Corneileous's Replies

Not from what I read. The F35 lightning is every bit GPS dependent just like the F18 is. <blockquote>Same as Marty, changes to his past cause him to disappear from the former timeline. In Marty's case, <i>he would've never been born.</i></blockquote> Are you sure about that? If memory serves me correctly, Marty was 17 years old in 1985 and in the scene where Marty learns that his mother is married to Biff, she tells him, when he asked where’s George McFly, see answers by telling him that he’s been in the same place he’s been for the last 12 years which would mean George was killed in 1973 making Marty only five years old at the time. I take it you haven’t seen any of the deleted scenes from part two, have you? If you ever get a chance to watch them, there’s a deleted scene where either right before or right after Doc and Marty leave 2015 after they rescue Jennifer to end up in the skewed 1985, the scene shows old Biff where he’s hunkered down behind a parked car and he slowly fades away into thin air so that kind of tells me that if the scene would’ve gone any longer, you probably would’ve saw some kind of a change in 2015 but that’s all the movie showed was up until the point to where old Biff disappeared. Yeah, but time doesn’t know Marty and Doc are going to fix the problem old Biff created. Yeah, they have but Yellowstone is more of a show like Dexter, Game of Thrones or the Sopranos that wasn't on a network station like CBS. Those shows were on premium movie channels such as HBO and Showtime that have a little more racier content for us adults... When I re-watched the series, I watched it on the Peacock app. No censoring....LOL. Why? I didn't see it as a dud. They dont really explain it so I think it was just a typical call they had to respond to that probably had nothing to do with the original story. Just like how the guy threatening to jump off the roof of the building in the first Lethal weapon- No relevance, just a typical ay to day call. I dunno, I liked them both. Matter of fact, I really enjoyed all of them except for Salvation. Great idea but coulda been done a little better. Nah…. I don’t think so. It wasn’t. That’s what I was talking about, they left out the best part…lol. They Live is a great 80’s movie, ya gotta check it out. YouTube link below is the quote they partially borrowed. So, let's see.... the US, I'm assuming, would be a better place, you think, if conservatives joined the crazy left? Hmm... so you're saying this would be a better place if we had no borders, limited rights, no guns, abortion up to the full 9 month term, 10-dollar a gallon gas, 20-dollar an hour minimum wage and a government powerful enough that when it says jump, we happily say how high? No thank you. Lefty democrats need to be eradicated. Doesn’t bother me none but I don’t think banks and shit need to be closed because of it. Yep, it’s real easy to say gun laws work in a country when there’s hardly any guns for bad people to use illegally. Yeah, so?…lol. Yeah, so? And stating that useless point proves what, exactly? There’s probably a whole bunch of reasons why that was, which probably had nothing to with what you said. So they're supporting politicians who support gun rights. Gun manufacturers are already rich so what's your point? True case of Trump Derangement Syndrome right there. Wrong. So utterly wrong. You’re so blinded by your own stupidity into believing that hogwash that you’re incapable of recognizing real solutions. That ain’t no damn lie.