MovieChat Forums > Politics > Site Performance

Site Performance

Why the hell is the site running like hot garbage lately?

Are we under some insane, constant DDoS attack or something? The admins are using CloudFlare so I can't understand what could be the problem...we aren't a high traffic place.


Yeah, I have complained about it in the general discussion board.

It's unbearably slow when it's not timing out.

I'm keeping my posts/replies to a minimum until something changes.


It's not only me?


Yeah, I thought it was only me.


Has anyone contacted the site managers?


Yes. This topic has filled the General Discussion page for the last week and at least two Mods here are trying to get in contact with the owner without success so far.


Be insane if this place - the only respectable imdb boards continuation - falls apart because the owner’s randomly gone AWOL 🤦🏻‍♂️

Presumably there’s ad money at stake here..?


Until we hear back from Jim we can't be sure what's causing it but yes, it's possible that someone is DDOS attacking the site.

There certainly seems to be some 'recruiting' from another site going on here recently so who knows if they are the ones responsible by trying to drive traffic and members away from here and to their site? I hope not.

All we can do for now is apologise, ask you to bear with it and hope Jim sees the messages soon and gets whatever the problem is sorted quickly.


Well, 'if' they're trying to recruit, it may be the only option left if the site furthers into degradation. Does Jim not have a hotline for emergency contact? Do you guys not use a social platform where mods and admin can keep in touch? When's the last time you've gotten in touch with Jim? Is Jim even alive?

If it's a DDOS then it isn't really a successful one as we can still post with the rare occasion of a timeout. I see that it's on the Cloudflare network which also protects against DDOS attacks.


I have no other means of contacting him other than by email. Like I said, until he looks into it, we can't know the actual cause.


It's not that terrible, at least the data is still passing through. I have no interest in moving to another site. I don't post much anymore on the movie boards, but I still read them frequently as I dearly miss the IMDB boards, and I don't like other forum reboot sites.

I'm sure it will get sorted out, it's been running pretty good tonight so far.


It's possible but that doesn't account for it being decently fast at times and then unbearable slow during more populated hours.

I for one noticed this around the time that a higher proportion of ads became more animated and play sound when moused over. The ads here always load before the content.

It could be a ddos attack, a hardware failure or a bandwidth issue, either hardware deficiency or network related. I lean towards the last with a change of the ads as the new causal factor, again because of the consistent patterns of usability that have emerged.


Same here. For about a week now.


My theory is that the Movie Chat Club they have every Friday and Saturday night is just too sad for the internet and the internet is trying to purge itself of that stupid thread. Perhaps if we could find those losers girlfriends to hangout with over the weekend they wouldnt be online watching shit movies together and causing the internet to get sick.


Why are you upset that other people are having fun? The MovieChat Movie Club members are having a good time watching films together. So what? What do you like to do in your spare time?


I like to make fun of losers watching movies together on the internet, in my spare time and during work hours.

It was just a theory robocat. The site is running like shit, if you have a better idea as to what is causing that I'm all ears. But until that moment in time I think it best to shut that god awful movie club down, the internet is trying to shit it out.


Typical Trump supporter. You want to ban everything that you hate or confuses you. Whatever happened to live and let live? If The MovieChat Movie Club upsets you so much then go find another website that is more aligned wit your beliefs.

You seem like miserable person who especially makes fun of people watching movies together in their spare time. You are a sad little clown.


...said during the week that California took giant steps toward banning speech that doesn't align with The Message and in which the Don of the Clinton Crime Family went on national TV and had a meltdown over the fact that people aren't being forced to hate Donald Trump.


The internets belly is upset because there are imbeciles watching/discussing Hope Floats together on their Saturday night. It's too sad for the internet to handle and is causing this site to have poor performance. I'm not miserable fuckhead, I'm a doctor.


It seems to have improved markedly today.


Performance is back, but the site is breaking down. Is anyone else getting weird CloudFlare Blocked screens?
