Grifterhunter's Replies

Lol and you thinking his reasons are genuine is cowardly of you. That guy is a racist piece of shit and I proved it. Nope we went over this before. The economy has a huge impact on mental health and happiness obviously. Whites in the 50's were happier also why is that? I didn't attack the view I attacked the reason he is posting. Sorry man you aren't going to trip me up I was clear in what I said. You are angry because you can't dispute him being a racist. So now you are attempting to discredit the reason I think he posted about that topic. Something can be true no matter who it comes from. But... You can see if someone is pointing out for genuine reasons or if it's an attempt to gaslight. No I wouldn't say he's being sincere. See how that works? You just completely waved reasonable doubt of his reasons. He has a past history of being racist yet you don't question his reasons. That's scary dude. Seek help. And what's his solution? Oh yeah to deport all other races from America except white people. It's a form of gaslighting that you are too dumb to see. So no I just see through the bullshit. You think a racist is being genuine is what I find funny. He doesn't have to mention his reason to draw up it's for some sort of agenda. I believe the agenda has malice behind it. I have good grounds to think that considering his proven racism. You are a dipshit. Nope I just don't buy his reasons for bringing up the message. His reasons have an agenda behind them. They aren't genuine. I would like to discuss the drug war. I want you to honestly debate me. Not run away from facts and answer questions honestly. Denial is not dismantling facts. You got schooled. I dismiss something that doesn't go along with facts. The point stands Hudson had more experience than Ripley. Lol I'm good. I don't give two shits to share with you what it is. You don't care about my reason. Just like how you didn't care about me proving he was a racist piece of shit. I proved he was racist and you dismissed it. I see how you handle proof. That was a test and you failed it. Concede that I proved he was racist and then we can proceed. Yeah nope. You had no intent on discussing the drug war when I brought that issue up. You clam up and dismiss any discussion regarding that. Then you get mad when people don't support something that targets a specific group yet are fine with the drug war. The drug war targets poor folks more so than it does rich people and you are perfectly ok with that. So I don't care to hear your bullshit on playing victim about your group being targeted when you don't give a shit about others. Nope it goes by your logic. Since Ripley had less experience she shouldn't have been showing a more experienced man how it was done. Vasquez was a marine and a woman, Ripley didn't have to calm her down like she did Hudson. Hudson and the leader both men got shown up by a less experienced woman. Newt the little girl happened to be the one who survived over her brother? She just so happens to be a girl? Coincidence or woke nonsense? That is woke by your logic. You can't dispute that either. You couldn't refute it. So sit your ass down be quiet and take the education I'm giving you. Hudson having more experience than Ripley isn't an assertion. That's a fact. He is a trained experienced marine. He has more experience with life and death scenarios. That's a fact. That point stands and you can't fight it. I love rubbing that right in your stupid smug face. I didn't ignore it. You just couldn't dispute a fact. It's me winning that debate. The pony stands Hudson has more experience than Ripley. Dispute that bitch or concede. No wrong I don't know if I agree with him on the issue. I believe he has a hidden agenda for posting that. Also no he believes whites are the superior race. He thinks if whites having dominion over other races makes them happier then it should be applied. So um yeah no we don't agree on the reason. Bullshit. Fuck off with your lies you deceitful piece of shit. Nope I've actually been able to dismantle your words quite easily actually. Such as the case that Hudson had more experience than Ripley. You dropped that because I defeated you in that debate. The point stands Hudson had more experience than Ripley and she had to tell him what to do and had to calm down a trained experience marine. Nothing but woke nonsense. Nope I was able unlike you provide proof of a claim. Notice how you ask for proof of claims and now once I provide one you don't want to acknowledge it? Got it you don't want proof and when you asked me to backup a claim you were playing troll boi games. The point stands he is a racist and I proved it. How am I supposed to know that? I don't have the ability to read minds. However I am not dumb. He is not stating that point for a genuine reason. There is some sort of ulterior motive behind him doing that. I am angry because morons like you are too stupid to see through it. If a liberal stated something like this with some sort of agenda you wouldn't hesitate to call them on it. With this clown you say nothing. Which goes back to rules for thee not for me. Bullshit. I can tell that's what you are doing. Let's see if you are honest. Was my proof of that racist proof if racism or was it me playing the race card? What previous reasoning? That I said he said it for not genuine reasons? Yeah nope my point on that is still consistent. The point doesn't bother me, the reason he is posting about it bothers me. He is doing it with ulterior motives. You know it and I know it. Nope bullshit. I don't support don't policy which is harmful to anyone. That's rich coming from a guy who supports the drug war. Comical irony alert! Because as I said he is doing it for a shit reason. You do the same for people on the left that are pretending to talk about things when it's not genuine. I'm not upset about the economy. I'm upset at him for pretending to be genuine. You are gaslighting dumbass.. I can tell you are implying that. I don't care that you say that. Your actions say otherwise. I never said that this country was racist. The point stands the effects of racism didn't disappear right after that agreement happened. Go fuck yourself. Nope bullshit. You just can't take being wrong. I think white people of the 50's were happier than white people of today. The economy has a lot to do with the state of happiness. So um yeah can I state that they were happier in the 80s sure but they were happier in the 50s also. I never said what he said was untrue. I said I don't think he is saying that for s genuine reason. Two things can be true at once. Bi partisan agreement doesn't mean racism disappeared or the effects went away. Make sure you keep that in mind. You are a brainwashing gaslighting idiot. I see through it though. Nope I just provided proof proving you wrong. Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitch!