JohnMcCock's Replies

You use the same kind of empty argumentation replying only with gifs and emojis that you used with the moderator.. and you think it's clever.. *eyes rolled* "One thing I believe about Travolta and Cruise is that they believe Scientology to be part of their secret to success" That could hypothetically work for Cruise, but Travolta's success is WAY passed its prime. If I go for "tallent", neither of them two would come instantly to my mind.. Well, even as a non religious person, I think that your approach is very narrow and close-minded (by fear that they might be a bit of same thing). You are lucky. You might live in a place where people have better values and more human decency. Apparently, she left the guy she had after me the same way. So it might not be "was" lol. Yeah, sorry, I didn't read every comments before saying that. I later understood that the OP is the kind of person who criticize only when it suits his case, but it will only be one way.. "ANYone who breaks up with someone by text is a coward and an asshole. Gender is immaterial." Yeah, I totally agree. However, not everyone agrees and some think that it only goes one way. My ex of 2 and a half years left me by text, and apparently, according to some people, I was a little bitch because I didn't think it was right and that she was a coward. Btw, the example I gave iny previous post and the case of my ex are totally unrelated. Ah, sorry, my bad. Okay so the fact that I despise your kind of sensitive little snowflakes, it makes me a troll? In that case, you are better to do that thing you are a professional at: report me, since I go against the rules! A guy leaves a girl by text: he is a coward and an asshole. A girl leaves a guy by text: she is strong and simply didn't love him anymore and, hence, didn't feel the need to give him anything more than a text. Yes, I've seen this double standard in action. I even knew a guy who personally bashed another guy for leaving his girl by text, but congratulated another girl for doing the same to her guy. This IS pathetic and a guy who does that IS pathetic. Hmmm... what irony?? I don't see any irony, I just see a regular guy who had more than enough of all the women's bullshit. "My point is that there are no threads bashing men by women ever." Hmmmm excuse me, WHAT? "Because when a woman doesn't like a man there must be something wrong with the man. When a man doesn't like a woman though, there must be something wrong with the man. " This is, unfortunately, accurate. Well, I am in a happy relationship right now and wouldn't exchange her for anything, and still, I agree with OP. So, finding the right person doesn't automatically change your mind on this. I already got really tired of women's bullshit way before I found my current girl. "Meanwhile, if a man points this out, or levels any sort of criticism at women they are immediately crucified by both sides - the women obviously don’t like being called out on their backwards psyches" Wow dude, I couldn't agree more. I love it how women say "it doesn't matter to me if he has money or an expensive car, I only don't want the guy to be an asshole". And then TADAM, they date ONLY guys who fit these criterias. If you dare to call them up on their hypocritical bullshit, you get called an incel or some other degrading thing like that. I know, not ALL women are like this, I know many women who are fairly true to that and seek guys who respect them. My girlfriend is like that. But, oh boy, how many women I know who fit better in the category you described so well. I even knew girls who were in abusive relationships constantly complaining about how toxic their relationships were.. and still stayed with their jerks. Okay if it was only about that. NO! When I tried to convince some of them to leave their relationships, they were giving ME shit for "talking out of my ass" and they would tell me to stop and mind my own business.. while THEY were the ones complaining to me personally. Yeah, women can be full of shit. "the men are lined up to defend them because they are desperate and think it will help them get laid. It’s really pathetic. You will see plenty of this below in the comments." Yeah, I totally agree, I know guys like that and I find it SO irritating and pathetic. Honestly, I sympathize with you amd admire your patience with annoying users like April. People like him are clearly not on the Internet to debate, but to feel like everyone should agree with them and with what they consider offensive. You are doing a great job! "you can not judge things of today by yesterday's standards. " Yup, and even though in many cases it is a good thing, it is also very annoying in many others. Like, for instance, your whining.. Okay so basically, you are one of those PC little pussies who get triggered by everything, and can't accept that some people still have older standards from the days when not everyone was an easily offended pussy? Jeez, I love the 21st century.. "Unhappy people who just like to make everyone else's lives as miserable as their own." It isn't supposed to affect your life that much.. Ah man, you clearly didn't go through everything because .. oh boy.. people bring politics even when it doesn't have ANY relevance or connection to the subjects.