Trump TDS

MAGA types like to refer to anyone who criticizes Trump in any way as having TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when, in fact, it's the knuckle-dragging Trumpsters who are deranged, believing all his lies, grifting schemes, and general scumbaggery.

Not an original thought. Others have pointed this out, as well. I just wanted to add my dos centavos.


you guys talk more about Trump than actual Trump supporters. thats called TDS.

Fareed Zakaria defined the syndrome as "hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people's judgment".[5][13] CNN's editor-at-large Chris Cillizza called TDS "the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free speech"


Trump talks a lot about Trump. Does that mean Trump has TDS?


TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters.





The same MAGAs have an invented hatred for Joe Biden that has manifested into a puerile public meltdown involving large banners, bumper stickers, and songs proclaiming "Fuck Joe Biden".


at least we openly support Trump. the only person that will admit they voted for Biden and support is robocat. at least he is honest.

no biden voters will talk about biden on the biden boards. its a vacant wasteland over there.

people talk about Trump because he is a great leader and President.


People talk about Trump because they’re in disbelief that such a lying, despicable grifter still has a hold on millions of dunderheads that still send him money


Why do you care so much? How does this impact your life?


um , because politics change peoples lives.

Lots of morons worship Kim Kardashian , but they dont get millions objecting to that because kk isnt trying to be president and affect people lives .

Someones got to be leader yes , but Trump is a fucking moron with the brain of an infant.
You'd be better having a magic 8ball in charge.


Whoever may or may not be sending Trump money has no impact on either your life or yatzos life. You’re obsessing over this, it has no impact on your life.


Sending the dangerous lunatic money to help him get elected may well impact a lot of lives , if by a miracle it succeeds.


Or maybe it won’t. Again it’s none of your business how much money he has and it doesn’t affect you. Also this money isn’t yours, the people sending him money have the right to do whatever they want with their money.

You’re also engaging in conspiracy theories. You’re overly obsessing and you shouldn’t care about any of this and if he does get reelected you should respect our democracy and deal with it.




Well said.



dont forget to MAGA






Trump is proudly anti-gun.

Gun confiscation without due process.
Trump gun grab.


DeepState policy regardless of who is president. It's unconditional and non-negotiable until the DS is destroyed.


So the DS, whoever they are, is using Trump as a doormat? Was Trump ever responsible for a single f*cking thing as president from 2017 to 2021? Or does the DS get credit for everything Trump accomplished?


You know exactly who/what "they" are. Don't play coy.

Some things he and his administration accomplished while other things were countermanded and scripted for him.

Why is it so difficult for you and others to comprehend any of this?

Why is it so difficult for you and others to apply any common sense, deductive reasoning and discernment?


Why is it so difficult for you and others to comprehend any of this?

Why is it so difficult for you and others to apply any common sense, deductive reasoning and discernment?

So says the moron who to this day still claims that the 2020 election was stolen and even claims to have proof but for some reason refuses to post it. I'm starting to think you don't have any evidence. Is this true?


Why am I expected to know, but it seems that you have no idea who they are?

Why did Trump fold like a lawn chair and "read their script"? Why do you want a pussy like Trump for a president instead of a man or a woman?


Why do you want a pussy like Trump for a president

That's 100% projection.

Once again for the feeble and simple minded: The 'Deep State' is in control regardless of who is president.

Until the 'Deep State' is destroyed, this fact will not change.

Trump is the only president to resist them as much as possible for 8 years.

The last president that tried it was assassinated after one week of announcing the 'Deep State' to the public.


But you're the one telling us that Trump is a pussy. I'm asking why you want him as president.

Oh, so the DS killed Kennedy now? They could have been more discrete; a heart attack for example. Kennedy was on lots of drugs at the time.


[–] Ranb (7393) 2 minutes ago
But you're the one telling us that Trump is a pussy.

At least you demonstrated how much you lie. Well done. 👏


[–] tvfan (8600) 3 hours ago
Some things he and his administration accomplished while other things were countermanded and scripted for him.

Just about everyone else understands that a person acting like you claim Trump does, has no self respect. In other words, Trump is a pussy. Or so you claim.


[–] Ranb (7394)
Trump is a pussy. Or so you claim.

Once again, you demonstrate more lies. lol, excellent, you're on a roll of lies. You might catch up to Keelai.


