MovieChat Forums > Duck6 > Replies

Duck6's Replies

That was a joke before they started the review. Learn to tell the difference They didn't say it was shit. They didn't even say it was boring. You're projecting your own opinions on the review. They said her character was bland but the movie was OK. He didn't molest anyone until he was white though Actor Jussie Smollet, star of the show 'Empire' [paid two black men to attack him] outside a Chicago Subway sandwich shop early Monday morning. The two [black] men [pretended to] beat him up, put his head in a noose, and yelled "This is MAGA country!" The altercation started when the 36 year old gay black actor - who had just arrived in Chicago from New York - was leaving the sandwich shop around 2 am. [Two black men paid by him] yelled out, "Aren't you that f***ot 'Empire' n*****?" The two [black] men - wearing ski masks and MAGA hats- approached Smollet and [pretended to] beat him. The actor [pretended to fight] back, but [pretended he] suffered a fractured rib. The two [black] men then put a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, and then yelled "This is MAGA country!" before leaving him. The actor was taken to Northwestern Memorial where he was treated. Just eight days ago, an anonymous letter was sent to the actor [by himself] at FOX Studios in Chicago, with "MAGA" written in the top corner for the return address. The letter says, "You will die black f**." in cut-out letters. Chicago police are investigating these two incidents as a 'hate crime' and checking the neighborhood for surveillance cameras. "Given the severity of the allegations, we are taking this investigation very seriously and treating it as a possible hate crime," said Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi . "Detectives are currently working to gather video, identify potential witnesses and establish an investigative timeline. The victim is fully cooperating." [Smollett has now been indicted for lying to police] #LeftistsSpreadHate #DoggieSpreadsFakeNews Hi Doggie. Where'd you go buddy? have sex Mike unironically recommended it though Embarassing indeed I just personally am not into upbeat music and i never have been it just doesn't appeal to me personally. It's a different sound to those bands but to me they're in the same ballpark. Happy music doesn't make me feel happy it actually has the opposite affect. And that's not because i'm a particularly miserable person, that kind of music is just depressing to me. I was 13 when this song was released and hated it with a passion. It's just so obnoxious, reminds me of all those upbeat white people songs from the same period, like Barenaked ladies and Smash Mouth. I'm just really not into it. I really hate this song Moderators please sticky this thread. Thanks Thanks Quioby1 Yeah they paid me to give it a 3.5 star review on an obscure chat site that makes sense And just like the white guy (actually he was black whoops) who shot that black girl And just like the white MAGA kid who harassed the native american and black israelites (Oh whoops again, they were harassing the MAGA kid) I'm starting to see a pattern here A vaccine gave me a rare and deadly autoimmune disease nice rack too To me, right now the only thing that really makes sense is the Luke/Han/Leia/Kylo plot. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I'm perfectly OK with it. Luke was never really the idealised hero that people seem to imagine, to me he was always flawed and way out of his depth if you compare him to how the Jedi were in the prequels. He never really mastered the force, and was never really a true Jedi. That said, everything else just seems like nonsense. How did the First Order rise and create mega-weapons so quickly and what was their motivation in doing so? That wasn't really made clear especially since Snoke was killed off so casually without any explanation as to who he was. Rey is the other wild-card that came out of nowhere. Who is she and why is she so powerful? Her motivation seems to be finding her identity but her force powers were never something she apparantly had until their adventure began. In fact I don't remember when she even discovered she had powers, it was so unmemorable. You just kind of go into the film expecting her to be a Jedi since the film was promoted that way. Then in the second movie she's as powerful than Yoda because...i just don't know. After watching the movie I definitely think the guy was miscast. He lacked the natural charisma and self-assurance. It came across as an act to overcompensate for his height and creepiness. To me, Freddy was not creepy like he was in this movie.