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Vermont is a dangerous place for minorities because it's 94% white?

Last year Vermont was named the safest state. If you're not white when you go out, you have to continually look over your shoulders? Fear mongering and anti-white racism from the NY Times. Just imagine saying if you're white in Detroit or Asian in San Francisco you better watch out because of all those black people there.

The brazen, unprovoked attack on three Palestinian college students, who were walking down a quiet residential street while visiting relatives here over Thanksgiving, shook the area’s tight-knit community of Muslims. On Monday, authorities charged Jason Eaton, a 48-year-old white man who lived on the street, with three counts of attempted murder. He has pleaded not guilty and is being held without bail.

Vermont is also very white — nearly 94 percent, according to the 2020 census.

We had somehow missed the “Saturday Night Live” skit from 2018 in which several neo-Confederates rail against America’s racial diversity and debate founding a new homeland — somewhere with “no immigrants, no minorities,” the group’s leader declares. “An agrarian community where everyone lives in harmony, because every single person is white.”

“Yeah, I know that place,” one pipes up. “That sounds like Vermont.”

The audience laughs, but today the sketch lands chillingly.

Vermont’s overwhelming homogeneity is always apparent to people of color here, and it can create a persistent sense of insiders and outsiders, no matter how well intentioned the efforts to push past it.

As a white guy who has the luxury of not having to look over my shoulder when I’m walking down the street, I was hoping to get a better sense of what life is like for Muslims and Arab Americans in a state like this.

He still faces racism, usually of the subtle type: a customer’s seemingly stray comment about Amtul’s hijab or complimenting him on his English. The number of such incidents has gone up in recent years, he said, especially since Donald Trump’s election.

For others, the attack came as no surprise, and not because of Mr. Trump.

“Just like the U.S., Vermont likes to think it’s exceptional,” said Mia Schultz, a Black Vermonter and the president of the Rutland-area N.A.A.C.P., who is not Muslim. “Which is why when violence happens like this, people are shocked. But the thing is, people of color are not.”

I brought up the state’s enormous white population as a demographic curiosity when she stopped me.

“Why do you think that is?” she asked. “I don’t think it’s an accident. There are people who want to live here, but it becomes so incredibly suffocating. You’re met with smiles, this idea of kindness,” she said, and yet behind it there is an isolation, an insidious feeling of not being seen as equal.

“I know about people who go back to the South because, they say, ‘At least I know what I’m encountering,’” she said. “I know how to navigate people who are outright hateful.”


Racist Asian man has mental health issues because of too many white people.


You missed the entire point of the article. He is complaining about lack of diversity in newsrooms.

"Following the interview, Cheryl Varley, a BBC Radio 5 Live producer, said the organisation is committed to tackling the lack of diversity in its newsrooms."

"“The BBC needs you a lot more than you need them because if we do not represent our audience the future for the BBC is grim.“"

There is "culture shock" when a person feels isolated ethnically, racially, etc.. But, that's not the subject of this article.


The point is he is a racist who feels uncomfortable in a room full of white people in a country that is majority white. This is a man who along with the BBC would scream racism if anyone said he isn't really British. He would say he is as British as any white British person. Question is why he is uncomfortable around fellow British people. If he went to a mostly Afro Carribean part of London, would he feel uncomfortable? If a white British person went to a part of England that was all Asian, would he be able to say they don't feel comfortable around all those Asians? I think we know the answer to that.


No, he's commenting on lack of diversity at BBC since it is not reflecting the very diverse British population. Stop trying to change the narrative of the article.

re: culture shock
It's normal for a person of any race, ethnicity, religion, gender, social class, region, etc. to feel uncomfortable in an environment in which they're the only one of their group especially if they've never been in that environment. I call it "culture shock".

I've known many people who experienced it including me. For instance, being the only one at a party who doesn't speak a specific foreign language. And when I worked in a different county where the local regional culture appeared odd to me. Eventually, you get used to it.

