Hates Donald Trump.

You’ve always been very vocal about US politics. How are you feeling now the election’s over?

“Relieved! I wasn’t sure what this goofball might do. And he tried. That phone call [Donald Trump] had with the folks in Georgia was unbelievable.”

The one where he demanded that Georgia’s secretary of state find him votes to overturn the election?

“Yeah. I can’t believe it. It was like he was channelling a mafia guy, a mobster. ‘All I need is 11,000 votes!’ Oh my God.”

Trump’s term was as scary as one of your movies…

“Yeah. Those of us who don’t believe in what he believes in, we’ve been living in a real-life horror movie for the past four years. But now he’s gone. The horror has been lifted for now. It may come back, you know how monsters are, they do come back sometimes. But for now it’s a nice day.”

Now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in office do you see the US turning a corner?

“Well, I’m hoping so, but I don’t know. It’s certainly already better, I think. It’s already better because they just seem like reasonable human beings and their belief system is not what Trump’s was. Let’s put it that way.”

Has Trump’s time in office inspired any ideas for a film?

“Well, I’m thinking about it. I’ve got to let all of this percolate a little bit. But these folks who rioted [in the Capitol], they are really mad. And what are they mad at? The changes they’re seeing in their country and all these real or imagined slights that are happening to them? And it’s all stoked by these politicians. I’ll have to think about it. I don’t know, could aliens be behind it all? I don’t know. We’ll see.”



Now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in office do you see the US turning a corner?

“Well, I’m hoping so, but I don’t know. It’s certainly already better, I think. It’s already better because they just seem like reasonable human beings and their belief system is not what Trump’s was. Let’s put it that way.”

LOL!! Come on


Lol, that's pretty funny.


Things sure sucked in 2019 when gasoline and groceries cost about 60 percent what they cost now, the U.S. was oil-independent, and a real and pretty successful attempt was being made to control the southern border. Let's not have any more of that nightmare!


Yeah, it was totally worth losing all that if it means no more mean tweets. And don't forget American weakness, projected by a senile, doddering president neither or enemies nor our allies respect, who left billions of dollars of military hardware behind for the Taliban. I'm sure that didn't do anything to embolden Putin or Hamas to launch their recent military adventures.

But hey, no more mean tweets!


Maybe the MAGA clowns should review bomb The Thing (1982), Halloween (1978) and so on in retaliation? That's their preferred method of action when someone or something is 'woke'.


Halloween 78 would be considered "woke" if it came out today because the conservatives would be livid that woman outsmarts Michael Myers! Woke agenda!


She didn't. You can't kill the boogeyman. Besides dr Loomis is the one who saved Laurie in the end.


It didn't bother conservatives then, and it doesn't bother us now. We all liked Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Wonder Woman, Lara Croft, Princess Leia, Leeloo, Celine (from the Underworld series), Hitgirl, Marion Ravenwood, and lots of the countless other asskicking female characters created before the woke mind-virus took over, and caused writers to forget how to create compelling, relatable female characters who aren't insufferable, girlboss Mary Sues.


the woke mind-virus took over, and caused writers to forget how to create compelling, relatable female characters who aren't insufferable, girlboss Mary Sues.



Thanks for proving that, like most "progressives" you can't, for the life of you, construct a rational argument, and can only resort to name-calling and insults. Typical.


Oh please. Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley would both be getting ripped to shreds by the right if they came out today! You're telling me the valley girl cheerleader who is able to defeat a futuristic robot death machine and the space trucker who becomes a better Marine than the Marines overnight would both be safe from the Carlsonites? Hell no! They'd all be crying woke! The meer existence of a tough woman and/or minority in a film MUST be woke. And Wonder Woman got TONS of flack from the right in 2017, where were you?


Oh please. Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley would both be getting ripped to shreds by the right if they came out today!

