MovieChat Forums > Politics > 10 Commandments - Legal or No?

10 Commandments - Legal or No?

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What do you think? Who will win? How the right is going about this is that it isn't taxpayer funded and that it isn't forced, just text. Maybe if they take the word god out of it it's doable? I mean if they can shove BLM CRT and Pride stuff onto kids, why not this? I guess the religious aspects of it but again, take out god from text.


and that it isn't forced
the title of the video
"Louisiana facing major backlash over law requiring Ten Commandments in classrooms"
kinda suggests that it *is* forced

shove BLM CRT and Pride stuff onto kids
History , black people and fags actually exist and need teaching about and respecting.
Contrastingly God is an optional fictional hobby that should be kept out of schools.
Many countries have laws to this effect.


Black people might be real and need "teaching about".

CRT is a political theory, that is... complete bullshit and should be banned as anti-american trash.

That you want to pretend that YOUR way of "teaching about black people" is the only way is dishonest and asshole.

You state that black people need respecting. Question, in your mind, do WHITE PEOPLE need respecting?


yes white people need respecting, they dont usually have to fight as hard for it though


Says who? CRT which you want to see taugh in our schools, teaches that white people are by definition racist. That's not respect. THat's contempt.


is what i think . Its a knee jerk right wiong fox news misinterptretation that we're never going to prove one way or the other when peopl cant agree on blindy obvious binary facts like 2020 election.


This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s.

This pretense that there is a large and powerful movement of anti-black racist or racism in this country is... weird.

It is also btw, increadibly disrespectful for all the white people that have supported civil rights for blacks, people that AGREE with you on civil rights, and you are shitting all over them when you push a world view that assumes them to be evul racist white people.


Bi partisan agreement doesn't mean racism disappeared or the effects went away. Make sure you keep that in mind. You are a brainwashing gaslighting idiot. I see through it though.


Only a fool would think that I was implying that.

YOU? i've told dozens of times I was not implying that.

So.... Go fuck yourself.

The fact remains. This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid60s.

The idea that anti-black racism, is a strong force, or god forbid, defines America or American society after 60 years of such consensus, is....

fucking absurd.


I can tell you are implying that. I don't care that you say that. Your actions say otherwise.

I never said that this country was racist.

The point stands the effects of racism didn't disappear right after that agreement happened. Go fuck yourself.


My point(s) have been consistently not that.

You are just lying.


Bullshit. I can tell that's what you are doing.

Let's see if you are honest. Was my proof of that racist proof if racism or was it me playing the race card?


Why are you asking me something? You have dismissed everything I say that you don't like.

Anything I say that it not something along the lines of a Mia Culpa, you will just dismiss and then talk shit.

So, why should I engage with that type of shit behavior from you?


Nope I've actually been able to dismantle your words quite easily actually. Such as the case that Hudson had more experience than Ripley. You dropped that because I defeated you in that debate. The point stands Hudson had more experience than Ripley and she had to tell him what to do and had to calm down a trained experience marine. Nothing but woke nonsense.

Nope I was able unlike you provide proof of a claim. Notice how you ask for proof of claims and now once I provide one you don't want to acknowledge it?

Got it you don't want proof and when you asked me to backup a claim you were playing troll boi games. The point stands he is a racist and I proved it.


You made assertions, and dismissed anything I said about them.

You were ignoring everything I said, so I stopped saying stuff.

That's not you winning the debate, that is you being a retarded prick.


Hudson having more experience than Ripley isn't an assertion. That's a fact. He is a trained experienced marine. He has more experience with life and death scenarios. That's a fact. That point stands and you can't fight it. I love rubbing that right in your stupid smug face.

I didn't ignore it. You just couldn't dispute a fact.

It's me winning that debate. The pony stands Hudson has more experience than Ripley. Dispute that bitch or concede.


Hudson having "more experience" with life and death situations, is a fact.

Your assertion is that that makes the show woke is...

retarded. And I explained repeatedly why.


Nope it goes by your logic. Since Ripley had less experience she shouldn't have been showing a more experienced man how it was done. Vasquez was a marine and a woman, Ripley didn't have to calm her down like she did Hudson. Hudson and the leader both men got shown up by a less experienced woman. Newt the little girl happened to be the one who survived over her brother? She just so happens to be a girl? Coincidence or woke nonsense?

