MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Biden blasts birthday boy Trump with lis...

Biden blasts birthday boy Trump with list of 78 'accomplishments'

Donald fell asleep – a lot
Donald went bankrupt
Then went bankrupt again
Then went bankrupt again
Then went bankrupt again
Then went bankrupt again
Then went bankrupt again
Donald failed as a casino owner
Donald failed as an airline, university and hotel owner.
Donald failed at creating a board game and a magazine.
Donald launched his political career on the racist lie Barack Obama wasn’t born in America
Donald called for the death penalty – and still won’t apologize after their exoneration – for 5 innocent Black and Latino teenagers
Donald was accused of saying the N-word
Donald was sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination
Donald became the first Presidential candidate to say there’d be a “bloodbath” if he lost
Donald failed to lead our country during COVID and suggested Americans inject themselves with bleach
Donald said there were “very fine people” among the crowd of white nationalists and neo-Nazis who chanted “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville
Donald dreamed of a “unified Reich” if he was to win in November
Donald called veterans who gave their lives for our country “suckers” and “losers”
Donald downplayed servicemembers’ concussions as “headaches”
Donald floated the idea of executing the Joint Chiefs Chairman
Donald was impeached in 2019
Donald was impeached again in 2021
Donald was found liable for sexual abuse
Donald was accused by 26 women of sexual misconduct
Donald bragged about his building on 9/11
Donald lied over 30,570 times as president to the American people
Donald cheated at golf
Donald’s “Trump Org.” was convicted for failing to pay its taxes
Donald gave a tax handout to the rich and corporations that failed to deliver for Americans
Donald suggested windmills caused cancer
Donald failed as a steak, water, and vodka salesman.
Donald’s media company lost $300 million in just one quarter
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again
Donald tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But he wants to try again
Donald had his former vice president refuse to endorse him
Donald bragged on camera about grabbing women
Donald celebrated overturning Roe v. Wade
(This one is special #42) Donald is 0-42 with jurors in recent cases – more on that later
Donald endorsed every state abortion ban in America as “a beautiful thing to watch”
Donald said there had to be “some form of punishment” for women who have abortions
Donald had the worst jobs record of any president in modern US history
Donald lost the House and Senate
Donald lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden by more than 7 million votes
Donald lost 61 court cases after his election loss
Donald “lit that fire” of the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6
Donald has promised to pardon the violent rioters who attacked law enforcement on Jan. 6 who he called “hostages” and “warriors”
Donald was the first presidential candidate to ask a state’s Secretary of State to “find” him 11,780 votes
Donald posted a $175 million bond in his fraud judgment
Donald oversaw the largest single-year increase in violent crime ever recorded
Donald was sued by U.S. Capitol Police Officers
Then he was sued by another group of U.S. Capitol Police Officers
Then another
Then another
Donald had an ally who was sentenced to prison
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
And four more were charged with crimes
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 1 time
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 2 times
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 3 times
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 4 times
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of a felony
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 2 felonies
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 3 felonies
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 4 felonies
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 5 felonies
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 6 felonies
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 7 felonies
Donald said he would “Make America Great” – he did not


wow, your TDS is getting worse and worse. soon you will have level 12 TDS just like robocat.


Thx for keeping the truth at the top!👌


Leftists like you have a very selective version of truth. If it's not leftist ideology, it's not true.


Find one thing on that list that isn't true


Like I said. Maybe you should be more concerned about all the lies on YOUR side.


Put up a list


Seek and you shall find, lazy leftist.


"do your own research" is the typical MAGA mantra when they've got nothing


Your response is typical of brainwashed, useful idiot leftists that are afraid of the truth about their failed ideology.




@JoWilli.....Cut the DTS crap. Did you read that list of accomplishments? And you are going to vote for this guy? Holy @$%@


Seriously! He cheated at golf for Christ's sake!

Everyone who's ever played golf knows that NEVER happens.

Oh wait.


On his OWN golf course and in his OWN tournaments .
I know, nothing compared to the other 77


who is my other choice?


Whoever has 79 “accomplishments”


I see I'm still living in your empty head rent free. Why are you so obsessed with me? You really are a dumbass. I've already said that I have TDS so why do you keep bringing it up? Who cares?


because, I will be worrying about you if Trump wins.


They left out Trump's gun grab and the rest of his anti-gun agenda.

Trump opposes due process on gun grabs. Watch at 45 minutes.

