MovieChat Forums > Politics > White people in the 80's

White people in the 80's

Remember when it was fun to be White?


It's still fun being white. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Crazy American liberals can lick my hairy bollocks.


You're still having fun. I'm still having fun. But a lot of White people are not having fun. We got to help'em ditch the White guilt and turn that frown upside down.


White guilt? 😂😂😂😂


A lot of White people hate themselves. They feel guilty for being superior to other races. They don't admit it to themselves but that's what they really think. That's why they feel guilty.


Nah we really don't. Thanks for the laugh though


Do you speak for all White people?


I speak for 99.9999% of them who don't feel an ounce of guilt. Anyone with common sense knows that no one has a choice when and where they were born, and what race they were born into.


So why are so many of them woke?


Most aren't


You feel no White guilt and are happy to be White?


There are clearly white people who dislike themselves, who dislike other white people for being white, and feel guilty about being white.

It's a shame because one thing they've accidentally done is increase the momentum of that by hiding the fact that less than 10% of the global population is white.

Repeat: in 2024, less than 10% of the global population is white.

So, instead of loving themselves, they go around teaching each other they must consider the "minorities" -- forgetting that they ARE a minority!

1. The solution is always more love.
2. More love STARTS with more love to yourself first. (Only after that you can start loving someone else)
3. This applies to all people.. and especially to the people who only represent 9.5% of the global population.


People's unhappiness in the modern era (specifically white people) is down to alot of things, mental health crisis, social media use, drug use, terrible food we eat, terrible messages from the media, from musicians, actors, telling us we have to get plastic surgery or use ozempic to burn off fat, There are ENDLESS reasons for how unhappy people are now. I would say the main difference between now and the 80s/90s is social media/ the internet.

Endlessly comparing yourselves to other more attractive people on instagram, facebook, etc thinking you have to compete.

Putting it all down to "white guilt".. that's just a gross oversimplification and total cop-out.
Come on, now. I'm white, I don't have "white guilt"..

"White guilt"? Give me a break. That is just a conservative buzzword. They throw that phrase around alot. In specifically right-wing circles. It doesn't actually mean anything.

Like I said, we have a multitude of reasons for our unhappiness in modern society, and we are aware of them all. The economy for one, Which I didn't even mention. But putting it down to "white guilt" is just a weak surmise.


White Democrats have always been miserable losers.


This is true. I was miserable until I abandoned the left.


And that was in California, which was already well aboard the pozz train. In the saner parts of the country, white people were even more genial. It was a completely different, and far, far better country.


I remember the 80's. It was good times.
I'm not familiar with the term "pozz". Can you explain?


It comes from the practice of fags purposely infecting themselves with HIV (positive test result = poz) so that they could freely engage in promisuous fag sex without worrying themselves about their partner's HIV status.

In today's slang, it's used to describe a goup of people, an institution, or a landmass (country, region, state, etc.) that has actively embraced all the diseased causes of the left, from blank slate egalitariansim (DEI), to gender, to climate alarmism, and beyond.

For example, the NFL and just about every sportsball league in the world, is completely pozzed. Look at the Buffalo Bills website, every last story on it is a tale of how the franchise is concerned about queers, coloreds, and a host of other most favored victims. It's appalling.


Ah that makes sense. Thanks for explaining. When I first read it I figured it must be some kind of slang term for "progressives", but knowing the etymology makes that much better. I'm going to use it from now on.


For example, the NFL and just about every sportsball league in the world, is completely pozzed. Look at the Buffalo Bills website, every last story on it is a tale of how the franchise is concerned about queers, coloreds, and a host of other most favored victims. It's appalling.

Jesus Christ, there is nothing that they won't ruin. Good thing I don't pay attention to sportsball otherwise I'd have another thing to be upset about. I try to stick to media and politics. There is already plenty to complain about there.


Did someone hack the Bills' website???


They were once a football team that played a kids game on Sundays for paying customers. It now appears their existence is predicated on being a combination of Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King.


Go to the beach


Which beach?


The one where you get a tan


No I mean where is the beech for White people only?


Proud Boy Beach
You’ll fit right in!


Wasn't Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, a latinx?


A cuban black actually. So, yeah, when liberals talk about the proud boys being racist, they are living in la la land.


I stand corrected. Thank you sir.


Go to the beach


The only difference now is you cant lynch the negroes or segregate them or otherwise discriminate.
Also its no longer ok to beat up gay people, or slap women around.

If thats ruined the fun for you you'll get little sympathy


Mmmm, the heyday of lynching was in the late 1800s. By the 50s, it was down to one or two a YEAR.

This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s. The young people you saw in the video all grew up, in a culture where anti-black racism was just as taboo as it is today.

So, if something "ruined the fun for us", it's not that.

Want to try again, this time with less being a divisive, race baiting asshole?


I was only repsonding in kind to whatever the racebaiting asshole in the op was blathering about re "white guilt"


So, the answer to complaining about white guilt is to lie about the white people of the 80s?

That doesn't make sense.

What don't you like about hearing someone complain about white guilt?


first off I do not think any white people should feel guilty about slavery , or the treatment of black up until as recently as the sixties

But when people say "white guilt" they are referring to acts of equality they dont like.

"Oh you let black people on the bus now? - you've got White guilt!"

on a slightly different tack , what do think the point of the OP is?
What is he saying about the apparently happy care free 80s?


"Acts of equality"? Can you give a serious example?

I have to say that that has never been my observation of the use of the term.


So the starter of this thread isn't race baiting? You realize the starter of this thread only wants whites to be in America right? Remember we can't call that racist or rise we are playing the race card though. Rules for thee not for me.


Commenting on his perception that white people of the 80s were happier than white people today, I don't see how that is inherently divisive.

How do you imagine that it inflames racial tensions or divides people?

Walk me though your logic, that you think it is.


