BigWorm's Replies

Ah, the old "its on the internet" pile of shit response. Worthless contribution, if you have evidence to back up your claims, present them. Other wise, its just another piece of shit opinion that means nothing. So, come on big fella. Show us your cards if youve got the bottle. Something tells me, we are in for a long wait. Ill remember you said that next time you harp on about the democrats past links to the KKK... Whataboutism, the go to of people with no argument. Examples of him being a good man, please. Also, examples of these good things hes done. What exactly about my post "sounded" tough and angry? You read my words, how you read them has nothing to do with me. So what are trumps "noble ideas"? What examples do you have of this liberal supremacy? And I would like actual verifiable examples. As for that bible quote, you kinda pissed all of it with everything you said afterwards. And absolutely none of what you said addressed the problems of generalisations that I highlighted with examples. Perhaps youd care to have another go with out the ad hominem? <blockquote>I'm speaking in generalities, of course.</blockquote> Yeah I know that. I just wondered if you knew that. So why is it OK to generalise? Are all americans fat bastards? Are all americans stupid? Are all republicans arseholes? Are all men rapists? Are all women sluts? Are all scots ginger? Are all muslims terrorists? Are all catholics paedophiles? Get what I mean? Or are you going to continue to pretend that you are an independent who thinks that trump is great? A real independent would see the problems on both sides, and they sure wouldnt make excuses for shitty behaviour. And who are these liberals you speak of? Who is "they"? Whats a libs? Ive been rejected, and to be honest I was fine with it. The girl didnt piss me about, just said she wasnt feeling it at the end of the date and that was it. She wasnt nasty about it, and I didnt take it badly as a result. I think its all about how you reject someone. Being straight forward, IMO, is the best way to go about it. Its when you mess about and get the other persons hopes up that peoples feelings tent to get hurt. troll Enjoy the ladyboys, you lucky devil :) "men are genetically programmed to protect women" He said without irony on the topic of men raping women lol. šŸ˜‚ No, people talk about gay rapists all the time. Usually as the punch line to prison jokes. We sure are comfortable making light of the epidemic of brutal rapes inside the prison system. It usually comes with nice side of racism, in that it will be a ā€œbig black manā€ called bubba, doing the raping. The walking dead: CW'd to fuck. Was there really anyone who thought otherwise? Youā€™d hate it, kuk. Thereā€™s women in it that are allowed to speak without permission from their white heterosexual male superiors. I didnā€™t listen to a lot of it, but what I did hear sounded like a lot of popular song elements Iā€™ve heard before mixed together. Perhaps thatā€™s the trick to a top 100 track, just steal bits from lots of other popular tracks. Iā€™m guessing, his looks.