Trump gun grab.

Trump wants age limit to buy guns raised.



Trump talking sense for the first time !

The president also signaled his support for the Manchin-Toomey proposal that was defeated back in 2013, and is in the process of being reworked, that calls for expanding background checks on guns sales to include firearms sold at gun shows and on the internet.

Now who could possibly be against that?
and why?


What does this have to do with Trump's gun grab and anti-gun agenda?


The convictions from the political prosection are NOT a minus for Trump, they show how much of a tryant Biden is.

A ruler that arrests his politicial opposition during an election, is the problem, not the man he had arrested.


What does this have to do with Trump's gun grab and anti-gun agenda?


No one is prefect on policy, but at least Trump didn't have Biden arrested during the election.

It's weird the way you are so anti-Trump because of his weakness on the second amendment, while seeming to be... unconcerned about Biden running an active police state, right in front of you, right now.


You're still being evasive. What does your post have to do with Trump's anti-gun agenda?

Why do you think Trump was arrested during an election when the 2024 election has not happened yet?

If Biden was running an active police state, you would not be permitted to post such claims. Or perhaps you see yourself as the valiant hero who is able to resist the tyranny of Biden and post your views anyway?


1. Not evasive. I just think you are ignoring the scale of the two... issues. YEs, Trump is weak on Gun Rights, supporting incremental encroachments. That is a real minus against him. Biden is clearly running a police state in real time, right in front of you.

2. Trump was arrested as part of a campaing of election interference by the dems. They are committed to NOT having a free and fair election. They want to win, regardless of what the people want.

3. The police state is not fully established yet, but it is here. The pretense that a police state is either completely powerful and competent in it's oppression or NOT existing is clearly a false and somewhat silly argument.


So Trump's promised revenge tour is still a good thing even if it will show how much of a tyrant Trump is?

Trump was not arrested during an election. Trump decided to run for office despite his indictments. Trump is a convicted felon, that is a problem.


1. Trump's arrest and conviction is clearly political and thus a complete violation of his rights and the rights of all US citizens.

2. "Revenge" against government officials and departments that have betrayed their professional and ethical and legal responsibilities, YES, is a good thing.


So you think everyone is entitled to commit business fraud, or just Trump? Trump was not the first person in NY to be arrested for fraud.

Trump has repeatedly betrayed America. By your metric, you should be cheering his arrest and conviction.


1. I think that once the statue of limitations expire, that is the end of the story. Ignoring that, and simply prosecuting anyways, because of bullshit reasons, is a violation of Trump's civil rights. One violation among several.

2. So, to be clear, you are dropping your complaint about Trump's "revenge" plans? That issue, I've convinced you on, right? I mean, you're not planning to come back to it later, pretending that we didn't already cover it, right? The change of subject, that's you admitting that I convinced you it is a good policy on Trump's part and not an evasion tactic, right?


But he was the “law and order” president!


I would have thought talking about Trumps views on the regulation of guns had everything to do with "Trumps gun grab agenda"


Trump's views on gun control include actual gun grabs, elimination of due process prior to gun confiscation and raising age limits on purchases.

Suggesting that Trump merely wants background checks is misleading.


ok .
Perhaps Biden doesent consider those things fuck ups , so didnt include them on the list Yatzo posted in the OP

They all sound pretty reasonable to me.
You gotta have guns , But that doesent mean you cant be sensible about it and sometimes tighten the rules and obvious loopholes


So why do we need Trump's gun grab, his plan to confiscate guns without due process and raising the age to buy guns to age 21?

What is sensible about eliminating due process prior to depriving a person of their civil rights?

Which obvious loophole are you taking about?


"plan to confiscate guns without due process" is a very very vague term .
He's not gonna just pick peopel at randon and steal their guns is he?
Maybe the plan is "Hey , cant produce your paperwork for that AK47? we'll keep it at the station till you can" or something .

Everyones views on gun control are different , its not black and white wether 18 or 21 is the right age.
if 18 is accepted maybe 21 is ok - what happened to the civil rights of the under 18s?

The obvious loophole I'm talking about is the vastly reduced checks ,balances and paperwork needed when buying at a "gun show"

I'm not saying i personaaly am in favour of all that , but some of it sure .
I hear full auto UZIs are crazy valuable now becuase of a "no new ones" rule .
I wouldnt be uspset if those guns were grabbed , but i suspect the owners would be

and bump stops ... If people are agreed full auto guns shouldnt be on sale why the hell continue to sell workaraounds like that?


