fourlemons's Replies

😂🤣😂🤣 Duel is sooooo good. Great suggestion! I LOVE meatballs and garlic bread (and Sergio is welcome to join). I would want to add some melted mozzarella, too, though. And lots of it. A good cheese pull is one of the thrills of my life. Oops sorry! 😬 Well I remember a scene in the graveyard and that was pretty good. I remember it being lively. I have passed along your invite to my hubby. 😁 Well, I do like spaghetti. Does that help? 😁 I watched "You Can't Do That on Television" religiously as a preteen. Does that count? Thank you! 😁❤ I have always wanted to visit the countries of Scandinavia! When my dad did his DNA he was 33% Scandinavian. I'm not sure which country specifically. We might be cousins! Let's see... Jim. Jim, Jim, Jim. 🤔 Hmmm. NZ? I have always wanted to go to Greece! I'm glad to see we're somewhat of an international crew so far. Sadly I don't live anywhere near Canada. I hope I can still be in your club. This is not a horror movie but it does have some parts that could be legitimately scary for a 10-year-old. And it's a darn good movie. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken I may get thrown off this board for saying this but y'all told me honesty was the best policy. Or did you? Some of you said it was and some of you said it wasn't... I'm confused and don't know what to do. 😱 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly I'm sorry. It's just that everything in that movie is brown. No vivid colors to titillate the eye and then that incessant wow wow wowwww sound. And my husband wants to watch it alllllllll the tiiiiiime. I don't know but I do wonder if in ancient days before people understood science if they thought mountains were the Earth's boobs. Also I have to say I can be a bit of a prolific thread starter. ☺ (blush). If I start a thread on a topic that you guys have discussed Ad nauseam please forgive. Thank you so much! I am really enjoying it so far. Thank you all for your responses! This is one of the many things I like about discussing things on message boards. So many different points of view and it really opens the mind to angles I hadn't considered before. In the specific example I gave it would have been helpful for you to have more information, but the particular person who shared the information with me is a notorious pot stirrer who has also been extremely competitive with me over the years and sadly I think really, she just wanted to see the hurt look on my face. The person who said the unkind thing is also very competitive. I actually retired early from that company recently so I don't have to deal with either one of them anymore. 😁🎉💃 I think it depends on the character of the person sharing the information as to whether or not integrity was involved. Sadly some people are pot stirrers and it soothes their soul to stir the pot. I think there are a lot of ideal, commonly quoted statements that fall apart when you start delving into them. 😁 Indeed it can. 😁