fourlemons's Replies

Aww, thanks! ❤ Congratulations! 🎉 I'm looking forward to hitting 100. 😂 Croquet is lots of fun! I highly recommend it. Despite the silly nature of my thread I do actually have a croquet set and enjoy playing it in my backyard from time to time. 😊 Well I guess if you cover the right things, a napkin is enough. I hope there's a McDonald's on the way to your local croquet court then. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about people who say things are subjective. ⬆ That's how you use subjective in the subjunctive. That's what I figured. 😉 No, although people may have wondered since I am also somewhat quiet at first. Some of my very best friends in the world are people I used to think were stuck up until I got to know them and found a treasure trove of wonderfulness inside them. Thank you. That worked. Now everyone can see what I look like. That definitely sounds more comfortable than my outfit and probably more conducive to winning. On my side of the pond, sliders are small sandwiches such as miniature cheeseburgers. I suspect I am correct in assuming that you are not wearing cheeseburgers to play croquet. It's a good thing David didn't get too incensed about being told to pay for something! I heard he had a health condition that made him turn into Lou Ferrigno covered in green paint when he got mad. Should we ever meet on the croquet green I will offer you one of my crumpets. Now that is a fashion choice that I had not considered! I hope you poof out your bangs as well. For me it's white gloves and satin dress with petticoat. Someone holds my teacup while I hit the ball. I'm trying to envision if that could be problematic. I guess just be careful when you swing your stick. I'd say, I've been transported back to my childhood? Hallelujah! Then I'd go out in the yard and play and assess my self worth in a different way than how many likes someone gave me on a computer. Thanks! After being on IMDb it wouldn't be home if there weren't trolls. 😂😁 No, but would you buy a Frosty on the way out? Thanks! I tried an imgur URL but no change. Maybe there is a delay while the site administrators make sure there's nothing wrong with the picture. I'm loving it here so far. This forum "feels" very much like IMDb, far more than any other I've found. I only wish I had found it sooner. Does anyone know what year it started? Just two other questions for now I think. 1. Is there a way to make the ads disappear? 2. How do you upload an avatar picture to your profile? I tried entering an image URL but nothing changed. Thanks! In my day the girls who wore the big hoop earrings were the ones who got all the boyfriends.