One of my favorite shows was "Northern Exposure" about a Jewish New Yorker who must work in rural Alaska and has major culture shock.


He mentions diversity but also say a room full of white British people causes him to have mental health issues. This is a man who considers himself British. He's been living in Britain his entire life with Britain being for most of his life over 90% white. Is he not used to being around white British people by now? How can it possibly be a culture shock? He's been working at the BBC for over 20 years. It would be more of a culture shock for a white mother to find herself in an Asian area of Britain but of course she was branded a bigot. This man Nihal Arthanayake is a racist.


Why do I think there is more to that story than a bigot running out and chasing down innocent strangers? A guy without a history of such behavior or a criminal record just pops off at 50?


The shooter:
"His name appeared in 37 Syracuse police reports from 2007 until 2021, but never as a suspect, said Malinowski. The cases ranged from domestic violence to larceny, and Eaton was listed as either a victim or the person filing the complaint in 21 of the reports, Malinowski said."

Something is mentally wrong with him, therefore he should not have been allowed a gun.

As for bigotry, it's almost inescapable since everyone is exposed to bigotry in mass media, school, socialization, etc.. But, there are different forms from violence like these shootings to a very subtle microagression like "You speak English well" said by someone who is not aware of their own bigotry and doesn't intend to be insulting.

Why is Vermont 94% white? Past Federal housing segregation policies and laws, discrimination, redlining, sundown town policy, etc.. Historically in the U.S., segregation is intentional. I doubt if Vermont is any different. I found an article that discusses racism in Vermont.


What does Vermont being 94% white have to do with a shooting by a suspect who happens to be white? Do non-whites really walk around looking over their shoulders because Vermont is 94% white and doing so even though Vermont has been called the safest state to live? Are people of color really not shocked by this extremely rare occurrence in a state regarded as the safest state to live in? Do non-whites really view white people in Vermont who treat them kindly and with a smile really inwardly hate them? Seems like there is some racial paranoia and racial profiling going on as Vermont statistically is a very safe place for non-whites to be.


1. The shooter has a very violent past.

2. Realistically, the shooter is likely an Islamophobe if three Palestinians speaking Arabic unhinged him.

3. A U.S. area is segregated normally because of past and sometimes present discrimination and racist laws and policies including Vermont.

4. I already addressed bigotry in my previous comment. There is a belief that only conservatives or Southerners can be racist and that's not true. Neither is all racism obvious. Nor does intent need to be there. I already wrote that it can be very subtle in the form of microaggressions. Unconscious bias aka: implicit bias exists. Yes, white northern Liberals can be bigots or have implicit bias, too. I witness it all the time. For instance, I was with an Asian friend when a white stranger complimented them on their English. I'm sure the stranger's intent was to only be nice, but it was a microaggression.

"Do non-whites really view white people in Vermont who treat them kindly and with a smile really inwardly hate them?"

You're assuming that they're being treated kindly. Microaggressions can become tiresome. Less overt racism doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. I read that racism is equally as common among Liberals as Conservatives. The former is just more hidden.


Looking at a population and declaring assuming racism becasue it is mostly white is not reasonable. You are an asshole.


You don't have to remain ignorant:

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
By Richard Rothstein 2017



What the hell would segregation have to do with what just happened in Vermont? Segregation didn't affect Arabs.


What exactly do you think the natural demographics of Vermont would be without the sordid history of racism in your mind?


Mainly Indigenous.


....So you mean "If the Brits never arrived"?

I meant post-US independence. Or, say, into the 20th century. Suppose that Vermont didn't have inherent racial problems. What do you imagine the demographics would be?


YOU are assuming all white people are racists. Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you for stereotyping!!! That's not the case:

For instance, when the French first arrived in America, they lived peacefully with their Indigenous neighbors. The French learned their culture and each group invited the other to their village and celebrations. The French even had cooking contests in which their Indigenous (lucky) neighbors served as judges. They also intermarried and today their descendants are known as the Métis.