Horsecrap. We liked -- and still like -- these characters because, as I said, they are relatable, and plausibly human. They had weaknesses. Sarah Connor was "the valley girl cheerleader" only in the first movie. And she would have died without Reese's help. After that, knowing what she knew, she toughened up, learned to survive and how to fight, but it took years, and it came at great cost. She alienated her son, got herself locked up in a loony bin, and even after she was broken out, nearly murdered Miles Dyson she was so far gone.

Ripley? She barely survived the first movie, and she did not "a better Marine than the Marines" -- she needed Hicks to save her and Newt from being implanted by a face-hugger, and the marines did 90% of the fighting and dying. Ripley only gets her badass moment at the climax, when she fights the queen using the loader.

Contrast that with what they do today. Take Rey: she's a Mary Sue because from the get go she's the toughest, baddest, most capable, etc. She can fly and repair the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo, despite no apparent spaceflight experience. She learns to use the Force and outfight Kylo Ren without a lick of training -- so she out-jedis Luke Skywalker. Everyone likes her. She never has to struggle. She never has to pay a heavy cost for anything. She's a classic Mary Sue.

Ditto Captain Marvel. Ditto Jessica Walters. Ditto Batwoman. They never have character flaws, and never have to struggle the way the heroines (and heroes) we actually like do. But they are often smug, and unlikable, and when audiences (predictably) don't like them, their woke writers whine and blame "toxic fandom."


It's all nostalgia. You liked -- and still like -- those characters because of nostalgia.

Case and point? When Terminator: Dark Fate (better known as Terminator: Woke Fate to the Fox crowd), the film was lambasted overwhelmingly by the Trumpers due to all the "wokeness", some of which heavily came from the fact that Sarah Connor had returned and was able to defeat the Terminators. It was now "woke" for Sarah Connor to be kicking ass in 2019.

But wait...why was it okay in 1984 for 17-year-old Sarah to beat a Terminator with ZERO training, and why was it okay when she did it again in T2, but now it's "woke" for hardened badass Sarah to beat a Terminator in TDF? I'll gladly tell you why: no more nostalgia to cloud the right mob. Go back and scour the Dark Fate message boards from 2019 to see the proof. This is all of the proof I need to know that, had T1 and/or T2 come out in 2023, the right mob would've torn them to shreds. It was perfectly fine in 1984 and 1991, but it's suddenly pushing an agenda in 2019.

"Sarah Connor was"the valley girl cheerleader only in the first movie. And she would have died without Reese's help." And yet, she did not die. She survives several attacks from the T-800 and is ultimately the one who kills it, all while still being the valley girl cheerleader. You see how the right wouldn't like this now?

"and the marines did 90% of the fighting and dying." That's exactly the problem. How could these tough, highly-trained marines die but an untrained female succeeds after picking up a machine gun for the first time? Makes ZERO sense, and the right would pick that shit apart INSTANTLY in 2023. These are the same people that got upset that a fishwoman was black and not a white ginger.

"Ripley only gets her badass moment at the climax, when she fights the queen using the loader." This too would get picked apart by the right because how can some female magically know how to use technology decades ahead of her time?


Your BS handwaves and misrepresentations demonstrate you aren't even listening.

why was it okay in 1984 for 17-year-old Sarah to beat a Terminator with ZERO training


I pointed this out already. Reese did. He blew its legs off and crippled it, at the cost of his own life, after saving her repeatedly throughout the movie. She just crawled away (barely) and pushed a button on a machine.

why was it okay when she did it again in T2


Did you actually watch the movie? Because I seem to remember her being impaled through the shoulder and about to be killed, with the T-800 appeared in the nick of time to blow the T-1000 into the vat of molten steel. She would have died. She was doing well just to keep ahead of the thing up to that point. She was not the one who killed it.

How could these tough, highly-trained marines die but an untrained female succeeds after picking up a machine gun for the first time?

Again, did you actually watch the movie? They died because they were on the front line; Ripley was behind them being protected for most of the movie. Then they all ran away through the ducts, and Gorman and Vasquez bought them time with their lives. Ripley, again, is being shielded by the combat vets at this point.

