MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the most impressive skill a perso...

What's the most impressive skill a person can have.

Speak more than 3 languages fluently. I just don't understand how someone can understand English, French, German, then add something like Arabic. Its just crazy how your brain must work.




Not true. The only thing I regret losing from my EX is his wonderful conversation skills. You've got that in spades, so you're covered.


Vote for Pedro


And then if you add great tetherball skills to the list...


Um Computer hacking skills Kowalski??


I wish I had kept up with languages. I used to be pretty fluent in French, but not so much any more. I learned Spanish as well, and now it's a mix of Frenlish. I'm currently learning ASL. I've always known bits and pieces of it, but now I would really like to learn. Languages were so much easier when I was younger.


Allez, force toi un peu là!!


The trouble is finding people to converse with.

When I was working in insurance I would get all the French clients, and a few years ago when I was working at our Fringe Festival I was placed at La Cité Francophone campus, but other than that I don't really have anyone to talk to.

Same with Spanish. I used to work with a guy from Costa Rica and we would converse at work, but I haven't been to a Spanish speaking country since 2014. I was looking at classes for Spanish recently, but I kind of want to focus more on the ASL. I have time on my hands, I could try to do both maybe.


Pero puedes practicar un par de horas a la semana...


I could, but it's difficult when I'm by myself most of the time.

I do find watching tv and movies helps, but I watch way more French stuff than I do Spanish.


O escuchar una cadena de radio en español un par de horas a la semana seguro que ayuda mucho también.


I'm old, and I don't have Sirius. I have no idea where to find Spanish Radio in Canada.

One thing that I like about Spanish is that it's pretty much pronounced the way it's spelled, so reading does help as well.


I do not what "Sirius" mean in this context. Anyway, on Internet you have more than enough options to hear Spanish radio (or from Latein America).

Yes, the fact that it is pretty much pronounced the way it is spelled helps a lot.

reply 🐈‍⬛​
Just kidding. ☺


😅 Dios santo, cuando uno pensaba que ya lo había visto todo....🙈

El señor Mo is the new shooting star in Hollywood now....are you his agent?


That's pretty awesome! I wish I had the motivation to learn a new language.


I can speak 5 languages fluently and a few more at a basic level.

I think of them like a mathematical formula; once you know how they go together, it’s quite easy.


I know French and Spanish are similar but what about languages like Arabic or Chinese. Which 5 do you speak fluently.


English, French, Indonesian, Thai, Khmer fluently.

Very basic Italian, Spanish, Malaysian.

Some phrases in German, Japanese, Vietnamese and Mandarin.


Tu m'épateras toujours!




Afrikaans: Dankie
Albanian: ju faleminderit
Algerian: faleminderit
Arabic: شكرا
Aragonese : Grazias
Armenian: Շնորհակալություն
Azerbaijani: Sağ ol
Basque: eskerrik asko
Belarusian: Дзякуй
Bengali: তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ
Bosnian: hvala
Breton : trugéré
Bulgarian: благодаря
Bulu : Akeva
Burmese: Chezu ba
Catalan: gràcies
Cebuano: Salamat
Chichewa: zikomo
Chinese: 谢谢
Croatian: hvala
Czech: děkuji
Danish: Tak
Dutch: dank u
English: Thank You
Esperanto: Dankon
Estonian: aitäh
Faroese: takk fyri
Fillipino: salamat
Finnish: kiitos
French: Merci
Galician: Grazas
Georgian: დიდი მადლობა
German: Danke
Greek: σας ευχαριστώ
Gujarti: આભાર
Haitian Creole: Mèsi poutèt ou
Hausa: Na gode
Hawaiian: Mahalo
Hebrew: תודה
Hindi: Dhanyawaad
Hungarian: köszönöm
Icelandic: þakka þér
Igbo : Daalụ
Indonesian: terima kasih
Irish: Go raibh maith agat
Italian: grazie
Japanese: ありがとう
Javanese: matur nuwun
Kannada: ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು
Khmer: សូមអរគុណអ្នក
Korean: Kamsahamnida
Lao: ຂໍຂອບໃຈທ່ານ
Latin: Lorem ipsum dolor
Latvian: paldies
Lithuanian: ačiū
Macedonian: ви благодариме
Malagasy: misaotra
Malay: Terima kasih
Maltese: Grazzi
Mandarin : Xie xie
Maori: Mauruuru
Marathi: Dhanyawaadh
Mikmak: Welálin
Mongolian: баярлалаа
Moré: barka
Navajo : Ahéhee'
Nepali: Dhanyabaad
Norwegian: Thank you
Ojibwe: miigwetch
Pashto: manana
Persian: تشکر از شما
Polish: dziękuję
Portuguese: obrigado
Punjabi: ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ
Romanian: mulțumesc
Russia: спасибо
Scots: tapadh leibh
Serbian: хвала
Slovak: ďakujem
Slovenian: hvala
Somali: Waad ku mahadsan tahay
Spanish: Gracias
Swahili: Asante
Swedish: Tack
Tagalog : Salamat
Tajik: rahmat
Tamil: நன்றி
Telugu: ధన్యవాదాలు
Thai: ขอบคุณ
Tonga: tualumba
Turkish: teşekkür ederim
Ukranian: Спасибі
Urdu: آپ کا شکریہ
Uzbek : rahmat
Vietnamese: cảm ơn bạn
Welsh: Diolch yn fawr
Yiddish: אַ דאַנק
Yocuba: Balika
Yoruba: o ṣeun
Zulu: Ngiyabonga


Jesus Andy, you're like Rain Man to be able to speak that many languages.


There's plenty of people I've met who can leave me for dust when it comes to speaking foreign languages. I've been lucky to have travelled to about 70 countries now and I always like to throw in a few phrases with the locals, which is always appreciated and quite often gets a good laugh too.



To the extent that they are skills, I would say a healthy amount of compassion and empathy are impressive in a person, as they seem to be in short supply nowadays. Also, critical thinking skills.

Speaking multiple unrelated languages is indeed impressive.

Creativity and artistry are also pretty impressive, although not always highly valued.


"critical thinking skills."
what is this buzzword I keep hearing ?
Is it different to normal thinking?


I greatly admire the Officers that planned the Allied invasion of Fortress Europe. So many craft and men were involved, there were endless obstacles, The German armed forces were an intimidating and well dug in opponent. That this utterly gargantuan operation succeeded speaks volumes to the worth of the men that planned it for years and the heroic men that were the tip of spear on those critical first days.


Spidey sense.


Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood


So much nostalgia.


Being able to talk a lot of shit seems to work better than actually knowing how to get things done in my experience.


On these occasions our maternal grandfather used to say:
"I am trilingual. High German, Low German and about other people." 😎​