Lol remember when it was fun to be white? I'm sure his intent is totally genuine and sincere. Considering his history about only wanting whites in America I sincerely doubt his intentions in posting that were genuine.

Had this been a black person who had a history of that you wouldn't look past that. I am judging him based on his history. Notice how you haven't said one word to him about only wanting whites in America? You don't care so long as whites are the ones being racist.


So, when I ask you to explain how his post is race baiting, which is what you claimed,

All, you have is what you assume about his intentions based on your perceptions of his history...

You have NOTHING about his actual point, to support your counter claim.

Let me ask you something from a different angle. Do you agree with him that white people in the 80s where happier than white people today?


It's not an assumption or perception he literally said that's what he wanted.

That is proof he openly said that. Watch you will turn apologetic and attempt to downplay him saying that.

Go ahead deny his own words. I just provided proof of him saying that. Let's see how you handle this. Your response and how you take this will show if you are genuine like you claim. Am I allowed to call what he said racist? Or is that me just playing the race card?


Why are you so committed to avoiding discussing the topic? What an asshole you are.


How am I avoiding the discussion? I told you I didn't believe him posting that in the op was genuine. I told you I think he is race baiting. You said all I have is assumptions and or perception. I then provide solid proof of him wanting all blacks and other races deported from the country and that he only wants whites in America. You then say I'm avoiding the topic? Get the fuck out of here! If this was a Democrat or liberal doing this you wouldn't give any credibility to their words. You know I proved you wrong which is why you can't dispute the fact that he is in fact racist. No race card here that guy is a racist scumbag.


IF, your world, the world you have created for yourself, is such that a racist posting a racist post, is making a TRUE STATEMENT that you dislike but cannot even try to refute,

That is YOU putting yourself in an odd place.

I asked you already if you agree with him, that the white people of the 80s were happier than the white people of today.

You didn't answer me.

He has raised an issue and made a point about it. Attacking HIM, as the messenger is irrelevant to the point he made.

If his point is true, then it is true, no matter who or what he is.


I think white people of the 50's were happier than white people of today. The economy has a lot to do with the state of happiness. So um yeah can I state that they were happier in the 80s sure but they were happier in the 50s also.

I never said what he said was untrue. I said I don't think he is saying that for s genuine reason. Two things can be true at once.


So, why the hysteria if you agree with him?

Teh economy? YOu are upset because the economy in the 50s/80s were better than today?

That doesn't make a lot of sense GRift.

Why all the push back on somethiing you agree with the racist on?


Because as I said he is doing it for a shit reason. You do the same for people on the left that are pretending to talk about things when it's not genuine.

I'm not upset about the economy. I'm upset at him for pretending to be genuine. You are gaslighting dumbass..


Of course you are not upset about the economy. That is why your previous reasoning was bullshit.

Something about his point bothers you, but you are afraid to say it.

I think that you agree with the racist, both on the whites then being happier, and AS TO THE REASON they are less happy today.

The only difference is that the racist is willing to be honest about the reason and to be honest about his position and his reason for opposing that cause,

while you are not willing to be honest.

Because you are fine with the white today being unhappy. You are happy to support policies that you know are harmful to them, but you are not willing to be honest about that, and defend your positions seriously and honestly.


What previous reasoning? That I said he said it for not genuine reasons? Yeah nope my point on that is still consistent.

The point doesn't bother me, the reason he is posting about it bothers me. He is doing it with ulterior motives. You know it and I know it.

Nope bullshit. I don't support don't policy which is harmful to anyone. That's rich coming from a guy who supports the drug war. Comical irony alert!


What is the reason that you and the racist agree on?

Come on. It's not the economy. That would not explain your level of ire.


How am I supposed to know that? I don't have the ability to read minds. However I am not dumb. He is not stating that point for a genuine reason. There is some sort of ulterior motive behind him doing that.

I am angry because morons like you are too stupid to see through it. If a liberal stated something like this with some sort of agenda you wouldn't hesitate to call them on it. With this clown you say nothing.

Which goes back to rules for thee not for me.


1. Because he is pointing to a real issue. Since the issue is a real issue, you can both look at the issue and see and understand it. No mindreading, simply seeing gthe same issue and agreeing on what it is. He, like you, know the reason for the unhappiness. He is being coy because he wants to start a conversation on the issue and he knows that it will lead people to the reason. YOU agree with him on that too. Which is why you are engaging in "attacking the messenger". To STOP people from having a discussion on the issue.

2. I would be fine with a liberal starting such a discussion. Hell, I would WELCOME it, a liberal being coy trying to start a serious discussion of a real issue. Vastly superiour to the shit talk most libs do.


No wrong I don't know if I agree with him on the issue. I believe he has a hidden agenda for posting that. Also no he believes whites are the superior race. He thinks if whites having dominion over other races makes them happier then it should be applied. So um yeah no we don't agree on the reason.

Bullshit. Fuck off with your lies you deceitful piece of shit.


1. So, stop being coy. Clearly state what you think his "hidden agenda" is and how it relates to the decline in white people happiness.

2. There is nothing about anything I have ever said or done on this site, that would support your assumption that I would have a problem with a lib trying to start a conversation on an issue. That you think so, is.... merely a manifestation of how you DON'T THINK, at all.


Lol I'm good. I don't give two shits to share with you what it is. You don't care about my reason. Just like how you didn't care about me proving he was a racist piece of shit. I proved he was racist and you dismissed it. I see how you handle proof. That was a test and you failed it. Concede that I proved he was racist and then we can proceed.

Yeah nope. You had no intent on discussing the drug war when I brought that issue up. You clam up and dismiss any discussion regarding that. Then you get mad when people don't support something that targets a specific group yet are fine with the drug war. The drug war targets poor folks more so than it does rich people and you are perfectly ok with that. So I don't care to hear your bullshit on playing victim about your group being targeted when you don't give a shit about others.