...because how can some female magically know how to use technology decades ahead of her time?

Because she DOESN'T "magically" know. Her profession was crew member of a cargo ship, and she was trained how to use those loaders. She outright tells Sgt. Apone "I can drive that loader. I have a class 2 rating." If your argument is that conservatives don't think females can be trained to operate machinery, just shut the fuck up. Don't even try.

You are ignoring what you don't want to hear, misrepresenting your facts, and being willfully obtuse. Your arguments are stupid.



The assholes who produced the Aliens films did lots of market research for both Alien and Aliens. They wanted to know how having the surviving, heroic lead character being a woman harmed or enhanced their box office chances. Although it didn't harm the box office, when asked, male participants said most often that they thought it would probably have been better if it was a guy. Even though their impact was minimal, those opinions and feelings were common, when asked.

The difference is that in the past twenty years, interested parties and losers on the internet have weaponised those opinions.


They will never admit this because by admitting this their whole ideology collapses.

Anything while either a strong female or non white male character seems to get called woke. Ask someone to define woke and no one can agree on a definition.


I see this nonsense repeated so often it's tiresome. I can explain, and did above why we reject recent, woke, Mary Sue characters, but have no problem with female protagonists who are not woke Mary Sues.

And this accusation that we can't even define woke is just pure BS. It's not hard to define at all. Woke ideology:

1. elevates immutable identity-group membership over the individual
2. holds that all of society is currently and intentionally structured to maintain "white supremacy"
3. holds that all gaps in performance between large groups illustrate the above
4. is revolutionary in arguing that its preferred hierarchies must supplant current hierarchies, and enforce "equity."

The assertion that we can't even define it is a BS rhetorical game, played by people who understand that one of the most effective ways to prevent criticism of an idea is to deprive people of the language in which to name it. (Orwell understood this quite well. We conceptualize abstract ideas using language; so deprive people of names for some concepts, and you prevent those people from actually being able even to think about those ideas in any meaningful way.) As with any definition this one can be imprecise in what it means — most other terms in common use in American political discourse are. The point is that terms are understood to have a distinct and understandable meaning. The propagandists of wokeness — like you — want to obfuscate the issue by preventing that meaning from being communicated among ordinary citizens, and then used to describe things they see and know to be wrong.


The reason I mentioned there being no proper defention is it's often just used to say something is bad. People post this is woke without actually explaining how it is woke. It's became like your mamma.

A great example is I'm often on the doctor who board as a fan and when the trailer for series 10 quite a few years back was released, people complained Bill was the worst companion from a few second clips. She was black and this appears to be the reason but how can you judge something from a few clips?

In series 12 people claimed it was woke and anti white. The opening 2 partner introduced a new incarnation of the master played by an Indian actor and he was working with Lenny Henry who was that evil he killed his own mother. You also had Graham played by Bradley Walsh as kind of the friendly grandad.

I've also not seen the latest bond but people where claiming bond was woke from seeing a non white secret agent in the trailer.

It just seems to me some people use woke to disguise their racism and sexism.


You're fighting a good fight, but you are wasting your time and energy.

There are none so blind as those that refuse to see.
- Old proverb


Woke has just become a word flung around without any meaning.

People now use it rather than being honest


"They will never admit this because by admitting this their whole ideology collapses."

Always amusing when people who tell you that men can give birth talk about ideology...


"and lots of the countless other asskicking female characters created before the woke mind-virus took over"

You liked those characters before the internet hate machine poisoned your mind.
There is zero difference between those " asskicking female characters " and the "insufferable, girlboss Mary Sues."

Its just that you got to know and like the first group before you found out from niche groups of internet incels that you were supposed to hate women in lead roles.


There is a difference, and I explained in detail what it was in my second comment on this thread. You disagree with what I wrote? Then have the fucking balls to read my argument, address the points I made, and tell me why those points are incorrect. You can't read minds, nor, am I guessing, do you have a degree in psychology. You don't have some special insight into my soul, or anyone else's for that matter, so don't presume to know what I think or why I think it. You're not qualified.

