's being judged and after seeing the backlash of the "incel" crowd I don't blame her for feeling this way. I wouldn't trade places with her for all the money in the world. I believe she may be American It's funny when people see a thing happening and project their armchair political or psychological interpretations onto it. A bit like what happens every time there's a mass shooting. It could also be happening because there is just a natural attraction between WM and AF So what you're saying is he's a politician, and you only just figured this out? You seem to know a lot about what I know. I'm not even right wing Intersectional feminist equity is a ploy by white supremecists in power and keep minorities and other victim classes chained to the welfare state and unable to grow and active anything I didn't even claim their statements were true. I simply described the claims they made. Everything I said is an undisputed fact and together they form a pretty telling picture. Even just the fact that a grown adult male is playing with other people's children in his bedroom alone at night is enough to see MJ as a deplorable individual and the fact that this is dismissed as "Oh he just loves children" is really scary Still waiting for hard evidence that the world's ending. All I see is a lot of political fear mongering and virtue signalling. You really live in your imagination don't you Doggie Either you believe in intrinsic identity or you believe in equality. Can't have it both ways. Keidis because I actually used to listen to RHCP and he has a great and unique voice. Never really listened to STP so i'm probably biased I liked the eye thing it was funny and added a layer of depth to his character, in that he is way too friendly with cats. People just need to lighten up tbh. They're comic book movies, I follow the canon as much as anyone else and have no problem with stuff like this. A win for censorship and fake news Maybe Show us a picture of your wife when you're in your 70s The left's plan for the economy=give every free stuff what could go wrong?