fourlemons's Replies

Indeed it is, and this particular shyte-stirrer has quite the history of shyte-stirring. 🤢 And I also know that human beings are complicated and that it's possible in a weak moment to say something unkind behind someone else's back and still like them overall. She shouldn't have said it but I shouldn't have heard it (second-hand) either. Now sadly, it will always be in the back of my mind when I interact with her. 👎 😂🤣😂🤣 Interesting clip with a lot of truth in it. I'm not sure I've ever heard the term "excessive honesty", but their reasoning made a lot of sense. Yes, a lot of damage can be done from the drama associated with "just being honest". After IMDb shut down I tried it and it's entirely possible I was using it wrong, but when I came back my post had been buried and I couldn't even find it. It was overwhelming to me. With that said, although I would not want to post on it, Google searches have taken me to it for certain topics and I have read through them although the format did not appeal to me. I did once have a man come up to me in the hallway at church and tell me to smile and I didn't even realize I hadn't been. (I kind of wanted to smack him upside the head when he did that though.) I think sometimes people's faces look unhappy/overly serious when they're not at all and it can give the wrong impression. My planet has croquet, croquettes and Davy Crockett. Or they're preying on people's insecurities to make a buck. Perhaps the toymakers got together around a boardroom table and said "let's give these kids an early taste of shattered hopes". I wonder how they made it go all the way down the stairs in the commercials? They probably had to do it over several takes. I've heard of croquettes my whole life but didn't really know what they were so I just Googled them. Now I want all the croquettes. Completely agree. Putting on too much cologne or perfume can be overpowering and offensive to the nostrils. Since I don't think I'm allowed to link to any actual products on here I would just advise Googling full body deodorants. These are actual deodorants to prevent body odor. "There's No Place Like Home" from Little House on the Prairie I'm cheating a little with this one. Not exactly a movie. Actually a two-part episode that was put on VHS and DVD. It was a darn good two-part episode though! Paper card > Digital card > Facebook birthday greeting > Doing absolutely nothing Facebook birthday greetings are the socially acceptable equivalents of cheating on a test. 🤓 (Not counting those who give a Facebook birthday greeting but already knew it was the person's birthday.) Edit: Yes I guess I changed the topic from baby shower to birthday. So be it. 😜 Same! I guess what looks like a bleak world to some looks like beautiful, rich childhood/younger days to others of us. 🙂 Ooh, I like the angle you took with this one! Kind of makes me want to watch this movie again, too. Would you support playing sporting anthems before national events? Perhaps a round of We are the Champions before the vice presidential debate? And to clarify I believe it should be a personal choice and if it makes someone feel better about themselves or they honestly have unpleasant odor that would benefit from full body deodorant, even despite regular bathing, then go for it. I don't mean to imply there should be any shame in using it. I guess my thought though is that I'm aware certain body parts have scents, but do all scents need to be covered up? ❤ The biggest movie of my childhood. Phonnnnnne Hommmmmme Noted! Thanks! 😊 A Home of Our Own (Kathy Bates)