1. His racism, is your attacking the messeger. You attacked the messenger becasue you are afraid of his message.

2. Your inability to think past your own assertions is incredible. I don't know if you are seriously that...fucked in the head or if it is part of your gaslighting. Either way, i have though of a way to test it. Would you like to? If you say yes, I will PM you my idea.


Nope I just don't buy his reasons for bringing up the message. His reasons have an agenda behind them. They aren't genuine.

I would like to discuss the drug war. I want you to honestly debate me. Not run away from facts and answer questions honestly.


1. His reasons? I don't recall him mentioning his reasons. Of course his reasons have an agenda behind them.

2 What a dumbass you are. I will pm you as I said. You dumbass.


He doesn't have to mention his reason to draw up it's for some sort of agenda. I believe the agenda has malice behind it. I have good grounds to think that considering his proven racism.

You are a dipshit.


Except, he believes that a discussion of the issue, will lead people to find and agree with HIS view of the problem and his solution.

That implies, very strongly that he believes that his views and his solutions are the best ones for the people reading, that if they understand them, that the readers will agree with him.

YOU, on the other hand, are trying, and succeeding in shouting him down with your little hissy fit, to PREVENT discsussion.

Which implies that you are AFRAID of any discussion of the issue. Becuase you are afraid that if people understand the issue that they will disagree with YOUR position on the issue and YOUR answer to it.

Which puts YOU in the position of the one operating from "malice".


And what's his solution? Oh yeah to deport all other races from America except white people. It's a form of gaslighting that you are too dumb to see. So no I just see through the bullshit. You think a racist is being genuine is what I find funny.


You oddly skipped over the cause of the unhappiness.

You also did nothing to address explain why you think that he is wrong about his view of the cause.

I think it is because you AGREE with him on the cause of the unhappiness.

You are afraid to discuss it, for fear that your own words will lend credibility and support to the racist.

And yes, he is clearly being sincere in his beliefs, while you are not.


Nope we went over this before. The economy has a huge impact on mental health and happiness obviously. Whites in the 50's were happier also why is that?

I didn't attack the view I attacked the reason he is posting. Sorry man you aren't going to trip me up I was clear in what I said. You are angry because you can't dispute him being a racist. So now you are attempting to discredit the reason I think he posted about that topic.

Something can be true no matter who it comes from. But... You can see if someone is pointing out for genuine reasons or if it's an attempt to gaslight.

No I wouldn't say he's being sincere. See how that works? You just completely waved reasonable doubt of his reasons. He has a past history of being racist yet you don't question his reasons. That's scary dude. Seek help.


The economy is not the reason that he or you are thinking of.

Your cowardice is very sad.


Lol and you thinking his reasons are genuine is cowardly of you. That guy is a racist piece of shit and I proved it.


How is it cowardly of me? That makes no sense.

And if he is racist, what does that say about you, who agrees with him?


And by that logic you agree with him also. Again I attacked his reasons not the point. Get the fuck out of here! It's cowardly because you know deep down his reasons are not genuine.


I repeatedly stated that I agreed with you both.

You are afraid to discuss the reason because you don't want to fix the problem.

He wants to fix the problem.

Why would I think his reason is not genuine?


No I am not. I just know his reasons are not genuine as I originally stated.

He wants to fix the problem? Yeah that's why he wants all blacks or races other than whites gone from America. I proved he stated that. Yet you think he wants to fix the problem? Wow this is a new low even for you. Go fuck yourself.


Correct. He wants to fix the problem. He wants white people to be happy like in the 80s.

What do YOU want?


I want all races to be happy not just one. So what's his solution genius? He said he wants all other races gone from America. I'd that the solution you agree with?


What is the problem that made white people unhappy?

And don'tt be a pussy. It isn't the economy. You wouldn't be having such a hissy fit if it was about economics.

Be honest, if you can.


You won't answer my question but want yours answered. What's his solution to making whites happy? Be honest now. See you are afraid to be honest about what his solution would be. That's because you know deep down it's a racist one.


You already gave his answer repeatedly, ie deport all black people. So.... why are you asking me?

I'm certainly not afraid to be honest about whatt you say his answer would be. It is irrelevant to me whether or not it is racist.

It is just that it is stupid to argue about solutions when you are afraid to say what hte problem is.


You said he wants a solution! Yeah a racist one you braindead dipshit.


Correct. He wants a solution to the problem.

You dont.

But, you both agree on what the problem is.

That's very telling.


No I do. I want all races to exist in harmony he does not.

I listed my solution you ignored it. Also so you are saying a racist solution is better than none? Am I hearing you right?


1. Do you support reparations?

2. I'm saying he wants a solution to the problem, thus sincere, while you want the problem to remain unaddressed and people to keep suffering, but you are not honest about that. THus, malicious.


I have a solution and you ignored it. You are the one who doesn't support reparations.

Improve the economy for everyone. You ignored that. Also and his solution isn't malicious? I want the drug war to stop and I want people to keep suffering? No that's your thing buddy.


1. So, was the NO you do not support reparations?

2. The economy is not the problem, so, that's simply you evading the discussion you are so afraid of.


I do for all races not just whites like you.

The economy is a big part of the problem. You are full of shit.


1. You're talking nonsense to avoid moving the discussion forward. Because you afraid of being honest.

2. The economy is not why you are having a hissy fit. It is not why you are afraid. What is the problem that you and the op agree is the problem?


Nope. You asked a question and I answered it. Move on..

Nope the point stands the economy was better back in the 80s.


1. I asked a question to show that you were not seroius about having all races live together. Your answer was a dodge, becuase you do not actually support that. If you are correct about the op, neither does he. Mmmm...

2. You are lying.


Nope I answered it. You didn't like my answer. Move onto your next pont I answered it already. You are the one stalling the conversation.

