BigWorm's Replies

You owe each and every one of them a beer and a shot. The whole premise seemed to be "this is our SJW future". And I got to say, as an image of that, its pretty damn on the nose. Its no kind of future Id want to live in but there you go. I watched the whole thing. I which I had followed your example, as it got so much worse. I answered one of those just for shits and giggles. I entered exactly what the OP said into google, and the movie looked for was the first result. Its definitely weird. Doesn’t matter who it is, the USA is the most dangerous country in the world bar none. Has been for decades. 😂 the world thinks you’re a joke. Another sad desperate loser trying to "win" something by getting the last word. Pathetic. Welcome to the ignore list, sad boy. I guess this means that Im getting the last word, huh. Hope that doesnt eat at you too much, loser. The USA. lol ok buddy. the make up in episode 4 at the birthday party really did her no favours, but she’s not aged that badly that you’d kick her out of bed. See, you’re expecting me to disagree. I hope you aren’t too disappointed when I don’t. 😊 So you agree. Cool. You’re right though, this is nothing compared to what I’m sure goes on away from prying eyes. It’s like that whole thing with Weinstein. We all knew that there was predatory producers in the industry, we all saw tv and movies tell stories about such things yet everyone was still so shocked when it all came out. Same thing with saville in the uk. Everyone “knew” it was going on, yet once again everyone acted surprised when it all came out. Trump will turn out to be everything that people say he is as well. Smoke, fire and all that jazz. Indeed, and this is as clear an example of it as you will ever see. lol and there was me thinking you were actually interested in the truth. But, hey. If youre OK with russia fixing the election thats up to you. I wonder though, would you feel the same way if it was hilary they had backed? Demings: "Lies by Trump campaign officials and administration officials impeded your investigation." Mueller: "I would generally agree with that." Bass: "The president told the White House staff secretary, Rob Porter, to try to pressure [Don] McGahn to make a false denial. Is that correct?" Mueller: "That's correct." Is that enough? Maybe, maybe not. But its an attempt an obstruction, no? Also; where do you see the “if” in what I posted? Read the transcript yourself, or watch the thing. You don’t have to take my word for it. Trump attempted to obstruct. That’s a crime. A sitting president can not be charged. Ergo, he can be charged once he leaves office. "Okay. But the -- could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?" "Yes!" answered Mueller "You believe that he committed -- you could charge the President of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office? ", asked Buck who was stunned by the answer and needed clarification. "Yes!" reaffirmed Mueller. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) then asked Mueller: "The reason again that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting President, correct?" Answered Mueller, "That is correct." What shit are you smoking? Trump is being protected from prosecution because hes the president. Having immunity doesnt mean a crime wasnt committed.