MovieChat Forums > maixiu > Replies

maixiu's Replies

Race doesn't exist beyond the level of skin pigmentation? So where are all the white sprinters? Where are all the black inventors? Where are...oh, forget it, you'll believe what you're programmed to believe because it flatters you to think we're all the same, requires no effort on your part. Meanwhile, sub-Saharan Africans have average IQs two standard deviations below Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians, and northern Europeans. Go ahead, ask those Africans to design, build, and pilot an airplane for you. Bon voyage! Can anyone direct me to an undercover video at a massive corporation where executives are caught saying they'll never hire blacks? A single video? Anyone? White privilege, indeed. Can you explain to me why you think the exception to the rule obviates...the rule? What did the Civil Rights movement have to do with ending the highly successful limited immigration that was in place for 40 years? While it was the same people pushing both programs, that doesn't mean Hart-Cellar was part of the Civil Rights push. Those 40 years allowed for the settlement of the non-Germanic Europeans that had flooded the country prior to 1920. The two generation gap helped assimilate those immigrants into an amazingly productive, harmonious, white Christian nation. The same thing will never happen with masses of Han, Sub-cons, towel heads, and Africans. The cultural and biological gulf is too wide. When you said The Police, I was sure you were going to link to this: What do you mean by "normal"? The use of the terms "parent 1" and "parent 2" are not uncommon on official documents in the West. Would you say Barack Obama knows "absolutely nothing about Russia"? Vladimir Putin, a trained KGB agent and long-time ruler of a major world power that resides on European soil, privy to the kinds of foreign intelligence assessments that you and I will never grasp, knows "absolutely nothing about the west", but the person calling himself Skavau knows enough about Russia to pronounce Putin wrong about everything. Whatever you say, champ! Lopping off your bits and bobs and going on a regimen of hormonal drugs is hardly the same thing as changing your hair or clothing styles. It's astounding that you're stupid enough to conflate the wholesale alteration of one's physical body with a something as frivolous as a t-shirt. And guess how free and rich the West will be after we allow this diversity into our lands? That's OK, Stevie's <i>never</i> seen it. When you're proposing the same BS that a scumbag like Mitt Romney proposed, you know things aren't going well. I know he and his people think this will flatter the Hannity-type griller cons, the ones who have been taught to say "we don't mind immigration, we just want it to be <i>legal</i> immigration!" but it's 2024 now and these kinds of schemes are going to backfire on him. Just as we shouldn't be allowing a tsunami of Squatamalens across the southern border, we shouldn't be admitting any more Chinese engineers or Pajeet programmers. Every single one of these people admitted to this country further dilutes the inheritance that the European stock should expect. We need to issue a multi-decade pause on immigration (with exceptions for spouses and other rare instances) while we deport the illegals and sort out where we are as a population. Have you ever seen the video for that song? And Chinese have power in China, Indians in India, Africans in Africa, Hispanics in most of South America, etc. What's your point? Furthermore, in none of the above have the native stock willingly abandoned power structures to the extent that Europeans have in their own lands. If whites removed themselves from blacks, the blacks would by necessity follow us wherever possible. Their identity is wholly a function of their relationship to whites, not to mention they're completely dependent on white modernity to maintain anything beyond a neolithic existence. I'll take my chances. Only you could whine about a study not being representative of the entire earth and in your very next post try to back up your claims by pointing to deaths in the Arabian desert, one of the most brutally hot locations on the planet. LOL! Conversely, if they all went back to Africa, America's crime rate suddenly resembles that of other first world countries. Biology is real, folks. The only thing missing was some sizzurp. Oh, I see, the link went to an actual website and not just the comic that ended with "Uh, purely economic factors.". My bad. The commentors on that page are mostly pansies.