jobiwan58's Replies

Why answer the phone in the first place? 8xx numbers are especially suspect; I don't care if the ID says it's a company I do business with. There's so many robocalls and phishing going on, that if I don't recognize the name and number, I let it go to voicemail. If it's important, they'll leave a message. By answering, you're likely confirming that your number is legit and you'll get even more scammers calling. I was chronically sleep deprived for 12 years. Too much pain, couldn't get comfortable for very long at all; about 2 hours at a shot was the most, tossed and turned the rest of the night. Eventually, it affected my health to the point I had to do something, so my doctor wrote me a few prescriptions, one of which I've been taking to this day, along with a few OTCs. Sleeping well every night, usually about 7 hours. Life changing. And lest we forget: Carlito's Way Witness 1. Zoolander (2001) - David Bowie 2. Pay It Forward (2000) - Jon Bon Jovi 3. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) -- Nancy Wilson 4. Wayne's World - Alice Cooper 5. Point Break- Anthony Kiedis (1991) 6. Calendar Girls- Anthrax (2003) 7. Wedding Singer - Billy Idol 8. Rock Star (2001) - Zakk Wylde 9. Blow Up (1966) - The Yardbirds I agree; I can only handle so much stress since my first wife died; I couldn't deal with Facebook anymore. Now I feel like I can manage it if I keep my friends list small. HOUR OF THE GUN (1967) 8/10 Well done Western about Wyatt Earp with James Garner and Jason Robards (Doc Holliday) during the Tombstone battles. It fills in some incidents that Tombstone (1993) didn't cover without being contradictory. Much better portrayal than Gunfight at the Okay Corral (1957), which to me was a Hollywood mash-up where they take the names and make up whatever storyline they want; like they did with The Untouchables (1987). RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) 8/10 Still a great action film with great performances from Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. I've watched this many times and I still enjoy it. MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER, THE (1982) 7/10 I had never heard of this one before meeting my wife, and we enjoy watching it together. Drama/romance about a rancher's son determined to work his father's ranch after he dies, despite strong opposition. A film that's grown on me. There's a sequel that I think is even better, Return to Snowy River (1988). SORCERER (1977) 7/10 An underrated gem that was released a month after Star Wars (1977), and I didn't get to see until quite a few years later. Still interesting on this, my second time watching. Stonekeeper, the only one of yours I'm familiar with is Born In East LA and I've only seen bits and pieces of it. Seemed pretty funny. Allaby, looks you're off and running with Christmas movies, none of which I've seen. I'll be heading into that trend myself soon. My Ratings of what I watched this week: SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1998) 8/10 It's been a few years since I watched it, part of my belated Veterans' Day theme this year. Jeremy Davies ticks me off even more than he ued to; he's so gutless. But the good story and action more than makes up for him. BEFORE AND AFTER (1996) 7/10 Drama centered on a wrongly accused son and how his family and the townspeople react to the situation. It shows the potential that Edward Furlong had before his substance issues. KELLY'S HEROES (1970) 7/10 Goofball World War II comedy about a mission to sneak behind enemy lines after $16 million in gold. SSSSSSS (1973) 7/10 Mad scientist sci-fi film where the doctor's specialty is snakes, with a lot of real snakes featured. A rare lead role from Strother Martin, who does a great job carrying the story. Nice side story with Heather Menzies as his daughter, who gets involved with Strother's lab assistant, Dirk Benedict in an early pre-A Team role. Not for everybody but even my wife likes watching it once in a while. UNDER THE SILVER LAKE (2016) 8/10 It's a strange little film, granted. But it kept me interested throughout. I finished watching it last night and I'll watch it again eventually. For me, it's one of those movies that I'll pick up on even more the next time through. My initial impression was a David Lynch type film but more everyman than Lynch's usually are. I think you can enjoy the quirks along Sam's journey better if you were once a partying person like I once was. I think it shows that most people are decent and easy to get along with or at least tolerable. It's just that the rude, disagreeable people are the ones that get the publicity. It's why social media has become a hindrance to society instead of an asset; it's created a way for people to bicker and argue with people they don't even know and will probably never meet. That said, I'm strongly considering getting back on Facebook or maybe trying Instagram on a limited basis, because there's people I miss keeping in touch with; if only with ones that don't talk about politics or causes. Yes, like after the bars were closed going to a friend's house to continue the party. But once I also stayed out all night when I was younger, with my older brother and a few of his friends. This was probably in the late 1960s. He wanted to direct it also; when he was refused, he went elsewhere. Thanks for sharing this great story, k. My wife has very sensitive hearing so it would be difficult for her to endure. I did the 5.1 (and even 7.1) home theater for about 7 years; come to think of it, I have a Yamaha 5.1 sitting in the spare room that I haven't used for a few years - think about selling it but it's not taking up too much room. I did a few all-nighters until about 7 or 8 the next morning. I think it depends on the actors; the best example that comes to mind is in Walk The Line (2005); I think Joaquin Phoenix did a good job portraying Johnny Cash, vocals and all, and Reese Witherspoon was just outstanding as June Carter. And I used to be out until 5am in my partying days - what was I thinking? lol Got that right lol That's good news :-) I wish I never got started with elaborate passwords with special characters in them. But security is important these days.