MovieChat Forums > ksio89 > Replies

ksio89's Replies

lol If I read that on Twitter I wouldn't laugh because I wouldn't know if the user who said it was being sarcastic or not, nowadays you can never be sure. When they're cracking jokes about Ginny Sack at Bada Bing, Gigi Cestone delivers the last and funniest joke before a suspicious Johnny Sack enters the room: "Two guys could f*ck her at the same time and still never meet". So is a senile puppet like Sleepy Joe. Back in the day I dared to say that while I didn't think Black Panther was a bad movie, it wasn't good enough to be nominated for best picture. I guess you know what kind of card was played by its fans to dismiss my criticism. Yes, he is officially the 🐐 now. The finale was disappointing, underwhelming and disrespectful, just a shameless plug for yet another spinoffs. Season 11 with the lame Commonwealth arc really felt like a soap opera, awful. lol To say that I was disappointed is an understatement. It was rushed and badly written, disrespectful to all fans who have followed the series for 12 years. It was essentially a plug for several spinoffs, which I doubt will be successful. Not even FTWD is doing great, specially since last season was garbage and Alycia left, and don't think will take long for the spinoffs to get cancelled. It will feel very anticlimatic when that happens, and I wlll blame producers of robbing the series a proper payoff. Like you said, audience is just tired of TWD Universe. AMC should put a knife to its head, because TWDU has become what it depicts, but they won't as they don't have another cash cows, specially since Better Call Saul ended. Oh no, you gave them ideas! 😡 This post didn't age well xD Brilliant hahaha. Don't give the writers ideas man... I hope so, this show needs a stab to its head to put it out of its misery. Well said, no adventures film released since The Mummy has been as good. Well, what else can I say that wasn't already said? By far the most rewatchable movie for me, tied with only Dumb & Dumber. It's so much fun it's ridiculous, it excels in providing entertainment for all ages. I agree with whoever said it's more fun than Indiana Jones movies, not even The Last Crusade is as fun as this. The Mummy provides a good mix of action, adventure, horror, mystery, comedy, romance, documentary/History etc. Has a simple but effective plot, good pacing, very likable characters and a formidable villain. Visual effects might not be the best, but they're good enough and do not detract from the film at all. I was lucky to first watch this gem a few months before the sequel arrived in theatres, when I were only 11, so you can bet I was very excited. I really miss those times, summer blockbusters are not the same anymore. While Hollywood likes cancelling actors for various reasons nowadays, you can't blame industry for not casting a guy who supposedly ran over stray dogs, that's just fucked up man. I'm surprised he still finds employment at all. Everyoned did, though I'm biased because I have a thing for gothic girls. She not only looked fine, but her and Jeffrey Donovan's performances were the only redeeming aspects from the sequel. Clever. Yeah, those companies and parties are actually the ones that mantain racial segregation, but most people fail to realize that. I have a couple of black friends, some of them said they're fed up with people seeing racism in everything, specially by people who are not even black. One said he feels he is not being judged by his individuality, but by the amount of melanin in their skin, which I couldn't agree more.