Trump is a pussy just like you. No wonder you worship Trump. Since you worship Trump please show your proof that the 2020 election was stolen.


Far-left extremists are no better than MAGA crowd. They will refer to anyone without TDS as a closeted Trump supporter or something of that nature, even if you didn't vote for him. If I tell a far leftist that I don't hate Trump because I don't care enough about him to hate him, I will hear something like, "Well, if you are not with us, then you are against us."


That's not what I've seen, certanly not what I've done.

Accusations of TDS are generally seen when we have clearly irrational "criticisms".

Someone says something like...Trump didn't build the wall, and certainly didn't make Mexico pay for it, I'm happy to address that. That's a reasonable, and legitimate point.

Someone says something lke... "He's putin's lapdog", or "he's racist", that's not reasonable nor rational nor legitimate. It's just a whack job lefty spamming moronic talking points.


Yeah you and I both know you are full of shit. I have seen you pull mental gymnastics to excuse why Trump didn't get that wall built or Mexico to pay for it. The real question is why are immigrants such a big focal point for conservatives? Why isn't the unnecessary wars we go into or even the drug war discussed? Both are far bigger issues than illegal immigrants yet get little to no attention from you guys.


We were discussing a claim the op made about the use of the term TDS.

I made a point about it. I referrenced examples.

This thread is about TDS, not the examples.

Nothing in your post addresses the topic. Or my point.


Your examples don't hold true since you are not open to criticizing Trump like you claim. So no you lied in order to try and boost up your point.


Except I am. It just has to be NOT unhinged. Something beyond you and most of your fellow lefards.


No you still play defense for him. You won't call Trump out without downplaying it pointing out how the Democrats or Biden are worse. That is you playing dudes and being delusional. I call Biden garbage all the time. You don't hear me go yeah but Trump is worse. Both candidates are absolute trash and I won't be voting for either one of them.


"Playing dudes"?

You are moving the goal posts. We were discussing the FALSE CLAIM that Trump supporters dismiss all criticism of Trump as "TDS".

I pointed out that that is not true.

Nothing in your post, challenges that.

"Playing defense" for our chosen candidate is not the same as dismiss all criticism.


Nope no goal post was moved.

No you actually proved it to be true. You will not criticize Trump without playing defense or gaslighting. That is TDS.

Playing defense for something indefensible might as well be dismissing the criticism.


Off the top of my head I can't think of ANY of Trump's policies or decisions that were completely "indefensible".

Even his failure to build the wall, has mitigating RESULTS that can be pointed to to justify it. I DISAGREE and think that he should have built it anyway, but a real argument can be made for the other side.

DISAGREEING with a criticism is not the same as DISMISSING a criticism.

That was my point. YOur weird insistence that it is the same, is nonsense.


Of course you can't. You can't because the man in your eyes can do no wrong. His decision to pay hush money is indefensible, his support of the drug war is indefensible.

Why build something anyway if it's not getting good results? You think wasting money is a good idea? Him not getting Mexico to pay for it is also indefensible. He promised they would.

It is when the criticism is completely objective and fair. Trump could murder someone on camera and you would disagree with someone criticizing him murdering someone. Yeah that's dismissing it.

It is the same when it's indefensible like I said.


1. Walls work. You don't want the wall because you know it would work.

2. Mexico played ball on stopping immigration from other latin american nations. Rewarding them by NOT making them pay, is clearly a defensible policy.

Again, it is clear you are conflating "dismiss" and "disagree".

That is just you pretending to be stupid, to avoid granting me my correct point, ie that conservatives do NOT just dismiss all criticism as TDS.


No they don't. I know it wouldn't work and would be a waste of money. Either way why isn't Mexico paying for it like he promised? I think ending the drug war would impact immigration far more than a wall would.

Not when you promised America they would pay. That's our money you promised wouldn't be touched. Now you think it's fine to get us to spend our hard earned money on it when you promised we didn't have to? No that is as underhanded as it gets. If Biden did this you would never let it go.

Also you don't want to end the drug war because you know it would work. Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. That's a fact. There is no disagreeing with that, that's what he promised. You attempted to play defense on something indefensible and undisputable. That is dismissing.


1. Walls work. That is why you oppose the Wall.

2. Yes, when he promised they would pay. The situation changed, they supported an important policy that greatly benefited the US, ie stay in mexico. One can disagree, but it is completely defensible policy choice on Trump's part.