What is it with you damn woke leftists? There is something in the fields of rhetoric and philosophy called the principle of charity (https://ethics.org.au/ethics-explainer-the-principle-of-charity/), and I swear I've never encountered one of you who had any understanding of it.




I agree that's what you're spouting. I hate to break it to you, but you can't read minds and know what people really like and why, nor is everyone who disagrees with you some kind of a -ist, or -phobe. And constant accusations of racism or misogyny have lost their force, because pinheads like you now label everything as racism or misogyny.


I don't have to read minds. The aliens producers did surveys of test audiences.

You're the one reading the minds of "we" the conservatives now and back then.


Alright, cite one. Put your money where your mouth is. Show your evidence, and explain to me how that survey rebuts anything I've written.


Watch the Aliens documentary on the quadrilogy and after. David Giler talks at length about being mystified by the attitudes seen in their survey results.


How about you summarize it for me, since that's more than I care to go out of my way for? You made the assertion; it's up to you to support it.

Also, that in no way complies with the second part of what I asked in my last post: "explain to me how that survey rebuts anything I've written."




Really? That is supposed to be some kind of proof? A statement loaded with conditional and qualifying words?

Although it didn't harm the box office, when asked, male participants said most often that they thought it would probably have been better if it was a guy. Even though their impact was minimal, those opinions and feelings were common, when asked.

Sorry, you got nothing. I have no way of knowing how rigorous or scientific this survey was, what specific questions were asked, what population was sampled, what the sample size was, what the method of obtaining the interviews was, the percentages on which the conclusions were based, etc. All that matters in assessing the validity of the poll. And even if I did know all of those things, that statement was so loaded with qualifiers and conditionals as to be almost self-contradictory.

No, my point stands. Female protagonists are fine, when they are interesting, relatable, well-written characters. There are lots of examples of female characters who are. The problem with too many modern female protagonists, is that they are poorly written Mary Sues who, because they exist to advance a narrative, are not allowed to have any flaws or character defects that would not only make them relatable, but give them a character arc as they work to overcome said flaws.

This works for male characters too: Han Solo was always a more popular character than Luke Skywalker in the SW OT, because he has a more interesting character arc as he goes from selfish rogue to selfless hero. Batman is consistently more popular than Superman, because as a mere human, he's more relatable, and easier to write interesting stories for than a godlike invulnerable alien. John Carter, from ERB's novel "A Princess of Mars" is not relatable because he's a textbook example of a Mary Sue (or Gary Stu), created decades before the term even existed.


Settle, petal.


Not as bad as your kind immediately calling for persons and things to be cancelled.


This just makes me like and respect John Carpenter even more than I already did!


Who cares. He should make more movies.


Well, he is 75 now. Sometimes dementia starts earlier.


But Trump, who's 3 years old than Carpenter, is perfectly mentally sound, right? See, it's stupid to mock someone for being too old when the person you're defending is older.


Carpenters last movie was The Ward in 2010. There might be a reason for not working since...


Dude is good at his Job

I could care less about his politics

Sorry you are so shallow you do


Now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in office do you see the US turning a corner?

“Well, I’m hoping so, but I don’t know. It’s certainly already better, I think. It’s already better because they just seem like reasonable human beings and their belief system is not what Trump’s was. Let’s put it that way.”



Yeah, that quote of his didn't age well, but Carpenter has always been a hard-core leftist. Hardcore leftists always love when the US has a bad economy. Look no further than Jimmy Carter, Obama and Joe Biden, the left loves them despite the fact that the US economy when to $h!t under all three of them. Although in Obama's defense, George W Bush sucked as president, and he (Obama) inherited a $h!tty economy from him. Still, Obama didn't do anything to improve it.


Still, Obama didn't do anything to improve it.

Oh, really?



Sorry my wallet and just about every person who was around me at the time (in the corporate world, the music world and the education world) beg to differ with white house propaganda, but if it helps you sleep at night more power to you...