Lol no it's a fact the economy was better back then. That point stands.


There has been no conversation.

You have shit all over the thread to avoid the topic.


Correct because you want to stall the conversation. I answered the question. Move onto your point or concede.

Nope that's what you have done by not moving forward.


My point is that you and the racist agree on the problem, and he is sincere about it and you are not.


You don't need to support reparations in order to hold to the idea that all races should live in harmony.


Actually my point was that supporting reparations is demonstrating complete and total hostility to the idea of living in harmony. That is why the other lefty dodged the question. Because he knows that.


Has Grifter said he supports reparations>


You can see that he dodged the question.

That was his answer. He saw my trap and refused to answer out of fear and cowardice.


Nope actually I answered it. This is you being deceptive.


Actually I did answer it. He is lying abd said I didn't. See how deceptive he is? There is the proof I answered.


"What is the problem that made white people unhappy?"
Are you getting him to confirm what you know
or actually asking?
are white people unhappy?
I for one dont really know wht the OP is talking about , becasuse as was pointed oput to me the race relations of Black and white is pretty much the same then and now .

but look at this little exchange from earlier , what does thta tell us?

Yatzo: Go to the beach

[–] curiousMInd101 (1015) 4 days ago
Which beach?

[–] Yatzo (1522) 4 days ago
The one where you get a tan

[–] curiousMInd101 (1015) 4 days ago
No I mean where is the beech for White people only?

i think basically the new troll in town threw some outrageous race baiting up , and you two are arguing about its validity

i mean look at the post below :
"It has ruined the fun. With no lynchings, what are me an the boys supposed to do on the weekends?"


I think the implication of the op, as supported by grifthunter, is that race relations have gotten WORSE, since the 80s,

and I would have to agree.

THe op might be a troll who has run off. But Grifthunter is a troll who is staying here, BECASUE HE MOSTLY AGREES WITH THE OP.


Oh wow I'm not the only who thought he was race baiting? Wow go figure! Get wrecked you deceitful asshole.


Nope I mentioned a sincere reason. You not liking my reason does not mean my reason wasn't sincere.


Your stated reason was false to distract from the fact that you want the actual reason to remain unaddressed, that you do not want to solve the problem.

Thus your intention was insincere.


My point stands. And no my intent was sincere. I don't give a shit if you believe it of not. The point stands, the economy was better back then.


Your stonewalling is noted.


Your denial is noted. So how many times have I beaten you now? I defeated you and proved you Aliens was woke, I proved the op was racist, I actually answered your questions and proved you wrong there.

Let's debate the drug war and I will have no issue knocking your ass out on that issue also. You seem to think the 80s had no issue and that Reagan had no flaws. You realize things he said about other races right?


Your ability to talk shit is noted.


Your denial is noted again. Reagan was not some saint by the way. He like all of them had his dirt also.


Did I say ANYTHING about Reagan?


Well you glamorize the 80's so much I figured he was relevant. I love how I proved that Aliens was woke and you couldn't refute it. That was hilarious. Either way I love seeing you exposed whether it's by me or anyone else with half a brain on these boards.


It is strange the way you are unable to stay on topic.

And by strange, I mean you just throw shit at the wall like a retarded monkey.


You ignore things constantly. The point stands I gave the reasons as to why whites were happier. You just didn't like my reason. You are stonewalling.


Your "Reasoning" is just you dismissing counterpoints you don't like.

And stonewalling on that, like a brainless turd.


I answered when you said I didn't. That's a lie.


Blah, blah, blah.

You talk, but you are not really engaging in any real dialog.

It's like talking to a bot. A dumb bot.


Lol and I'm the one stonewalling? I answered, you didn't like the answer.

You are an insecure deadbeat who I bet has nothing go on in life.


Your answer made no sense in this context.

You choose to not engage in discussion yet you still want to talk.


No it did make sense you just didn't like it. Anything you don't like doesn't make sense to you.

Even if that were true which it isn't but even if it were I gave an answer. So your claim I didn't answer was a lie on your end.


You're cleary not interested in a conversation so....


When you blatantly lie no.

Let's not lie and go from there. Sound good? So back to the original point. The guy's reason for posting the op was not genuine. He was race baiting.


Your excuse for your shit behavior is noted and dismissed.

It is worth noting that your post is an implicit admission that your beahvior has been shit.


Lying is shit behavior also. So you can do shit behavior but no one else can? Nice logic there.

The point stands you lied when you said I didn't answer.


Thank you for admitting your shit behavior.

YOur answer was not a real answer, not in the context of this thread.

You want to whine like a fag about the posters intent or call it race baiting?

I tried to get you to discuss his reasons, you refuse to.


Nope it was an answer you didn't like. I don't give a shit if you like it, it was an answer.

I appreciate you admitting to lying. It shows growth.


YOur bullshit spin is noted and dismissed.

i see you only mentioned the race baiting of the op as shit talk, no real follow up even when prompted.


No spin. You lied and can't dispute it. You are lying again.

I did follow up. He is racist and thinks whites are superior. I proved that.


Explain how just mentioninng that whites are unhappy is "Race baiting".


Because what's the intent behind it? Is he honestly doing it for a genuine discussion? Or his he trying to rile up a fire and piss people off? Given his history I think that it is rather obvious what he is doing. If it was coming from a genuine person I would believe it's a genuine reason in his case I don't feel it's genuine. He's a racist.


I do think it was a genuine attempt at discussion. I think he thinks that a real and honest debate on the issue of WHY whites are now less happy, would be one that would support his agenda.

I think you think that too. Which is why you are so resistant to such a discussion.

YOu saying he is "racist" is not you saying he is wrong. He could be racist and he could be right about this issue.