As you can see, I am able and willing to discuss reasonable criticism of Trump, even if I don't agree.

It is only the really unhinged shit, that I dismiss as TDS.

And that's the point. THe OP is just wrong.

It is a lie told by the far left to try to trick people into thinking that their unhinged delusional rants about Trump, say... being a russian agent or being racist, is a real or valid point,

when it is just them spewing shit from their face anus.


Nope they fail which is why I oppose it. The drug war ending would be better than a wall this is a fact.

It's a lie though. Trump shouldn't make promises he can't keep. That isn't defensible. He promised Mexico would pay for the wall they did not. Hush money is also indefensible yet you play defense for that also.

Funny the same way the right claims Michelle Obama to be a man or the Sandy Hook shootings to be fake? Let's not pretend conservatives don't come up with dumb lies themselves. I can go all day with the lies your group drudges up.


1. So, you are attacking him for NOT pursuing a policy that you claim you don't believe would work.

You are doing this to demonstrate that it is TRUMP SUPPORTERS, who are unreasonable.... in their defense of Trump....

2. Correct. He made a promise. Then the situation changed and Mexico was willing to play ball on stopping NON-Mexican immigration. That is a reasonable defense. I am not dismissing your criticism. I am pointing out a reasonable defense. That is the point. YOur inability to keep track of what the topic is, further undermines your claim of being the reasonable side vs the DISSMISS ALL CRITICISM TRUMP SUPPORTERS.

3. Are you admitting that the OP assertion on the topic is a lie? Because saying "Yeah, but you too" is an admission that I am right.

Are you standing by that or would you like to try to weasle word your way around your addmission?


I am attacking him because I think building a wall is a bad idea and a waste of money. I don't think a wall would be effective either.

No you are attempting to make an excuse on him failing to deliver on his promise. If this was Biden I bet dollars to donuts there would be no defense from you. Which furthers my point about his you guys have tds.

No. I pointed out how your side lies. You do that yourself. It always goes well yeah but your side is worse. That's you defending the indefensible.

No admission was made. I pointed out how you guys truly have tds. This is obvious when you guys claim the election was stolen before it's been proven to be true. Trump is a gigantic scumbag who is corrupt and you guys fell for his lies. Him and Biden both belong in prison. The works would be better off with both of them in prison.


1. YOu are attacking him for NOT doing a policy that you believe to be a bad policy. That is not a reasonable or constructive criticism. That is TDS.

2. i pointing out that in this instance he had a decent excuse. Your inability to accept that, is TDS.

3. Your use of the word "same" shows that IN YOUR OPINION, the two behavior are the "SAME". That is YOU asserting that the claim of the OP, ie DISMISS AS TDS, is a lie equal to the Michelle Obama being a man. That was the example YOU choose and described as the "SAME" as the claim of the OP.

There is a lot to unpack from your... little glitch here with this. Unfortunately all you will do is stonewall and pretend to be too stupid to understand what I am saying.


It's totally reasonable to attack someone for what you believe to be a bad policy. You do it to democrats all the time.

No decent excuse for lying sorry. Lying is lying.

Oh I was showing that you guys have BDS. Thing is I've found more avid defenders if Trump than any other president in my lifetime.


1. Except you are attacking him for NOT doing the bad policy. That's not rational of you. That's TDS.

2.Chaning planned policy because of a change in the situation, is a judgement call. In this case Trump has a reasonable defense. Your inability to admit that, is TDS.

3. And nothing addressing my point that YOUR word choice shows that YOU consider the OP to be a lie. Now, ask a question that you would only ask if you were too stupid to understand the point.


For failing to deliver on his promise yes. I don't support the policy to begin with but if he is going to make a promise I'm going to hold him to that.

No reasonable defense for a lie period! A lie is lie!

BDS is quite apparent in you.


1. I wouldn't do that to Biden, or any Dem. That's... a level of partisan hackery that is... TDS.

2. You would have a President follow his promises blindly, ignoring changes in teh world that occurred in the time from his promise to the action? That is not a sane position to hold. That is TDS on your part.

3. i AGREE WITH YOU. BOTH THOSE LIES ARE THE "SAME", in that they are lies ie not true. You said it. Why are you gettin all weird about it?


Bullshit. You absolutely would!

A lie is a lie. No excuses.

Because it was a test.


