JohnMcCock's Replies

What in the fucking hell?? Damn, you are such a fucking pussy. "3) The over the top blood flow. It's just too much. What's the point?" Wtf?? Pussy. Hahahaha nice one !! XD this sums up 2020 pretty well! What the hell is wrong with that? Someone has a huge ego apparently, so he understands Will Smith. "All the endings have holes in them though. In the end I think its the journey and not the destination we should concentrate on with regard to this movie." JohnMcCock thought that even the journey was poorly written. Isn't it, technically, a 2019's movie? "Speaking of the Razzies; Adam Sandler holds 9 "wins" and 26 nominations. I know Sly had "won" more than Sandler, and I could be wrong (crazy, right? Admitting that I may be incorrect. Absolutely unheard of in this day and age) but Sandler is basically tied for nominations (not wins). " Sly is still a better actor than Sandler and, despite all the razzies, received 3 Oscar noms. JohnMcCock is saying that Sandler is barely a better actor than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Steven Seagal.. Once again, Sly Stallone won this award so.. even though he is, at least, a better actor than Sandler. So, I give you that much. Btw, Sandra Bullock might have won it the same year, but not for the same movie. So, indeed, it doesn't mean shit, but not for the reasons you believe. "Adam Sandler won the National Board of Review for Best Actor," Yup, this award has just a little bit more worth than a Teen Choice Award (where he is a favorite). You know at which awards he is also very popular? The Razzie Awards! Congrats to him! Just a reminder: Sylvester fucking Stallone won at the National Board of Review for Creed. Tell me about their credibility.. "The "what's real and what's imaginary" isn't so much a plot-twist as it is a form of narration. It's called the "unreliable narrator" and has been used in fiction literature since the dawn of fiction literature. " Thank you, this op is a delusional moron. JohnMcCock thinks that anyone who says that Adam Sandler deserves an Oscar should have their heads checked. "You made some very decent points, but where your arguments started to slip was where you had to resort to depicting the people who don't share your opinion/sentiments (and your pretentiousness, of course) as children ("13 year old gamers", "nerds"...etc.) and that everyone who disagrees with you is somehow defective." Yes, this attitude is typical of morons who know that their opinion is not so valid and need to resort to insults to make their point. It's obvious and despicable. "You think we live in a "more-is-more realm of thinking" while it's obvious we live in a "my opinion = concrete fact" way of thought, as evidenced by many, many (too many to count) posts/debates here on MovieChat...including your OP here." Damn, you just became JohnMcCock's hero. "Edit: I also noticed that you mentioned, in the same post I might add, you hadn't actually seen "Uncut Gems" yet AND that Sandler should/might win the Oscar for "a far superior and layered performance". Was just curious as to how one comes to a conclusion like that without having seen the performance." By being a Sandler's fanboy. How do you think he still gets te right to make his shitty movies? "Sandler actually might get an Oscar nomination for a far superior and layered performance. " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA well now THAT'S a good fucking laugh. Take your medication pal, you obviously have a problem with your head if you say that Sandler is even remotely close from being as good as Phoenix in Joker.. let alone better. His possible Oscar nomination is a product of your imagination. Adam Sandler will NOT fucking be nominated!!! Never, ever.. fucking get used to the idea. -.- There is just as much chance that Sandler gets EVER nominated to an Oscar than Steven Seagal. JohnMcCock would say: used to be. JohnMcCock wants an answer.. JohnMcCock requires an answer, fucktard (Taran-fag and gjb-retard). JohnMcCock requires an answer, fucktards (Taran-fag and gjb-retard). JohnMcCock would say that people might care too much about other people's opinions, even though they should try to care less. If everyone had the same opinion, the world wouldn't have much diversity, right? JohnMcCock knows a few people who rejected other people from their lives, or very simply unnecessarily hostile with them, based solely on their political views...?! Okay, maybe there's more to a person than that. What JohnMcCock would say is: live and let live, think for yourself and let people think for themselves. At the very least, being a radicalist who thinks that only his opinion is right and everything else is wrong makes you a very vile person. You can't have an argument here, all you can say will be dismissed and, in some instances like I said a few lines back, you will receive an unnecessarily mean response. So come on people, like jgb2074 said it so well, let's all work together instead of against each others because... you can find someone who will agree with on everything, so why even bothering? Unless you are are talking about a psychotic opinion which clearly goes against the norms set in our society. JohnMcCock knows that if someone tells him that it should be legal to murder babies, he might call the police on that person... or, at the very least, not wishing to have this person around him. The key is: use your judgment.