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kr197s's Replies

Dude she is skanky. Fortunately the FBI is on the case. This is starting to look a lot like the 2006 bloodbath when Dems retook the Senate. Even a sexting and infidelity scandal in North Carolina can't seem to shake the commanding lead Dem challenger Cal Cunningham has over GOP incumbent senator Thom Tillis. Especially hilarious was all the beltway pundits predicting that Trump would easily outdraw Biden in the ratings. I think the president was banking on it since he actually believes the bootlickers on TV who told him he won the first debate. This could have been avoided if Trump wasn't so afraid to debate Biden in a Town Hall. HAHAHAHAHA! Trump got owned. You're joking right? Magats don't think for themselves. They lack the critical thinking skills required to make that determination. It's obvious they require Dear Leader to show them by example. Cleaning house when all the rats flip on the criminal conduct of the president is going to be a thing of beauty. It's amazing just how forthcoming they are at this stage before the election is even over. This is really great info. It really exposes just how gullible the right wing is to Russian disinformation campaigns, especially the conspirator-in-chief and his sycophant Italian flunky. Well duh Watson. I do agree with you that he is hysterical even though it's not at all his intention to be. I think his advisers should have allowed him to run with his instinct of wanting to appear before supporters after he left the hospital clad in a superman shirt, underwear, and cape. He would have killed it! "Your concern over ballooning the deficit amazes me! Only when a Republican sits in the Oval Office do you appear concerned." Aren't you engaging in a fine bit of projection here? When Reagan throttled the deficit on defense spending it was Clinton that balanced the budget. It was then Bush Jr that irresponsibly cut taxes while ringing up as six trillion dollar debt by engaging in a war of choice in Iraq. Obama inherited the Great Recession from Bush and didn't have a choice but to engage in fiscal stimulus to get us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression. It was Trump that engaged in a fiscally irresponsible and unnecessary tax cut when the economy was ALREADY EXPANDING which he inherited courtesy of Obama. "Trump’s tax policy let workers have a bigger paycheck." With a far greater share going to large corporations who already pay little to no tax. You don't see how fiscally irresponsible this is to supercharge the economy during expansion while exacerbating the issue we already have with wealth inequality increasing the gap between the rich and the poor? It's these kinds of Ginni coefficient expanding economic policies that lead to economies overheating and economic ruin by squeezing the middle class. At any rate, I respect your honesty and willingness to admit to Trump's personal foibles. "It is irresponsible to rescind as it jump started the economy!" Which I did say. Again this is what I wrote: "But if it makes you feel any better I'm sure there will be no rescinding of tax cuts while the economy is still in recession as that would also be irresponsible." No, the difference as I already explained to you in my previous post, is [b]evidence[/b]. There is no evidence that Trump holds any capacity to change. All evidence so far points to him being a malignant narcissist who only thinks of himself, and if you care to look at the vast literature on malignant narcissism you'd learn that malignant narcissists don't magically reform. Reform requires a subject to recognize their mental disorder and seek change. That's practically an impossibility for a narcissist because of the very nature of the affliction. That's why I'm trying to save you the grief in your misplaced belief that he's capable of changing his stripes. He's 73 years old and it's just not going to happen. Even the office of the presidency was incapable of humbling him, you think he's going to just wake up one day and no longer be a malignant narcissist? I'm just pointing out that you're very naive to think so. Meanwhile there was never any evidence that Byrd was a malignant narcissist. And he proved through his actions he was able to change his stripes. I'm sorry to squash your misplaced hope that you idol is capable of change. Your opinions on Biden are strictly that, your opinion, and an uninformed one at that seeing as how you're so brainwashed to think that he's "against America". I find that really funny. As for ballooning the deficit for a tax cut, 83% of which went to the top 1% and corporations, it's you fiscally wreckless and selfish conservatives who actually think rescinding an irresponsible tax cut made during economic expansion is "against America". No, it's not. It's actually the opposite. But if it makes you feel any better I'm sure there will be no rescinding of tax cuts while the economy is still in recession as that would also be irresponsible. It's fiscally irresponsible Republicans that as history demonstrates have no real idea how to manage the economy, not Democrats. Sage insight. Using racist slurs isn't cool. Are you really that naive that you think Trump is capable of changing his stripes? Let me save you the grief by telling you it's not going to happen. Change would require him to have a conscience. There is no evidence that he holds one. Do you have a learning disability or is English your 2nd language? YOU CAN'T ANSWER HOW THAT IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST! That's because you don't even know what a conflict of interest is. Refusing to answer a court packing question in NO WAY proves she has a conflict of interest that requires her to recuse herself from hearings. Are you too mentally addled to understand that you're not making the slightest bit of sense? THERE IS NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST! NOT ANSWERING IS NOT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Damn you're slow. What has he accomplished? I wouldn't call getting nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by an hard right anti-immigration Norwegian politico an 'accomplishment'.