Have you watched the C-Span video in which Trump wanted to confiscate guns without due process? It was his stupid "take the guns 1st, due process 2nd" crap. How would that work anyway? If I imagine that you are violent, I can just take your guns?

The usual red flag law works like this; a person who feels another is a threat to themselves or others goes to the police or a judge. The judge reviews the evidence or testimony, then issues or does not issue a protective order and an order to confiscate the guns.

Why would you need to produce paperwork for an AK-47? Only the ATF is entitled to see your paperwork for an NFA firearm. Others can ask, but you are free to legally tell them to go f*ck themselves.

Gun shows? Is this how you claim to know nothing about the law? Sales or transfers of any NFA firearm requires a bkgd check and ATF authorization no matter if it happens at a gun store, a gunshw or my house.

Federal law does not require a bkgd check for any private sales other than NFA firearms. In fact I am not allowed access to NICS to make a private sale, even at a gun show. States that require bkgd checks for private sales require that the seller bring the gun to an FFL, turn it over to them so they can do a NICS check on the buyer.

Your willful ignorance is not an asset in this conversation. There is no gun show loophole as FFL's are required to use NICS even at a gun show and private sellers are not allowed to use NICS at all.


US to end 'gun show loophole' that allows sales without background checks

Here's CNN fact checking Bidens claims for a change.
"Biden claimed if someone goes 'to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want and no background check'"

So it appears the loophole is that private sales do not require background checks.
Thats a pretty huge loophole


Surely you understand the definition of a loophole? "A way of avoiding or escaping a cost or legal burden that would otherwise apply by means of an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law".

Surely if there is a loophole, you can show it to me? It will be here if it exists. Good luck.

Everyone else who foolishly tried to tell me there was a gun show loophole has failed to identify it. The term is something made up by those who want to pass more laws.

Unlicensed people who make gun sales are prohibited by law from accessing NICS. In other words it is illegal for me to perform the bkgd check a dealer needs to perform prior to a sale. When the law spells it out this clearly, it is not a loophole.

Biden says lots of stupid things about guns and gun control. Why would you believe him?

Private sales of machine guns, silencers and other NFA firearms always require a bkgd check. Your claims are absolute insanity and your links contain the usual naive attitudes towards gun control.

The federal law in the USA recognizes that private sales of firearms are the norm, and dealer sales are the exception. That is why dealers have to obtain a bkgd check and private sales are not allowed to do so unless required by the NFA of 1934.


Yes i dont know the gun laws inside out , i dont even know what NFA means.
I *do* know that in some circumstances you can get a gun secondhand without checks that if you bought same one new you would need checks.
ergo loophole, as per your definition


As I stated above, there is no ambiguity in the law, it is very specific.

Your ignorance of the law is not an asset here. I provided a link to the law so you could read it and educate yourself. Why do you insist upon remaining ignorant and making a fool of yourself here?

Biden and some of the media say lots of stupid things about guns and gun control. Why would you believe them?

NFA means National Firearms Act of 1934.

The other gun control law in the USA is the GCA of 1968.

The two Wikipedia links explain the laws, but they are both contained in the link I provided above. If you're going to continue to claim there is a loophole, then you should be able to point to it in the law here;


I dont think you know what a loophole is . A loophole will not be written in the law books , thats the exact opposite of what a loophole is.


A loophole is like a hole in the ground. You can see it when it when something is not there.

So if you're going to identify a loophole in the law, then you need to actually read the law. That is something you are unwilling to do. Instead you just take the word of people who have an ax to grind.

You're claiming that there is an exception to the law that requires bkgd checks when a private sale occurs. But there is not. Use of NICS by non dealers is prohibited by federal law.


" the sale of firearms by private sellers, including those done at gun shows, that do not require the seller to conduct a federal background check of the buyer. This is also called the private sale exemption"

^^^ loophole ^^^


[–] moviechatterer (14031) 19 minutes ago
" the sale of firearms by private sellers, including those done at gun shows, that do not require the seller to conduct a federal background check of the buyer. This is also called the private sale exemption"

Where are you getting this from? Is it actually in the federal code or a figment of your imagination? How is that a loophole? Where is the omission or ambiguity in the wording of the law?

