BigWorm's Replies

Youre over reacting because you dont like change. A little taste of the comment section: “Christian Runkowski 1 week ago Look at all the people who do nothing...contribute nothing....yet demand everything. Atypical of the brown mind.” Notice that the moron doesn’t know the proper use of “atypical”. “REDPILL IMPERATIVE 6 days ago This is what happens when you let women vote.” A lovely bit of sexism there. Honestly, I didn’t even watch the video. The comments section alone told me everything I needed to know about it’s content. Pathetic. Lol whalewithhands aka guest star on the shortest episode of law and order svu. You do that in the real world, youll be charged with sexual assault and jailed. "Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens when you are pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way." So while no, what happened isnt technically rape, its sexual assault. These terms are used interchangeably by the lay person and should only really ever be clarified for legal reasons. A "boss" can not demand sex. He or she can not attach sex to employment. Doing so is against the law and will see you in jail for a long time. I dont know if youre trolling or just stupid. Either one is dangerous is you are ever around other people. 😂 It’s rare to see someone else fall into a trap set for someone else. But here I am with two idiots for the price of one. Both too focused on the wrong thing to see what was actually said. You two have fun in your ignorance 😘. All of that being true, doesn’t change the fact this isn’t a new idea. The often take ideas from the comics and reimagine them. “Thor” isn’t being gender swapped. “HE” is still in the story. You people knee jerk too hard to gender/race swaps. Poor white men.🙄 Good one🙄 lol thanks for then example Yeah, you’re not using it right. That’s ok, though. As it’s not the point. Clearly, understanding language is your problem. That’s why you can’t see what it is that you said even though it was highlighted for you. You’re now to busy pulling strawmen to be bothered to figure out what it was that you said. Too busy trying to be righteous about gender switches. The hilarity of this is that this is a well known story in the comics. You’ve knee jerked a reaction without knowing any real facts. And now, you have no choice but to double down on your ignorance by attacking me with strawmen and whataboutisms. You need to take a long hard look at yourself. Also, that’s not what hyperbole is. I didn’t say that. Like I said, read your sentence again. Quincy. No one ever got up from his table. Where’s the hyperbole? Strawmaning? That’s not gonna change what you wrote. I guess if you really do t see it, it’s a question of understanding language. So either you hate women, or you’re stupid. Look a little closer, you’ll see it. You’re too focused on that one issue. Pull out, look at your sentence. At first, I bought you were serious. But then you went there it became obvious you were just bullshittin ;) “they made Thor into a fat beer swilling goofy loser and now Thor is going to be a woman.” Your words, not mine. How did you ever get a son when you so clearly hate women? And thor wasnt a fat beer swilling goofy loser, he was suffering from PTSD. Well said. Its about time we shone a light on the Knavs. I cant belief that a communist was allowed to become a US citizen right under trumps nose! I tell you, these Knavses are playing a long con game. First its get the daughter to seduce the commander and chief, then its get the parents in on bullshit visas. All the while filling poor barrons head with commie nonsense. Shots have been fired here! They are coming for our democracy, mark my words!