DesertDingo's Replies

I did try to paragraph. It would not let me. Thank you Well, I debated about posting that and then no more room. lol Quick to finish here... RB had so many issues with alcohol and drugs. Things could so easily be not as he remembered if remembered at all. BUT why now with these girls and why all it once? As written above, I do get that. but all at once? Now? Perhaps they feel the power in the numbers? That could be a big part of it. One comes out with it so I am going to as well. Very less scary. Power in numbers. This one does not seem quite as far-fetched as others though. Then, mho I feel in my heart that Blasey was definitely a shill. Set up to Bring him down. If you do not know who I am talking about by her name, wonder where she disappeared to lol, Ummm thinking you need to go back to school for more reading comprehension sweetie. 6213111566 Karma is a bitch. You do reap what you sow and she spread LOSER in her every word and action. I absolutely loathe what she did to the team. She is not about the TEAM or America. She is all about herself. The women's team gets much less viewership, (especially after her antics) Why should they get paid the same as men? It should truly be based on popularity, not even skill. Trust me, if your skill is phenomenal, people will be watching. Ask Brady or Ronaldo or Hank's and that's why the true goats in every genre get paid the most. People want to watch excellence in sports, acting (since we are on MC), and so on. Not whiney, losing mediocrity. Who should make more (and does) Margot Robie or one of the other Barbies? IMHO A. Hype. B. Nostalgia of many grown women. Many millions had (have) Barbie Dolls. And yes I didn't say people on purpose. Females were the target market and buyers when talking about nostalgia. Maybe a few 'fellas' did, but not enough to make a dent. C. A lot of people (esp women) like Ryan. D. A lot of people (esp men) like Margot. E. Pretty colors draws everyone in, especially children. Looks like a cartoon come to life. Kind of is what it is actually. F. Couldn't we say the same about Batmen, Superman, heck most carton-derived movies. Just to be able to say "carton derived" should be enough. That needed a Like or LOL Button. Good Job. Man, I hate to admit it, but I actually watched Operation Petticoat recently. haha haha true. Was hitting up Cary Grant movies for some reason. I wish there was a like button :) Maybe Cillian Murphy identified as Jewish to get into the role. I am totaly serious. Also, I personaly had not a wee bit of knowledge he might not be Jewsih till I read this here. Now for the not serious part... Perhaps if he dropped his britches and drawers I might have gone Hmmmm, I wonder. Lol that is how ludicrous this concern is. Back to serious. So do we think every single actor that represented Jewish in Shindlers list was? It can not always be done and sometimes perhaps the best person for the role gets it. (interesting concept). That 2nd part covers a lot of the non gays playing gays controversy that goes on. So wait...Let's reverse then, so a gay person should never play a straight then? Uh huh. BTW Schindler's used tons of Polish Catholics for Jews. Interesting fact. A lot here think it was no biggy because it was in an adult theater. I get that. However, remember he was highly regarded and known as a children's entertainer. It was 1991, and tons of Adult Videos were out then. He could have easily whipped it out at home and cleaned the knob there instead of at a public theater. Any public entity with 2 cents of brain power to do that no matter who is setting themselves up for trouble and to be caught actually. Maybe was part of his kick. Who knows. Of, course let us not forget his teen boy art collection. Even more concerning. Hmmm Wish this board had a like or haha button. So many on this thread that need it. Funny, I came here to see if anyone was talking about just that. I don't know about yucky but I would certainly call it something. I work from home. I choose this as my background noise while working. I knew from the first show I would not get too interested to get distracted. Hate to say, it is why I chose it. I am to the point that I make bets with myself about who is going to be with who when I look up or take a break. Sometimes I am surprised when someone new came to town I didn't even catch. Just a bit ago I looked up to Hart in bed with a tall dude and glasses she is having a relationshio with. I am like where did he come from? Screwed up my whole system. LOL Such an inane show. Have to add, From the 1st show as we met charecters, I thought if Hart ever gets with Wade this show is Fu@ked. Didn't take as long as thought. Lemon and the Mayor? No chemestry. He is not good looking as well. I always think of bubba shrimp when he isn't talking and just standing there. I keep waiting for Hart and the other Doc. You know, the one she thinks of as a father figure now. :) wow Coming in late but... Obviously you are a disciple of the "left-wing party". You know, the same one that made George Floyd a gentle giant martyr? Pretty much says all you need to know about liberals. In case you don't know about sweet GF... "George Floyd was arrested and charged with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon in August 2007. According to investigators, he had entered an apartment by impersonating a water department worker and barging in with five other men. He then held a pistol to a woman’s pregnant stomach and searched for items to steal. Floyd pleaded guilty in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison". Want more? There is plenty. I so hate that I am feeding a troll but somethims you just have to. I was pretty sure you were either very immature or actually 12 years old just by reading your first few threads that came up when clicked. Exhibit A. Birthday, age 79 in 2043 on May 28 posted 9 hours ago in Kylie Minogue She old as fuck. Good ass most throughout life, though! Did you know that INXS' Michael Hutchence once fucked that? He died... B. Her ass is not good. Very worrysome. posted 9 hours ago in Margot Robbie C. She looks fuckable posted 9 hours ago in Bella Heathcote You seem to be the epitome representation of the basement dweller with sticky palms and a pock-marked face. A bit disappointed at myself for even commenting on your pablum spew. Do not fret "Droid", I will not read (much less respond) to any of your uneducated, uninspired, retorts. Just smh. Rhoda Morgenstern‘s apartment Mary Tyler Moore show episode some of my best friends are Rhoda Okie Dokie. Glad we agree on pne point anyways. Yes yes so many. Got to find to watch toimorrow! :) Love Alantic City when she pushes him out of vehicle and he lays there and just lights one up LOL Great Movie. Rumor has it was Manny. I'm binge-watching Saul and often when Nacho was on screen I thought wow so like Manny. If it was indeed Manny as speculated, He could be replaced with Nacho easily. Same oozing sexiness. Same demeanor. Quiet but has 'it'. Add the neck tatt and done. The people that mattered is a Jury of 12 that believed him. They heard every single word and image of evidence and believed him. EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. Time to move on. Check it out. Someone in the comments mentions at 0:02 - 0:04 you can see the plates start with letters ADP. That was on all the police scanners' searches when it first went down. I heard it too. Does not affect the case but hope people know that one of the men shot in self-defense has quite a record (I'll take Kyle on my side than this one any and every day)... "Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity with children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old." Oh and this... "He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse)." Nice guy huh