MovieChat Forums > maixiu > Replies

maixiu's Replies

That's OK, Stevie's <i>never</i> seen it. When you're proposing the same BS that a scumbag like Mitt Romney proposed, you know things aren't going well. I know he and his people think this will flatter the Hannity-type griller cons, the ones who have been taught to say "we don't mind immigration, we just want it to be <i>legal</i> immigration!" but it's 2024 now and these kinds of schemes are going to backfire on him. Just as we shouldn't be allowing a tsunami of Squatamalens across the southern border, we shouldn't be admitting any more Chinese engineers or Pajeet programmers. Every single one of these people admitted to this country further dilutes the inheritance that the European stock should expect. We need to issue a multi-decade pause on immigration (with exceptions for spouses and other rare instances) while we deport the illegals and sort out where we are as a population. Have you ever seen the video for that song? And Chinese have power in China, Indians in India, Africans in Africa, Hispanics in most of South America, etc. What's your point? Furthermore, in none of the above have the native stock willingly abandoned power structures to the extent that Europeans have in their own lands. If whites removed themselves from blacks, the blacks would by necessity follow us wherever possible. Their identity is wholly a function of their relationship to whites, not to mention they're completely dependent on white modernity to maintain anything beyond a neolithic existence. I'll take my chances. Only you could whine about a study not being representative of the entire earth and in your very next post try to back up your claims by pointing to deaths in the Arabian desert, one of the most brutally hot locations on the planet. LOL! Conversely, if they all went back to Africa, America's crime rate suddenly resembles that of other first world countries. Biology is real, folks. The only thing missing was some sizzurp. Oh, I see, the link went to an actual website and not just the comic that ended with "Uh, purely economic factors.". My bad. The commentors on that page are mostly pansies. Stonetoss does great work and that's one his more memorable panels. I doubt he'll ever top this one, though, as it's become a well-known meme in its own right. It comes from the practice of fags purposely infecting themselves with HIV (positive test result = poz) so that they could freely engage in promisuous fag sex without worrying themselves about their partner's HIV status. In today's slang, it's used to describe a goup of people, an institution, or a landmass (country, region, state, etc.) that has actively embraced all the diseased causes of the left, from blank slate egalitariansim (DEI), to gender, to climate alarmism, and beyond. For example, the NFL and just about every sportsball league in the world, is completely pozzed. Look at the Buffalo Bills website, every last story on it is a tale of how the franchise is concerned about queers, coloreds, and a host of other most favored victims. It's appalling. Talk like MLK, live like the KKK. And that was in California, which was already well aboard the pozz train. In the saner parts of the country, white people were even more genial. It was a completely different, and far, far better country. This CEO never rides anything but first class. He never exposes himself to the vibrant hordes and ruminants of coach. But he's more than comfortable telling his regular customers "suck it up, buttercup!" so that he can appear tolerant to his buddies in the managerial class. Fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on. Mmm hmm. Who told you that? When i lived in Seoul, the subway in the morning would smell like red chilis and garlic. It oozed out of their pores. Bergoglio is false pope who promotes anti-Christian ideologies. It's not a shock that he'd go out of his way to meet with that motley crew. Most of us know "that" smell. I wouldn't want to be trapped in its vicinity for a couple hours.