No you don't, I call bullshit. You only question antics when it's done by people you personally don't like. An honest debate? He thinks whites are superior to other races, he thinks only whites should exist in America and everyone else should be deported.

You think someone of that mindset is going to debate honestly? The only thing he wants to hear is they are less happy because blacks and others fucked up their lives. You know that's what his endgame is and are too cowardly to admit that. I can debate all day on why whites are less happy. He only wants one narrative which is the one I mentioned. In one of the early responses he says whites feel guilty for being superior to other races. Yeah that's someone who really wants an honest discussion right?

Not talking about if he's right on the issue. My original point was his reason for bringing it up was antagonistic. You and I both know that. Don't play dumb.


"You think someone of that mindset is going to debate honestly? The only thing he wants to hear is they are less happy because blacks and others fucked up their lives. "

So, all that talk from YOU, how the reason was "the economy", and when I said that was bullshit talk from you, you are now admitting that that was, as I said, that was you talking "bullshit".

Good. About fucking time.

And, yes, I do think that someone like that would be ready to debate honestly. Becuase he really believes that.

You are the one not debating honestly, because you believe it too.

The only difference is that you are racist against white people so you are fine with policies that make them unhappy. So you don't see it as a problem, you see it as a good policy result.


Nope I still believe that. We aren't talking about why I think whites are less happy. We are talking about his reason for bringing up that issue. He did it as a means to race bait. He believes blacks and others ruined their lives that's not what I believe. Nice attempt at twisting things but the point stands.

Lol no you don't. He isn't going to listen to sound reason. He is a closed minded buffoon. If he wanted to debate it honestly he would be open to hearing the other side. He isn't. He only wants his view echoed back at him. You know that and are playing dumb. Deep down you know you lost and are throwing shit at the wall. It's ok it's your right to be wrong.

Nope bullshit. You have no idea the policies I support. I am willing to debate them. The thing is anyone who doesn't by default agree with your view is seen as racist. Anyways I proved he is a racist and I proved he won't debate honestly. I won that part of the debate. You lost it. Rubbing that in your face feels great. Now we can move onto discussing policies if you wish. I proved he is racist and unwilling to debate honestly.


You're cleary not wiling to debate your polices. Your behavior shows that.


Nope bullshit. Notice how you bypassed you getting proven wrong. I proved he was a racist, I proved he doesn't want a reasonable debate. His responses proved that. He only wants his points spit back at him. He isn't open to debating otherwise his responses wouldn't be things like saying whites are superior and are made to feel guilt about it. My whole point about him was he brought up white guilt as an antagonistic tactic to race bait. You know this deep down and are afraid to admit it.

I wasn't the only one to point this out. You just don't take issue with his bigotry or racism because it favors whites. If this was the other way you would sing a different tune. Stop lying and be honest for once.

I can eat you alive in debating. You are too chicken shit to man up and do it.


Such juvenile competitiveness.

We both know that without access to your books or precious internet IRL, you would be a shitty debater.


I never said he WASN'T a racist.

And your weird assumption that him being a racist "proves" he doesn't want a reasonable debate, is... you being very narrow minded.

He clearly believes that any real discussion will lead people do support his point of view.

Your behavior strong indicates that you fear that greatly, since you are doing so much to avoid any such discussion.


Nope I also showcased what his responses were. Anyone who responds the way he did indicates he is not in it for a real debate. He only wants his points echoed back at him. You know he isn't going to listen to sound reason. You just have dug yourself so deep that now admitting defeat would make you look foolish. So now you gotta dig your heels in.

I was able to prove he was racist beyond the shadow of a doubt. Remember you originally were trying to claim I couldn't prove it. Once I did you went oh shit it wasn't a race card and now are doing damage control. So here is a question. Why don't you call him out for being racist when you call tons of liberals racist? So it's ok for him to be racist then and not for liberals?

He brought up that topic as a means to stroke a fire. You don't believe for one second he wanted an honest debate. It was race baiting. Had a liberal done that you would call them out.


I don't know that. YOu said it, but I don't hold your opinion in very high regard.


You do know it. You are just too cowardly to admit it.

Next thing. Why don't you call him out on his racism? You have no issue calling out a liberal for racism. Why is he exempt from being called out on his racism?


And crickets... I proved my point. You are ok with racism against other races, you just don't like it against whites.


Uh?Oh, sorry, I just didn't see anything there to respond to.

You saying "Racism" doesn't mean anything.

You seem to think that is a magic word that it has some sort of power to make ...something happen when you say it.


I didn't just say racism. I was able to prove he was racist. Aside from that I also drew up his responses. It showed him bringing up that point was not him wanting an honest debate.

You said he wanted an honest debate. I proved he didn't. He just wanted to stir the pot. Deep down you know that. You are too cowardly to admit it. I have you dead to rights and you know it.

You think woke is a magic word. I don't play the race card I can prove it lol. You play the woke card.either way don't be commenting on racism anymore when you refuse to call people out for it.


YOu didn't prove anything. You said your magic word and then claimed to have proved it.

Meanwhile you are constantly running away from any discussion of hte issues you admit that the op was hinting at.


Nope you asked for proof of him being racist. I provided it. He wants only whites in America and thinks they are the superior race. That is racism! Would you like the proof again?

Nope I attacked his reason for posting not the point itself. Comprehend what you read dumbass.


We are way past that. You mentioned it, YOu claimed stuff, I didn't care enough to check to see if you were telling the truth, cause it really didn't matter.

That hasn't been a point of discussion for days.

You didn't notice?


No bullshit. You didn't want to check because you knew it hurt your point. I provided proof and you ignored it. That proved he had no interest in a genuine discussion like you claimed.

No it was the entire point.


HOw does it hurt my point?

Do you even understand what my point is?


Because you claimed he was bringing it up for genuine discussion. I provided his responses. Are you honestly this dumb?

