MovieChat Forums > 10200 > Replies

10200's Replies

I don't know where the timeline for T2 came from. I simply don't think it was part of the original timeline. I think Cameron did a lousy job explaining exactly how the two terminators were sent back. So I guess we are agreeing it's possible that T1 and T2 take place in different but very similar universes - that is the most logical explanation to me. Now I'll go get that drink and watch MNF. My FF team is tanking this year, wish someone from the future would come back and tell me what to do. Humm... T1 is a causal loop paradox. It is unchanging, w/o a known origin. It is always the same Kyle that goes back in time to father John. Of course John doesn't realize he is in a loop so in his message to Sara he tells her the future is not set. He thinks there is a possibility that the past can be changed, but it can't. If you recall, Kyle actually volunteers to go back to 1984 - to me John seems to be passive as he doesn't really ask Kyle to go, although by giving Sarah's photo to Kyle he plants the seed for the future he knows will happen. All of the characters in T1 are destined to repeat the same thing over and over agin. Well, think I'll go fix dinner then have a strong drink while I try to analyze that. Well I can watch it and treat it like fan fiction just as I do with TGen . Of course she said that - the events of T1,( the 1st terminator, sending Kyle back and fathering John), happened in T2, but the events of T2 did not happen in T1. T1 had one terminator only, never any more, and judgement day happened on schedule, john became the resistance leader and sends Kyle back. T2 had multiple terminators and it was never satisfactorily explained how that was possible. At the end of T2 we don't know the future but one thing never changes - in all timelines Kyle is always John's father Well despite all of the bad press, my personal feelings about killing off John, and the rehashing of the same story line, I am still going to go see this movie tomorrow night. I really can be objective, so I will go to the theater, process my thoughts, and come back with my opinions. Disagree, IMO T2 is not the same time line as T1. There was never any mention of more terminators sent to future dates by Kyle and according to him the time machine was going to be destroyed after he went through - "it was just him and me." The only way it could be the same time line as T1 would be if the resistance did not manage blow up everything,( or maybe there was more than one machine), and more terminators were sent back at a later date in which case Kyle would not have know about that happening. But I don't believe if the events of T2 were know by John when Kyle went back that he wouldn't have told him to make sure Sarah knew there would be future threats. Other than my favorite NFL team and college sweats, I don't have anything that has printing on it, but I did recently see one that I would like to wear to a mandatory family New Years Eve party. "Sorry I'm Late - I Really Didn't Want To Come." I was born in 1950 and my mother did laundry with a ringer washer and laundry tubs in the basement. We didn't have an automatic washer until I was a teenager. She hung clothes outdoors in nice weather and during the winter on lines in the basement where it took clothes several days to completely dry. She finally got a dryer, but nothing smells as good as things dried outside when the sun is shinning. LOL No. Let it die. Unless someone would come along and promise to make a movie that all of us die hard fans want to see, then sadly it's time to pull the plug. if it does poorly, who will they find to finance sequels? if it does poorly, who will they find to finance sequels? According to Cameron, only T1, T2, and now DF are cannon so this is the one true sequel to the first two. Personally, I say BS. There is the timeline of T1 where John grows up and becomes the leader of the resistance - IMO, that will never change. I consider T1 to be a stand alone story and T2 exists in another timeline. Despite all of the debate about it, Cameron has said, and I agree, that Kyle was always John's father which means the story never changes and loops over and over again . I personally like the concept of T3 being the sequel to T2 rather than DF, where judgement day is just delayed and will always happen and John continues down the path we know, but that exists in the timeline of T2, not T1. Do you think women really need that or is it something that just a few kooks on the far left and Hollywierd think is necessary? As a woman I know we kid around about women being superior to men, but no more than men who do the same thing. At the end of the day, why can't women be women and men be men and be happy there is a difference? Unless they are on a date do you really think most women go to see this type of movie? No, if I do that I won't have enough time to finish my popcorn. Yep, the name of that one will be Terminator Resurrection. The future will decide Dani isn't going to cut it and they need help. By then they will have figured out how to transport people from the past to the future. They will send an intercept terminator to prevent John's death by whisking him away to the future. The terminator in DF that is supposed to kill John will be pissed off so kills the owner of the beach bar and starts a chain of franchises in Latin America. I'm still going to go see this mess Tuesday night. Well, they could have had had another actor play John. His death in DF is so lame. I could have accepted John being killed at the end of T2 much more than I can in DF. The fact that a alternate ending to T2 was shot in the future with an adult John makes me believe Cameron never intended for him to die young - at least in the 90's. Even if it was decided that they wanted to do away with his character and have another leader emerge, why couldn't they have kept him in DF fighting future terminators and having him and Sarah die hero's deaths at the end? I can't find where anyone wants to take ownership of the killing John at the start of the movie idea - have I missed something?