MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Why do you like her?

Why do you like her?

To people thinking of voting for Kamala… why?


Easy. The media told them to like her. No other reason. And like good little drones, they latched onto her faster than a lamprey to a fish.


A teen-age girl I know says she’s “voting for the woman.” That’s as “deep” as it goes for some people.

I asked, “So, you are voting for the ovaries?” No response. What a “surprise”.


It’s really starting to look that way. Of all the people dumping on Trump, none of them can explain why they like Kamala..?


Hell, some of them don't even know why they hate Trump! Or why they're protesting the things they protest anymore. They don't even seem to realize they've been brainwashed and manipulated on a massive scale by powerful people who had expert psychologists helping them out!


They'll vote for her because she smiles while Trump frowns and this is all they get out of it unaware of the fact why Trump is pissed off and frowning to begin with?? The man probably barely sleeps, campaigns left and right, does sitdown interviews, one after another to the point where FOX should put him on the Payroll, does Town Hall Meetings and hammers home Policies, something Kamala Harris did 0 of during the debate which the more I think about it, really wasn't a debate so much as it was a 4 on 1 lynching to take their frustrations out on the man. Young people will vote for her more out of emotion in that they want to vote for someone they can go out and have a drink with and be down to earth


They have no idea. Basically “woman of color” and “orange man bad”.




It’s been 24 hours and not one Kamala voter has responded.

Either this means they simply don’t exist, or it means that all the people who spend 24/7 on here dumping hard on Trump have no idea why they’re supporting Kamala.

Trump voters can clearly and proudly articulate their reasons for support, it seems that Kamala voters are filled entirely with irrational media-induced hatred of Trump.

Won’t one Kamala voter explain why they like her..?


I have no specific opinions about her. She seems kinda mediocre. There have been worse candidates in history. She comes across far more likable than Hillary Clinton. Having that said, I hope she wins and puts an end to this bizarre period of senile and insufferable clowns in the White House like Biden and Trump.


That's fine and you hope she wins, but like I said, 6 months after, you will have Buyer's Remorse should she win and she will get us into World War III and I wish people like you and the rest of the liberal pinheads would stop voting based on your feelings and personality and vote based on POLICIES and what this Candidate can do for America. I'd be willing to bet you're young and wet behind the ears and were too young to care when Trump was President in 2016, but like it or not, we did have a damn good Economy, no inflation Peace & Prosperity, gasoline at $1.75 a Gallon and a secured border. Why wouldn't you want to go back to that Era and why?? I mean, WHY?? Harris's parents are both Professor's and both Marxist who have trained their daughter well. Is this really how you see America and all because you're butthurt over one man, of all people in Donald Trump??


Thank you for replying.

Sadly, though, you’re proof of the ‘irrational media-induced hatred of Trump’ I mentioned. On any objective level Trump was a superb President who delivered a fantastic economy at home and brought unprecedented world peace abroad. He improved everybody’s lives (except the Globalist elites). The only reason people despise him is because they have been trained to via mainstream media brainwashing.


Perfectly said


Americans have severe normalcy bias. They really do not think bad things can happen in the USA, regardless of how they vote....they believe shit "just happens".

This is like 80% of Americans. They are delulu.


It’s bizarre. How can someone have these insane grocery and gas prices right in front of their face and not deduce that it is the direct result of 4 years of Bidenomics?

It seems some people simply do not operate through logic and thought, they are emotional creatures. I guess that’s why women and low-testosterone males form the Democrat base.


I don't think people "like" Kamala if they are voting for her. They are voting for her because she can push their (really bad) policies. We know that Kamala is not a likable candidate because only a few months ago, people were considering replacing Biden with about 4 or 5 other potential candidates. Yes, she somehow got in, but the fact that she was not the universal choice among Democrats indicate that she's not the top choice of her own side.