You say his complaints aren't invalid because he is racist. That wasn't the deal. You said he wanted an honest discussion.

No a piece of shit like him only wanted to stir the pot. Period!


What is the issue he wanted to discuss?


Let's not play dumb. He brought up how whites were happier in the 80's. Ok we established that. He said in his responses that whites are the superior race and are made to feel guilt about it. What did this imply? It implies whites would be happier if they had dominion over blacks because after all they are the superior race. Yet you claim he brought that up for a genuine discussion and debate? Quit playing games you idiot.

You know you are full of shit. He did that as a means race bait and stir the pot. In the early responses to the op he mentions how whites are the superior race. You are telling me he wasn't race baiting with a straight face?


What responses are you talking about? I don't recall him saying that. I recall you saying he said that in other threads, and I am tentatively willing to accept your claim.

Grift, do you understand that when someone does the ATTACK THE MESSENGER tactic, that is their brain dealing with the fact that they believe that the "messengere" is right on the argument. That that "someone" is attacking the "messenger" because THEY believe that that is the only way to create the ILLUSION, or a LIE, that they defeated the message,

when in reality they never even addressed it?

EVERY TIME, you attack the messenger in this thread, you are showing that you agree with the op on the FACTS, you just don't have the balls to admit it, and deal with the implications.


Dude... Are you serious? Ok I can literally prove this easily. Go to the op. In his second reply to Sweettooth43 this his exact quote verbatim.

A lot of white people hate themselves. They feel guilty for being superior to other races. They don't admit it to themselves but that's what they really think. That's why they feel guilty.

You don't have to be tentatively willing to accept my claim. There is proof of him saying that exact quote. I made it easy for you by providing the proof. That isn't shooting the messenger. It is me calling out antagonistic behavior. His reasons by that reply prove he is only trying to stir the pot and race bait as I originally said.

So now with me proving he said that you going to drop your shit about him not being antagonistic and wanting a genuine debate? Or you going to keep being an apologist for this guy? You lost this debate and badly.


11 days ago, him talking to someone else, and you are having a hissy fit becuase I didn't recall it?

My point stands.

Grift, do you understand that when someone does the ATTACK THE MESSENGER tactic, that is their brain dealing with the fact that they believe that the "messengere" is right on the argument. That that "someone" is attacking the "messenger" because THEY believe that that is the only way to create the ILLUSION, or a LIE, that they defeated the message,

when in reality they never even addressed it?

EVERY TIME, you attack the messenger in this thread, you are showing that you agree with the op on the FACTS, you just don't have the balls to admit it, and deal with the implications.


When I provided the proof and you ignored it? No I'm not giving you crap about not remembering, you ignored my claim even though I proved it. It shows you refused to look at proof I provided. It has nothing to do with your memory. You have the link right there. Refute it or concede. You know you can't and therefore make up stuff I am not saying because you know I won.

Nope your point got eliminated. So I will copy and paste just like you did.

You don't have to be tentatively willing to accept my claim. There is proof of him saying that exact quote. I made it easy for you by providing the proof. That isn't shooting the messenger. It is me calling out antagonistic behavior. His reasons by that reply prove he is only trying to stir the pot and race bait as I originally said.

So now with me proving he said that you going to drop your shit about him not being antagonistic and wanting a genuine debate? Or you going to keep being an apologist for this guy? You lost this debate and badly.

I proved he didn't want a genuine debate and was antagonistic. You claimed he wasn't antagonistic. Address him bring antagonistic with that reply or concede.


I didn't ignore it. I discussed how it was from 11 days ago and made fun of you for having a hissy fit about me not remembering a comment someone else made to someone else, in a section of a thread I was not part of.

Now, you seem to think that what he said was "magic word" and that him saying something "magic word" somehow supports your assertion that he was not interested in a genuine debate.

A person can be "magic word" and still be ready to engage in a real debate to try to advance his views.

Your... hysterical... rants and constant assertions do not...

they don't matter. THey are irrelevant noise.

You are just talking shit because you are afraid to discuss anything relating to race in this country honestly or seriously.


I provided the link. That was not eleven days ago when I provided the link. You asked where he says that therefore I provided it again. See you are attempting to change the subject because you can't refute what he said.

What he says wasn't me thinking it was racist. It literally was. Saying whites are the superior race is a racist claim. There is no way to spin that another way. He didn't just make a racist claim that was a response he had when someone challenged him. That shows what? If he was interested in genuine debate by that response it showed his mind was closed and the reason to bring it up was to race bait and to stir the pot.

Correct a person can but by his responses it showed he wanted to antagonize. He wasn't open to hearing the other side.

So now you going to concede that he was being antagonistic or you going to play dumb again? Oh ok willing to it's you who wanted me to blindly agree with a claim but not just a claim the reason behind the claim.

You lost the point about him. I'm willing to move onto why whites were happier back then with you. He however is an antagonistic racist that you failed to defend. So now ready to move on since I owned you about him?


YOu were having a hissy fit becuase I didn't remember the comment. THe comment was made 11 days ago, in a portion of hte thread I was not part of.

Admit that you are a hysterical little simp.


I provided the proof and it wasn't 11 days ago. Concede to that.


Simp. The comment was 11 days ago.

Admit you are a hysterical simp, drop this stupid "point" of yours and we can go back to your "attacking the messenger" nonsense.


My proof was not 11 days ago. You aren't getting past that.


Dude. You are talking nonsense.

You cited a comment someone else made to someone else 11 days ago. I said that I didn't recall it, but that I would tentatively accept that he said it, for discussion purposes so we could move on.

You had a little hissy fit like a hysterical simp.

Now you gave a link a little bit ago and proved the comment.

Whoop Dee Freaking do.

I had already accepted you at your word.

Now, please admit that you had are an hysterical simp, drop this... retarded even for you whine, and we can get bacck to you whining like a fag about "magic word".