Surely you understand that private sales are the usual way people buy guns? Background checks only became a thing after gun dealers become wide spread. Other than NFA firearms, bkgd checks have only applied to dealers and never to private sales at the federal level. So why is this a loophole?

Jut because you found a political term on Wikipedia that matches your bias does not mean that you know what you're talking about.

Is it really too much to ask that you show me the gap in the federal law that is a loophole?

There is no law that says bkgd checks are required, but has an exemption for private sales. The law that requires FFL's to obtain a bkgd check also prohibits use of NICS by non-licensees.


"bkgd checks have only applied to dealers and never to private sales at the federal level. So why is this a loophole?"

You yourself have put it as simple as possible , i dont know how you could end that sentence with So why is this a loophole?

That IS the loophole
If you can bypass a background check by going private sale - that is a loophole ,
how can you not see that?


Just because a dealer sale requires a bkgd check does not mean that a private sale is an omission or ambiguity in the wording of the law.

Where is the ambiguity? Just because there is an additional burden on the dealer and not the private sale does not make it a loophole.

I think you're not understanding what a loophole is. It is easy to win an argument when you just make up your own definitions for a word.

If a person chooses to ride a bicycle on the road instead of a car, are they exploiting a loophole? They are not, as the law is very specific and not vague.


again , you do not know what a loophole is.
Its nothing about ambiguities in the law , or breaking the law .

The essence , the purpose , the point , of those dealers requiring checks id that people have decide that to buy a gun you need a back ground check so they made those rules , the fact you can just go get one secondhand and bypass that check makes the law redundant due to that "loophole"

i been and looked it up for you :
A loophole is an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the purpose, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.

In this case its an inadequacy not an ambiguity , and the
"purpose, implied or explicitly stated" is that bit i was talking abnout where pwopl deciode background chcks should be a thing .

then joe schmo says "well fk that , I'll just buy secondhand"
Thats A loophole to avoid the background check requirement.


[–] moviechatterer (14033) 10 minutes ago
again , you do not know what a loophole is.
Its nothing about ambiguities in the law , or breaking the law .

The essence , the purpose , the point , of those dealers requiring checks id that people have decide that to buy a gun you need a back ground check so they made those rules , the fact you can just go get one secondhand and bypass that check makes the law redundant due to that "loophole"

If there is no ambiguity, then there is no loophole. The word is in the definition of loophole.

You need to read the law. It was decided that when people buy a gun FROM A DEALER, a bkgd check is required. No one, at the federal level, ever passed a law saying that a bkgd check was needed for private sales.

Requiring a license to sell guns as a business is a recent thing, only since 1968. Until then the usual thing was private and unregulated sales. It was not until 1993 that bkgd checks for non-NFA firearms was a thing. Look up the Brady law.

Dealer guns sales are the exception, not private sales.


"If there is no ambiguity, then there is no loophole."

"A loophole is an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or security,"

If a rule designed to make background checks a thing is so woefully inadequate that people can just bypass it by going secondhand then that is a loophole


The law was only intended to make bkgd checks a thing for dealer sales.

The federal law was never intended to require bkgd checks for private sales. So it was not inadequate. Got any evidence to show otherwise?

People who are "shocked" to hear that private sales exist are disingenuous.


"The law was only intended to make bkgd checks a thing for dealer sales."

Thats what put it into the "inadequacy" category iof the dictionary definition of a loophole .

Are just arguing for the sake of it or do you really not get it ?

I really cant re iterate the same thing any other simpler way.
A law requiring people to have back ground checks that only applies to dealer sales and not private sales is woefully inadequate and contains the obvious loophole that if you want to get a gun without a check you buy secondhand.

YES the law is not broken or not working , as you say , it IS making dealer sales have checks , that bit works fine. That is not the issue.


I disagree. The law was very good at making bkgd checks work for dealer sales.

No one wanted bkgd checks for private sales back then. They don't want it now either, or the law would require it.


Still didn't shower with his 11 year old daughter.


That’s not on the list??
How could they miss that with all the video proof available?!?!


I think everyone can agree that these are all prerequisites for POTUS.


Donald never said he would scar your mind, but clearly he did.


That list has scarred millions, but I guess you weren’t paying attention


Yes, it's called TDS.


The only TDS is MAGA cultists unaware of that list.
Very sad & frightening


Donald also grifted cheap ugly gold Chinese sneakers


Trumps upside down bibles


