Grifterhunter's Replies

You do know it. You are just too cowardly to admit it. Next thing. Why don't you call him out on his racism? You have no issue calling out a liberal for racism. Why is he exempt from being called out on his racism? Nope I also showcased what his responses were. Anyone who responds the way he did indicates he is not in it for a real debate. He only wants his points echoed back at him. You know he isn't going to listen to sound reason. You just have dug yourself so deep that now admitting defeat would make you look foolish. So now you gotta dig your heels in. I was able to prove he was racist beyond the shadow of a doubt. Remember you originally were trying to claim I couldn't prove it. Once I did you went oh shit it wasn't a race card and now are doing damage control. So here is a question. Why don't you call him out for being racist when you call tons of liberals racist? So it's ok for him to be racist then and not for liberals? He brought up that topic as a means to stroke a fire. You don't believe for one second he wanted an honest debate. It was race baiting. Had a liberal done that you would call them out. Nope bullshit. Notice how you bypassed you getting proven wrong. I proved he was a racist, I proved he doesn't want a reasonable debate. His responses proved that. He only wants his points spit back at him. He isn't open to debating otherwise his responses wouldn't be things like saying whites are superior and are made to feel guilt about it. My whole point about him was he brought up white guilt as an antagonistic tactic to race bait. You know this deep down and are afraid to admit it. I wasn't the only one to point this out. You just don't take issue with his bigotry or racism because it favors whites. If this was the other way you would sing a different tune. Stop lying and be honest for once. I can eat you alive in debating. You are too chicken shit to man up and do it. Nope I still believe that. We aren't talking about why I think whites are less happy. We are talking about his reason for bringing up that issue. He did it as a means to race bait. He believes blacks and others ruined their lives that's not what I believe. Nice attempt at twisting things but the point stands. Lol no you don't. He isn't going to listen to sound reason. He is a closed minded buffoon. If he wanted to debate it honestly he would be open to hearing the other side. He isn't. He only wants his view echoed back at him. You know that and are playing dumb. Deep down you know you lost and are throwing shit at the wall. It's ok it's your right to be wrong. Nope bullshit. You have no idea the policies I support. I am willing to debate them. The thing is anyone who doesn't by default agree with your view is seen as racist. Anyways I proved he is a racist and I proved he won't debate honestly. I won that part of the debate. You lost it. Rubbing that in your face feels great. Now we can move onto discussing policies if you wish. I proved he is racist and unwilling to debate honestly. No you don't, I call bullshit. You only question antics when it's done by people you personally don't like. An honest debate? He thinks whites are superior to other races, he thinks only whites should exist in America and everyone else should be deported. You think someone of that mindset is going to debate honestly? The only thing he wants to hear is they are less happy because blacks and others fucked up their lives. You know that's what his endgame is and are too cowardly to admit that. I can debate all day on why whites are less happy. He only wants one narrative which is the one I mentioned. In one of the early responses he says whites feel guilty for being superior to other races. Yeah that's someone who really wants an honest discussion right? Not talking about if he's right on the issue. My original point was his reason for bringing it up was antagonistic. You and I both know that. Don't play dumb. Forgive corbell he is an idiot. Go easier on him. Because what's the intent behind it? Is he honestly doing it for a genuine discussion? Or his he trying to rile up a fire and piss people off? Given his history I think that it is rather obvious what he is doing. If it was coming from a genuine person I would believe it's a genuine reason in his case I don't feel it's genuine. He's a racist. No spin. You lied and can't dispute it. You are lying again. I did follow up. He is racist and thinks whites are superior. I proved that. Nope it was an answer you didn't like. I don't give a shit if you like it, it was an answer. I appreciate you admitting to lying. It shows growth. Lying is shit behavior also. So you can do shit behavior but no one else can? Nice logic there. The point stands you lied when you said I didn't answer. When you blatantly lie no. Let's not lie and go from there. Sound good? So back to the original point. The guy's reason for posting the op was not genuine. He was race baiting. No it did make sense you just didn't like it. Anything you don't like doesn't make sense to you. Even if that were true which it isn't but even if it were I gave an answer. So your claim I didn't answer was a lie on your end. Lol and I'm the one stonewalling? I answered, you didn't like the answer. You are an insecure deadbeat who I bet has nothing go on in life. I answered when you said I didn't. That's a lie. You ignore things constantly. The point stands I gave the reasons as to why whites were happier. You just didn't like my reason. You are stonewalling. Actually I did answer it. He is lying abd said I didn't. See how deceptive he is? There is the proof I answered. Nope actually I answered it. This is you being deceptive. Well you glamorize the 80's so much I figured he was relevant. I love how I proved that Aliens was woke and you couldn't refute it. That was hilarious. Either way I love seeing you exposed whether it's by me or anyone else with half a brain on these boards. Your denial is noted again. Reagan was not some saint by the way. He like all of them had his dirt also. Your denial is noted. So how many times have I beaten you now? I defeated you and proved you Aliens was woke, I proved the op was racist, I actually answered your questions and proved you wrong there. Let's debate the drug war and I will have no issue knocking your ass out on that issue also. You seem to think the 80s had no issue and that Reagan had no flaws. You realize things he said about other races right?