You didn't have to accept me at my word. Unlike you I can backup a claim with proof.

Now my point stands. The op was antagonistic and wasn't interested in genuine debate.


But I did accept you at your word.

I was happy to discuss any "point" that you wanted to build by citing that comment.

And I did.

Now please admit that you are a hysterical simp, so we can get back to your normal programing, ie whining like a fag about "magic word".


Then why did you ask where he said that?


Because you mentioned that he said it in the thread and I didn't recall that.

You are having a hissy fit about shit that doesn't matter, becuase you are afraid to discuss the issue.

Actually, you are worse than that, you are afraid to let other people discuss the issue.

Now, please admit to being a hysterical simp so we can get back to your attacking the messenger because you are afraid.


And then you also said you were tentatively willing to accept my word. Implying you didn't fully believe it. So I provided proof. Boom get owned!


Dude. You have having a hissy fit to distract from the issue.

We both know this. You are not fooling anyone.

Admit you are a hysterical simp, and then let's get back to you whining like a fag about "magic word" to avoid discussing the issue that you know you are the bad guy on.


Nope your words bud. You said you were tentatively willing to take me at my word. So I provided proof so you didn't have to be tentative. You are welcome.


It's moot. I accepted your words, and you had your hissy fit.

Now, I understand. On some level you understand that your lefty policies have been a disaster for white people and you are terrified of trying to defend them.

Thus, you have become the simp you are now.


Nope otherwise you would not have used the word tentative. Which by definition means not certain or fixed. I know you thought I missed you saying that l. I'm rather thorough in what I read. So nope fail from you. Next time try it on someone who doesn't comprehend what they read. That's not going to pass by me.

Nope I don't support any policy which hinders a race. I just don't agree with you about what hinders white people. The end. Noting more.

Oh and me a simp? I'm not the one who willingly gives money to ideologies I hate. That's you.


That's nice. I used the word repeatedly. I am glad you caught it. But accept your claim I did. Your little hissy fit is... just you being a pathetic simp.

And you do support policies that "hinder" white people. That is why you are having such a fit in this thread, desperate to shut down any discussion of the policies you support that "hinder" white people.


If you fully accepted the claim you wouldn't have used the word tentative. So no that was a fuck up on your end. Simp is you. You pay money to ideologies you oppose.

Nope I attacked the op for antagonistic behavior. He was y looking for an honest debate. You aren't fooling anyone. Deep down you know it and are too cowardly to admit it. I have opened you up to discuss it. You won't do it. Go ahead let's debate it.


1. Your whining like a fag is noted.

2. You are having a hissy fit becasue you are afraid that any real discussion would lead to you having to defend your anti-white policies.


Your attempt to negate your own words is noted.

Go ahead let's discuss it. Want to go first or you want me to? I'm giving you the chance to debate this. I proved the op was a dishonest bad faith racist scumbag. Now move onto discussion. Let's hear it.


1. YOur whingin like a fag is noted.

2. ? Ok sure, I'll play.

You support the massive anti-white discrimination that is our government policies and our cultural practices.


Your attempt to deny what you said is noted.

That's an accusation. Now let's try again do you want to discuss it or not? Me disagreeing with you didn't mean I support policies which hinders whites. So here is the second shot I'm giving you. Discussing things is different from lobbing accusations. Let's be a big boy now.


1. I denied nothing, i noted your whining.

2. Fine. You have nothing to say to my point? You go then.


I noted your attempt to deny and negate.

You made no point, you made an accusation. Ok so let's start with a question why do you think whites were happier in the 80s and the 50s?


1. i denied nothing. YOu are having a hissy fit.

2. In this context, the 50s were a period of a Golden Age, the 80s was a period of peace and prosperity and confidence, adn today we are torn apart by racial strife and oppression.


Your attempt to deflect is noted.

The laws favored whites over blacks in the 50s right? That was before Jim Crowe so? Ok now let's also look. Was the economy better in both those decades of the 80s and the 50s?


1. No deflection. I denied nothing. you are a whiny faggot.

2. I don't think that Jim Crow was the basis of the golden age, more about the massive increase in the middle class.

3. Yes.


Yeah you don't like that I hold you accountable for your own words.

I didn't say Jim Crowe was. I said whites did in fact have an advantage and had it better in the 50s. Ok so you agree the economy was better in both decades. Now doesn't a groups happiness rely pretty heavily on whether the economy is good or not?


1. There was no "accountability". You were just whining like a faggot.

2. So, you just said "jim crow" even though it wasn't relevant?
And no, I don't think the economy is really the difference. The 80s had a recession in them, but people were not down like they are now.


Nope there was accountability. Watch what you say if you don't like being held accountable.

No you said Jim Crow wasn't the basis of the golden age. That's different from saying it's irrelevant. The point stands whites had the advantage over black people in the 50s. I think the economy was the difference. The 80s had a recession but not like what we are having today. The point also stands the economy was better in both the 50s and the 80s and that has a huge impact on a person's happiness. You can't dispute that. Everyone is unhappy right now not just whites.


1. Nothing to account for. I accepted you at your word, and was willing to move forward in the discussion. You choose to have a hissy fit like a simp.

2. YOu are saying jim crow becuase you think that implying racism is magic. Your argument is "the economy", so saying jim crow makes no logical sense. It is just you, being stuck mentally.

3. On POINT, imo, in the 50s and to a lesser extent th e80s you still had a culture where it was...ok to be white. The whites of the 80s, were still buying into the lie of the civil rights movement, ie that we were building towards SOLVING A PROBLEM, instead of simply having a permanent anti-white culture.


It has ruined the fun. With no lynchings, what are me an the boys supposed to do on the weekends?


I’ve always played disc golf, an everyman’s game. Give it a go!!