1. Nope. Because I'm not crazy. Some lefty makes a promise about a bad policy and doesn't follow though, I might mention it now and again, but I'm not going to go one about it the way you have. I have actual reasons that I am happy to discuss. You have to invent shit.

2. He has an excellent excuse. Which I informed you of. Your denial is... TDS.

3. It was an admission from you that you know that the op is a lie.


Nope you absolutely would. Everyone here knows your groups pattern and that you are lying. Oh no I have a big list of reasons Trump is absolute garbage as a candidate. I don't appreciate someone who pays hush money, abd one who knowingly spreads a false conspiracy theory to win points. Indefensible stuff that you will still try and defend.

Nope a lie is a lie. No excuse will I accept. A lie is indefensible and no excuse will I accept. He lied period.

It was a test wrong.


1. You have a big list, yet you can't give ground on this tiny and weak ass one. That's TDS.

2. You have a big list, but instead of focusing on your stronger reasons, you can't even admit that he had a good excuse for NOT making Mexico pay. That's TDS.

3. You stated that the op was a lie, and I agree with you. What was tested by that?


I won't give ground or compassion even you won't do it.

A lie is a lie.

Do you seriously not get it?


1. Of course not. YOu have TDS.

2. Your stonewalling is your TDS.

3. I get that you admitted that the OP is a lie.


Noni just won't let him slide on corruption and you will.

Nope I wouldn't let Biden lie either.

Nope it went over your head.


1. Corruption? LOL. Be less of a hack.

2. Your refusal to grant the good excuse is your TDS.

3. Thanks for admitting that hte op is a lie. Why are you still arguing if we are in agreement?


No that's the truth.

Not when I wouldn't accept it for Biden either.

Because you missed the point.


You fail on every level.


No it's called keeping people accountable for their actions.


You are full of shit. It is your TDS.


Nah that would be you.




So you are saying: "My TDS caused me to write this idiotic post where I claim that I don't have TDS."
You are running in circles.
But yeah, keep Trump trending. There is indeed nothing to write home about the other guy...


The OP created a TDS post describing his own condition, the irony. lol


no one talks about that other guy.


Stupid bitch Whoopi went completely bonkers when it was suggested she has TDS: 😄


Whoopi got TRIGGERED!!!!!


Whoopi's basically upset because she was called out by the very man she least suspected in doing so in Former and soon to be President Trump for remarks she said back in 2016 about leaving the U.S if he won and quite frankly, I don't know what the woman's problem is?? She acts as though she didn't say it when she did and not just her, but ALOT of Hollywood pinheads who are still here said the same thing.. 🙄


She tried to walk back that claim in a subsequent episode, actually copying Trump's iconic allegation of "fake news" Her problem is that she DOES have TDS! It's a rare day on that show when they're not constantly bitching about Trump. Joe Rogan jokes that it's the show "that people love to hate." He's gone so far as to claim that many of the audience members are paid to be there.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is when someone is against Trump simply for being Trump. If you have a solid reason, like his handling of Covid, that's not TDS.

But if you refuse to vote for him when, in a two-party system, the only other choice is Biden, you'd better be able to prove to me that Biden is the better choice. A trip to the grocery store refutes that. If you still refuse to vote for Trump, then you've got a bad case of TDS.


Voting against Trump "simply for being Trump" is exactly why I won't vote for him. He is a megalomaniacal, lying, grifting, wannabe dictator who would be happy if he could tear up the Constitution and declare himself president for life.

As for proving Biden is the better choice, there's no way to "prove" that, other than to say that he's sane and believes in the rule of law, unlike Trump, who believes in the rule of The Donald.


Trump tried to game the system on 1/6.

That does not justify your excuse of "wannabe dictator".

The rest of your complaints are completely delusional or moot.

"lying"? "grifting"? He's the only politicians to LOSE money being a politican since... I don't know when the last one was.

So, your pretense that that is a problem for you, is clearly nonsense.


so you are going to vote for a Dictator instead?


In 1871, the Constitution was torn and violated by Congress and the 18th president (committing treason) when they changed the wording in the Constitution in order to sell out our country as a corporation.

Trump signed the 2nd declaration of Independence on July the 4th 2020 to fix that.

Every single one you sufferers of TDS continuously talk nonsense because you're brainwashed by the media and repeat their talking points. The same applies to those blaming him for the vaccine and the plandemic.

Same applies to those blaming him for the J6ers that he could not pardon because he was stripped of his presidential powers on J6.
