JohnMcCock's Replies

Well, there are some sensitive snowflakes around here. As the moderator said: you didn't bother to follow up your complaint, so boo-fucking-hoo. If this is the way you want to deal with things on Internet, I suggest Safe Space.. Awwww you sensitive little snowflake. THank you, report buttons have always been used by cry-babies who get offended because someone doesn't think like them. And as you pointed out, often the people who report write unpleasant replies themselves. Was about time that a moderator took care of the situation. Yes, JohnMcCock was talking to the OP. Sorry for the confusion. OP just doesn't seem like he wants to understand and put a lot of efforts to explain how it doesn't fit with the continuity . However, it is nothing more complicated than: it wasn't planned, so it wasn't thought throughout. Hey, moron, the fact that Vader was Luke's father WASN'T PLANNED at that point. Grrrrrrr.. Okay, Walt Jr. was annoying, indeed. However, your answer is bit too extreme dude. You are talking about his father who should have murdered him. It's a bit psychotic. Well, obviously JohnMcCock doesn't know the whole story behind, so I am missing details. But from was seen in the video, he does become a bit too mad during the second half of the video, and it a little but... "pathetic. However, he is not totally wrong: some Star Wars fanboys are really a bunch of whiny little bitches.. People have the right to be disappointed by the new trilogy. Do JohnMcCock only have to search "Reteovlasting" on yourtube to find the video? At least he is not making up "break even" numbers.. HMMmm.... what is it that you are talking about? :o I obviously missed something.. It's the best place to hide so JohnMcCock can fuck your mom without being caught .. :p Aaawwwwww guesse who's not nominated? Nah, you know. ^^ Oooooowwwwwww guess who's not nominated? Without ANY surprise: Adam Sandler! :D Meanwhile, Banderas just received his first Oscar nod. JohnMcCock can also see that you edited your post so people don't see that you were delusional enough to believe that Sandler had a shot. How cute.... Yeah, it hap'ens to a lot of movies that come out at the end of the year. Some studios do it on pirpose to be as close as possible from the Oscar ceremony, and still qualify for the ending year. This, strangely, seems to sum up his mentality .. Is this true? If so, wow.. Spike Lee is an hypocritical whinny little bitch. Great filmmaker, but a despicable person.