It's still fun to be white and have 0 regret and take pride in laughing at people who do in 2024


I know. The sad woke White people are missing out. And they are ruining the vibe for the rest of us.


White people still have it the easiest in the West. They're the ones with political and social power.


And Chinese have power in China, Indians in India, Africans in Africa, Hispanics in most of South America, etc. What's your point? Furthermore, in none of the above have the native stock willingly abandoned power structures to the extent that Europeans have in their own lands.


Those countries you mentioned are not as free, rich, or diverse as the West is, though.


And guess how free and rich the West will be after we allow this diversity into our lands?


Not anymore. White people are constantly demonized in this country and "people of color" have all the privileges. In Chicago, the Mayor is even talking about eliminating taxes for just people of color because of systemic racism or something.


You have to be REALLY insane to believe that.


White people still have it the easiest in the West. They're the ones with political and social power

People tend to hold political & social power in the countries they build and maintain, and whose ancestors have lived in for a thousand plus years.

It's minorities who have it easiest in the west, considering if they were minorities in China, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia then they wouldn't get away with all the things they do here.


What's "white"? I'm Irish-Indigenous. Is how I look more important than my actual ancestry? If we do away with the notion of "white", "black", etc., particularly since it's immaterial once looking beneath the surface genetically, it can't be a thing anymore. Let's endeavor to take their power away from them, or at the very least stop feeding them more. Starve them, and they'll wither away.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Nah, I want to preserve what it means to be Irish. I want to preserve what it means to be indigenous. By mixing these two you are diluting the bloodline. If everyone did this, all races would disappear. We would all just be mystery meat. That may sound appealing to progressives but not to me. I think races are precious. Ironically, it's the diversity that I like. This is real diversity. separate races living separately. Where we can all admire each other's peoples and cultures. Where we can visit each other's lands and see something different and have our own land for our people that others can visit and experience. The progressive idea of diversity destroys all that. It will make every land the same. It will make all the people the same. That is not a world I want to live in.


That's trying to prevent the inevitable. For example, many "Irish" have Scandinavian markers due to ancient Vikings injecting their genetics into the population long ago. Genetically speaking, some are barely distinguishable. Preserving "Irish" isn't about genetics. It's about culture. In fact, genetically speaking, the more diverse the healthier. The further away we get from inbreeding, the better off we are as a species. I get your inclination and don't completely disagree, but it has little to do with genetics. It's culture.

And to really boil it down to a foundation that applies to just about everything: it's about subverting naturally occurring entropy and maintaining civilization, language, etc. standards. Entropy produces needless change and chaos, while a framework of standards, introducing change in a measured, thoughtful manner only when beneficial, sustains stability. But constraining ourselves genetically only hurts us in the long run. From a genetics perspective, humans are already a mere 1% of what we once were due to ancient catastrophes that nearly wiped us out. Why further constrain ourselves by forcing the coalescing of genetic abnormalities?

it's never a good idea to put all your eggs into one basket, so to speak.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


You can do your part by moving to Ireland.


Race doesn't exist beyond the level of skin pigmentation?

So where are all the white sprinters? Where are all the black inventors? Where are...oh, forget it, you'll believe what you're programmed to believe because it flatters you to think we're all the same, requires no effort on your part. Meanwhile, sub-Saharan Africans have average IQs two standard deviations below Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians, and northern Europeans. Go ahead, ask those Africans to design, build, and pilot an airplane for you. Bon voyage!


Race doesn't exist beyond the level of skin pigmentation?"

Is that really what you perceived from my words? Nay, I said the exact opposite.

I'd suggest you read my post again. You processed it through your own preconceptions instead of actually attempting to comprehend what you were reading. To sum it up, race isn't about skin color (which is a byproduct, not a progenitor). It's about many other factors that although sometimes can correlate, just as often do not i.e. don't judge by skin color. Assess by the very items you just listed yourself, based partially on ancestry alongside measurable, observable behaviors and performance. Assuming purely off skin color is folly. Although of similar shade as many people dubbed as "white", my talents and skills vary greatly from others with a similar outward appearance. Skin color means nothing. Purge preconceptions and judge only by individual achievement.

What I was in fact suggesting is that we stop grouping people by "white", "black", etc. and instead use actual genetic and cultural quantifiers. You know, the stuff that actually makes us who we are. Don't fall into the traps the progressive far Left set. And for criminy's sake let's stop giving them power they don't otherwise have. Same goes toward the opposite end of the spectrum.

I was a very fast sprinter in high school, by the way, breaking several records. My endurance has always been horrendous. This is because I have a much higher naturally occurring percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers (power and speed) over slow-twitch (endurance). Even if less common in "whites", being "white" comes nowhere close to describing me. It has no real meaning. Let's instead start using measures that reflect real-world impacts on reality: deep, complex genetics and culture.

"White" vastly oversimplifies a highly diverse genetic representation to the point of absurdity and detriment. "White" means nothing and contributes no value to any discussion regarding genetic-based differences. What does have value is the specific genetic matrix of each individual. It may be possible to loosely group based on that (although why do that?), but skin color is irrelevant.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


It appears that it's human nature to group people and then discriminate.

Religion, region, language, political ideology, etc. are used for excuses to hate in places where only one race exists.

Furthermore, people may be wired differently. According to research, liberals are comfortable with diversity, debate and freedom. Conservatives are uncomfortable with diversity while enjoying homogeneity, rules and order.

No coincidence that most police and soldiers are conservative while most artists are liberal.

We must find a way to live together while respecting each other's differences and prevent politicians from exploiting bigotry for their own purposes. I've no idea how to do this since humans allow their emotions to rule them. - Spock


Explain why Europeans killed 6 million Ashkenazi Jews during the Holocaust!


What does that have to do relative IQs?


What did they do with the 6 million bodies?

If you provide a single link or quote, I will dismiss it as lies or propaganda.