That is woke by your logic. You can't dispute that either. You couldn't refute it. So sit your ass down be quiet and take the education I'm giving you.


No, it's not, for reasons I went over before that you dismissed.

So.... nothing has changed.


Denial is not dismantling facts. You got schooled. I dismiss something that doesn't go along with facts.

The point stands Hudson had more experience than Ripley.


shove BLM CRT and Pride stuff onto kids
History , black people and fags actually exist and need teaching about and respecting.
Contrastingly God is an optional fictional hobby that should be kept out of schools.
Many countries have laws to this effect.

You flip flopped the people and the ideology when it comes to Christians. Christians should be down there with black people and "fags" Those are people. and God should be up there with BLM CRT and Pride, those are ideologies. By your logic, Christians actual exist, so they should respect their beliefs and teach about God.

Those things aren't actually related though. You don't need to promote BLM to teach black History. Black History Month has been a thing since the 1970s. You don't need CRT to view history. It's nothing but viewing history through a racist lens. All History is bias to some degree, but we don't need to add an intentional bias to it. Religion and Pride, shouldn't be promoted in public schools.


Why?? Why take "God" out of the context?? 🤔


Because the state should not be trying to indoctrinate kids into any particular religion.


Than no indoctrination of DEI, CRT and trans-ideologies since those are religions/cults.

Oh, and no Tranny/BLM flags.


>Than no indoctrination of DEI, CRT and trans-ideologies since those are religions/cults.

I didn't say that any such indoctrination should take place either. I've said that pride flags shouldn't be in kids classrooms either.

Although none of them are religion or cults.


Yes, it should be legal.

The word of God, the Bible, and the Christian cross are an affront to demons, so they cannot tolerate their sight.


Yup, only Ghouls hate divine benevolence!


I thought there were 613 Commandments?


Should be illegal due to separation of church and state.


Of course, it's forced since it's now a mandated law requiring the 10 Commandments in classrooms!!!!!!!!

Debating the issue only attempts to legitimize something that is clearly unconstitutional.

You don't appear to understand the difference between inclusion vs exclusion.

"BLM" and "Pride" = inclusion of ALL AMERICANS as deserving of respect and equal opportunity.

"Christian Nationalism" = exclusion since it denies equal representation of non-Christians while defining Christianity as a privileged religion.

Realistically, the backward Taliban-Christians won't allow text from Islam, Hinduism, Santeria, Buddhism, atheists or any other religion.

Christian fanatics are already endangering women's lives by banning their healthcare. Why do you want to live in a Western Afghanistan?


Well we have rainbow flags flying outside of schools and inside classrooms.

If it's a free for all, then sure.

Personally, I think kids should be educated not indoctrinated but whatever.


Following God's laws will significantly improve your life. If anyone is offended by the 10 commandments they dont have to look at them. This is really simple stuff.


So can public schools put up quotes from the Quran then?


In arab countries, sure they can.


Why not in the USA?


The vast majority of the US is Christian. Stop asking questions you know the answer to.


So what? Why should that matter? Why can't a teacher jus t say "If anyone is offended by this Quran quote you don't have to look at them".

Similar attempts to do this have been struck down as unconstitutional.


Muslims make up 1% of the population. They can go to their own schools if they want that. This isnt the UK where they bend over backwards for muslims.


Not what I asked you. So what? Why should that matter? Why can't a teacher just say "If anyone is offended by this Quran quote you don't have to look at them".

Similar attempts to do this have been struck down as unconstitutional. Why do you think that is? The USA is functionally a secular state that shouldn't preach religious doctrine to students.


And we do not preach, or allow schools to preach Islam in state schools.


I answered your question. We arent catering to a minority nor any non Christians to make you feel good.


I didn't say you should. I don't think excerpts from the Quran or Bible should be displayed prominently in any classroom. You missed my point.


should we wear towels on our heads and speak arabic too?


When did I say anything like that?


when did I say you said anything like that?


Why did you ask me that if not to suggest I did? Of course I don't think Americans should cover up or speak Arabic.


Our nation is based on secularism, that religion is mumbo gumbo. Then, why are they offended by it is they think it’s is just Fairy Tale? They must believe it is true if they are offended by it.
