MovieChat Forums > 10200 > Replies

10200's Replies

I'm sure that compared to most of the posters here I'm ancient. I'm 69 and female. That's why I have to laugh about Linda and Arnold's ages - she's slightly younger and he's slightly older, so I guess I can relate to them better than most of you. In my house I'm the one who loves action movies, sci fi, and quirky stuff and my husband is just the opposite. I love Sci Fi, especially time travel movies, so yes I was really hyped up after seeing it. It ranks in one of my top 5 movies of all time. I was in high school when Star Trek originally aired on TV. The Invaders was another good one, but it didn't last long. See how old I am - LOL. Off hand I think the new Star Trek movies are one of the few reboots that have lived up to the originals. That is the first I've seen that and it's really cool - too bad that wasn't the tone of DF. NO, NO, NO. T1 is a classic movie and as such should never be remade. Talk about a disaster - they have managed to mess up 4 movies - leave the one that is near perfect, (IMO), alone. Besides, think about it. In 1984 the concept of AI taking over was really far out and today it isn't. They need to keep T1 set in 1984 with big hair and all. It would be interesting to see what he had planned for T3 in the mid 90's. All of them in the cinema. And I'm one of the few people, (probably the only one), posting who saw the original in 1984 as an adult. True but I was comparing a film I think was made for adults that suddenly by jumping 7 years was more acceptable to younger audiences, which is probably the point I was trying to make. F bombs in films were once considered adult material and by 1991, although it had an R rating, kids were watching it. Terminator movies should have remained adult films but the kids got involved and silliness was included. I think there are 2 possible answers to the question about Kyle not warning Sara about future Terminators. #1 - Like kwestmo, I think T1 was the complete story - we know the entire loop and it never changes. There was only one Terminator ever sent back and subsequent movies are set in another timeline. #2 - there is always the possibility that although Kyle thought the time machine had been destroyed, there really wasn't any way he knew for sure and we since don't know what happened either, other terminators could have been sent through after Kyle that he wouldn't have known about. Perhaps there was a second time machine in another location. If this happened it would be the same time line but we just don't know anything that happened after Kyle was sent back. (Totally forgetting what happened in TGen.) I said that F bombs were much more accepted in 1991 than 1984 and they had more impact in the first movie than the second. I think T2 was intense in a different way - more action, Sarah was over the top intense, but at least to me, far less terrifying. T1 made me think and T2 entertained. The key is T1 was never intended for younger audiences - it was an adult story - 18 and up. It had nudity, sex, and fairly good number of F bombs, especially for 1984. An R rating in 1984 was stronger than an R rating a decade later. Even though there were some laughs - they were meant for adults, like the phone call from Matt, and the story about the guy screwing his Afghan before killing it. It was very dark. By 1991 people were no longer shocked with F bombs, there wasn't any sex, and generally the story was suitable for a younger audience, so more kids got more involved in the franchise and IMO, that was the reason for the silliness creeping into T3. Salvation could have been great - it was dark again, but somehow missed the mark and TGen, was just plain silly, (but did have some fun moments, but sooooo far off track from T!. They really needed to go back to the original concept and make an adult sci fi horror movie. But no, Tim Miller was so excited to be making a "fucking Terminator movie", that he sounded just like a kid and we ended up with this crap and probably the end of the franchise. Maybe someone with a vision will pick it up again, but by then all of the die hard fans will probably be long gone. Why can't they still exist? Just because Cameron says they don't? BS. I don't see why the events of T3 are any less logical than the events of DF. To me they are different time lines and can exist independently. IMO, Genysis is pure fan fiction. It has some fun moments, but as a real terminator movie is not very good. Even thought there is much confusion and debate about the timelines in 1, 2, and 3, Genysis starts a totally new universe that doesn't cross over into any of the others. No, don't think any past Terminator has ever been "woke." Sure Sara sets off across the boarder in T1 and they head down to Mexico in T2, but I don't think the tone would have been any different if she/they had headed north to Canada. Mexico was closer, so the logical place to go hide. I was 11 when I saw it for the first time in a theater in 1961 during the Civil War centennial - it certainly was a big deal at that time. I must have gone to the restroom during the intermission, but long ago to remember. How many times should humanity be saved, especially when it's basically the same story told over and over again????? If they continue down this road I really hope the machines win! Wouldn't that be fun! I don't think anyone is buying into the Dani character as being a leader - does anyone really care about her like they did Sarah? Agree - if they were rebooting the franchise they should have not had Linda and Arnold in this movie. It should have been set farther in the future when Sarah and John were long gone and their absence would have been a non issue. Why is what was done in Genysis have anything to do with T1 or T2? I actually thought it had some fun moments, but nothing really to do with the original 2 movies. Never cared about Furlong being in DF, although I really liked him in T2. It's all about the character of John Connor - they could have easily replaced him with another actor and I would have been fine. When it was announced he would be in DF, I think the majority of fans were just happy that J C would continue to be a part of the story - I don't think for most it was an "oh my god , it has to be Furlongmoment.) Well by now I pretty much know the entire story line and plan to go, but not until next week. I will probably boo, but will see the thing through. Agree with you about Salvation - It had the most original story line and it's too bad they didn't continue that trilogy because that would have given the fans what they wanted. I especially liked when John finds and saves Kyle. I have never been a fan of turning John into anything other than human or a hero. The "let's get creative with John" idea is just plain bad. At some point he should have died a spectacular death - just like I think Sarah should have. At the end of the day, the main problem I have with DF is it's really just the same story as we've had in 3 movies - a terminator is sent back from the future to kill someone along with a protector. If it was necessary to the story to kill John,(which I don't believe it was), then for god's sake come up with something original.