Of course, there were French in Vermont which is French for green mountain. Unfortunately, the French and Indigenous peoples were pushed out. I standby my original answer.


>YOU are assuming all white people are racists. Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you for stereotyping!!! That's not the case:

I made no such claim.

>For instance, when the French first arrived in America, they lived peacefully with their Indigenous neighbors. The French learned their culture and each group invited the other to their village and celebrations. The French even had cooking contests in which their Indigenous (lucky) neighbors served as judges. They also intermarried and today their descendants are known as the Métis.

Dude, the Metis make up 1.5% of the Canadian population now. Surely by your logic, that means wider Canada is racist?

>Of course, there were French in Vermont which is French for green mountain. Unfortunately, the French and Indigenous peoples were pushed out. I standby my original answer.

What is done historically is done. What I am asking you is supposing Vermont had no racial issues since after, say, the civil war. Suppose they were by far the most 'progressive' state in the union.

What percentage do you think would thus be inhabited by non-white people by now?


No need to speculate. There's a reason why I gave you a history lesson. My answer stays the same.


No, you presented an alternative history whereby Native Americans would make up the majority of the population of Vermont because the French and British never entered there in the first place. They obviously did, and thus you noted racial prejudice from the French, British and later Americans since then. Suppose that racial prejudice did not exist - what do you suppose Vermonts "natural" demographics would be?

Obviously what happened happened, but you seem to take umbrage with how Vermonts demographics emerged since then.


Why is Vermont being 94% white have to do with a shooting by a suspect who happens to be white?

I'm assuming nothing. They said they're being treated kindly and with a smile and they're assuming it's all fake and they're actually just racist.

You're assuming that they're being treated kindly. Microaggressions can become tiresome. Less overt racism doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. I read that racism is equally as common among Liberals as Conservatives. The former is just more hidden.


For you:

Only after you finish the program and reread my comment will you be able to discuss this topic.


You are giving me links to history a history of Vermont. Talking to me about history of segregation. You're talking to me about reparations. All irrelevant to what I'm asking. I'm asking why did the NY Times deem it relevant to mention Vermont is 94% white in regard to the shooting of three men? Can you tell me why?


Previously answered. That's the reason I linked


I can't see where you previously answered. Tell me again, why has the NY Times deemed it relevant to connect Vermont being 94% white with a shooting?



physician, heal thyself


Seeing as you gave a great answer to my question and you're super proud of it why are you reluctant to answer again? I can't see where you an answer as to why the NY Times decided Vermont being 94% white is relevant to a shooting. But we all know why don't we which is why you won't answer.



It's not your place to tell anyone else here that reading is fundamental. You're the queen of illiteracy on this forum. Why don't you tell me again how opposition in the U.S. against joining World War II prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor is the same thing as protests against the bombing of German cities after the U.S. joined the war?


You're the queen of illiteracy on this forum.

im dead 😂


This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equal rights for blacks since the mid 60s.

The pretense that we are a racist country is nonsense pushed by assholes looking to justify their anti-white and anti-american hatred.


Bipartisan? LOL!!!

Denial of racism = racism


Good claim. Now back it up.

Me? My claim is backed up by 70 years of public policy, law, elections, culture, education,... ect.

While you got your ability to stone wall.

So, the only question remainingi is why do you WANT to pretend America is such a bad place?



If racism bothers you so much then why are you a Democrat? Don't you know it was the Republican party under Lincoln's leadership that ended slavery?


Just because that law and consensus was reached does it mean that the effects of the past disappeared because of that.


Are you admitting that that bi-partisan consensus was reached? Because a lot of people, refuse to admit that.

They refuse to deal wtih the reality of the situation.

The op is clamiing that Vermont, has such a racist white population, that pocs are in PHYSICAL DANGER there.

if that is true, that's terrible and we need to do something drastic about it.

