MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > When you use the bathroom at a fast food...

When you use the bathroom at a fast food restaurant

... as you're traveling along on a road trip do you just use the bathroom or do you feel like you've got to buy something, too? Sometimes I kind of slink in and use the bathroom and slink out quickly in hopes they won't see me and judge me. Sometimes I feel guilty and buy a four-piece McNuggets.


These days it's impossible in most of Europe to visit the bathroom without buying something.


There was always a woman in the bathroom wanting a Euro... She could have at least held my dick while I peed.


Seems fair.


Sometimes I feel that way, but not at a place like McDonalds where I figure I should get a free pee due to all the money I've spent there over the years!


I’m like a pee ninja 🥷


I have no problem blowing up somebody's bathroom. Like what do you expect me to do? Shit myself?

Signed, million man.


No, but would you buy a Frosty on the way out?


If I'm feeling frosty.

Signed, million man.


you beat me to it. i blew up a dunkin donuts bathroom recently. place was like mustard gas when i left. straight walk out, no look back.


It’s just like in a move when something behind someone blows up and they keep walking without even flinching.


Like that Joker meme.

Signed, million man.


i take no responsibility. someone must've lit a match!

as they say "to the eternal blue flame"


This is the way.

Signed, million man.


I think courtesy calls for you to buy something.

They charge for dropping deuces in parts of Europe - it'll happen here done day if people keep using without purchases.


When I saw this post, first thing I thought of was a scene from Incredible Hulk TV show. David walks up to a gas station and asks to use the restroom. Attendant says its only for customers. He puts a dime in the soda machine (dating myself here) and the attendant tells him to go ahead.


It's a good thing David didn't get too incensed about being told to pay for something! I heard he had a health condition that made him turn into Lou Ferrigno covered in green paint when he got mad.