If it is false, than that is a shitty thing to say about the white people of vermont.

It is worth noting that the reality is, that Vermont is actually the safest state in the nation, when it comes to actual violent crime. So....


I openly started with stating that.... Yes that consensus was reached. Like I originally said though that doesn't mean that when that happened all the effects of racism disappeared because of it. We strive to make things as fair as possible. It's not realistic to make things 100% fair but we can do a better job than we currently are doing right now. So to act as if everything got fixed after that consensus is simply not true.


The op is attacking the people of Vermont for being white and thus "dangerous" to pocs.

That is wrong. It is divisive.

The attack on the palestinian students is a real crime, with real people hurt. If there is anything to it, other than a random event, it needs to be discussed honestly and seriously for there to be ANY CHANCE of any issue being dealt with correctly.

By it instead being coopted to just smear white people in general and the white people of Vermont specifically, that not only is a slander against us/them, but it also makes sure that any other issue is NOT even identified, let alone addressed.

AND, this is common behavior, so the danger is that such misdiagnosises, happen regularly.


I responded to your claim not his. I also openly said that there was a bi-partisan agreement I just do not agree with how you and others attempt to frame it. Simply because that occurred does it mean the effects of racism disappeared. Just like how when the Holocaust ended the effects were felt for a long time afterwards.

This happens on the other end as well. Both sides need to be fair. Including him.


Are you trying to say that the "effects of racism", means that the claim that Vermont is DANGERSOUS because of all the white people, is a valid claim?

That it is NOT divisive slander targeting the white people of vermont?


No I meant exactly what I said. I have said nothing about Vermont being overall racist. I just think your claim about that bi-partisan agreement is often used to dismiss claims which could be valid. The effects do not disappear just because a law or policy is taken into effect. Were the effects of the Holocaust wiped away the minute it was over?

I already stated I did not agree with doing that to Vermont or labeling any group unfairly.


I'm calling out the NY Times for race baiting, fear mongering and anti-white racism for implying the shooting in Vermont had something to do with the state being 94% white. Also for trying to push a narrative that it's so dangerous for minorities there they have keep looking over their shoulders when they walk down the street.


I agree completely. They should be ashamed of themselves and whether they are or not, a healthy, sane society would SHAME them.

There should be no room for such racism and hate in our society.


I concur. Wouldn't be so bad if it was just the NY Times but it seems most of the mainstream media is doing the same. Even the often referred to as the far-right Daily Heil injects racism into certain incidents without any proof racism a factor. No need to mention skin color here as far as I'm concerned but they have it in the headline.


Very sad. And agreed, very widespread.


9/10 times a brown person is supposedly “attacked” by “evil whites supremacists” it turns out to be a hoax. We know the NYTimes doesn’t verify anything and is more than happy to push “the message” so we can take that story with a grain of salt.


Couple of recent hoaxes. Could throw in the child who was demonized for being a racist wearing blackface at an NFL game. Actually, there have recently been two children falsely accuse of wearing black face that wasn't.


LOL, most "minorities" would choose a white neighbor over any other.


I'm white in Detroit but I look like a hobo so I get by


Stay away from Vegas.


He thinks if he kills random homeless with no motive he will never get caught.


The truth is that Burlington(Vermont's largest city population 45k) has been going downhill recently, it's really become a cesspool of drugs and crime...This shooting is only the latest of what has become an all-too-frequent occurrence in the past couple of years; In fact, I live only about 30 miles north of "the big city," and I haven't visited once in over four years!

Also, as to the question "Why is Vermont 94% white?"

Because it's freaking cold as hell eight months out of the year!


Recently? It was cesspool 10 years ago when I was there.


Well, there has always been a problem with drugs and homeless folks, it's the gun violence that has really skyrocketed in the past few years...Whatever, I'm content to remain in the peace of my rural home!


I knew that damn Bernie Sanders would turn Vermont white.