I think the problem with your question, Melton, is that it pre-supposes that people actually like her. You're assuming they do and you want to get into the nuts and bolts as to how this can be - appearance, the media, 'not Trump', etc. The reason you may not have gotten the groundswell of responses you were looking for is because, to a lot of voters (myself among them) 'liking' a political candidate is not a necessary factor when deciding to support them.

I happened to like Joe Biden. I still do. There's something about the pain and loss he has endured and the the imperfect way he communicates that ingratiates him to me. I could be wrong, but he genuinely seems like a person who would be nice to meet. I like him. But that has nothing to do with why I voted for him in 2020. I was a husband and a father of three young children. I watched as we experienced a global pandemic (something I'd ever encountered in my lifetime up to that point) as our president ignored and whitewashed the facts and deaths because "he didn't want people to panic." That's not what I need in a leader. When it became 'popular,' Trump scrambled to unroll Operation Warp Speed in order to rush a vaccine prior to Election Day 2020. Biden, on the other hand, did take coronavirus seriously. And when he took office, he marshaled all of the powers of government to vaccinate the country, and he educated Americans (whether they wanted to listen or not) concerning the benefits and limitations of the vaccines and antiviral medications. That's why I was happy I voted for Biden in 2020 and, among other achievements, why I would have voted for him again in 2024 had he stayed in the race.

I do not know if I like Kamala Harris or not. But that is incidental. I still donated money to her campaign, and I will still vote for her in November. Why? She is simply better for this nation than the other option, Donald Trump.


Biden educated people on the benefits and limitations on the vaccine? I don't remember that at all. In fact certain doctors have s u e d this administration for lack of transparency and censoring them for any kind of competing viewpoint. Mark Zuckerberg was also pressured by this administration to censor any type of competing viewpoint.

As to Harris, is she good, is she bad, is she better for the nation. Who knows? She's a big dark horse candidate no one can get a read on because so far we still don't know a thing about her.


Thank you for a thoughtful response.

Your decision to vote for Kamala is still rooted in media lies about Trump (and Covid, but I think CraigJamesReview tackled the latter in his reply to you). On any objective level Trump was a superb President who delivered a fantastic economy at home and brought unprecedented world peace abroad. He improved everybody’s lives (except the Globalist elites). The only reason people despise him is because they have been trained to via mainstream media brainwashing.

Kamala will only continue the devastation wrought upon the US population and wider world by Biden and his handlers. Why do you want this?


I happened to like Joe Biden.

Did you like the botched Vietnam withdrawal?

What about Afghanistan?

What are your thoughts on the 1994 crime bill that made being Black illegal?

our president ignored and whitewashed the facts and deaths because "he didn't want people to panic."

And 5 years later, we now know that Trump was right. HCQ and Ivermectin are the most effective against covid, not the failed vaccine. Covid was not a killer-disease, the deaths were almost all exaggerated...and we could have opened back up at Easter(When Trump wanted to). We would not have a ruined economy right now.

That's not what I need in a leader.

So you want people to panic, clear all the store shelves so we have utter chaos? Okay.

And when he took office, he marshaled all of the powers of government to vaccinate the country, and he educated Americans (whether they wanted to listen or not) concerning the benefits and limitations of the vaccines

"You won't get covid, you won't spread covid!" this was a lie

"The unvaccinated will suffer a dark winter of death" This was also a lie(and a threat to his own people)


She is simply better for this nation than the other option, Donald Trump.

Okay, if you say so... 🤣 I hope you don't own your aren't going to like unrealized gains taxation.


I'm going to bump this, just to see if at least one liberal will answer. If this was under Trump, his voters know damn well why they like him. Like them or not, at least Trump supporters are sincere.


I saw a youtube video, I forget the young guy's name , but he did a bunch of interviews in the largest Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in New York.

One elderly gentleman really summed it up regarding Trump. "He's crazy, but he was good for the country."


This is what confounds me. Whatever one thinks of Trump (that guy thinks he’s crazy, I think he’s hilarious)… he was objectively an excellent President.

You can somewhat forgive people for doubting him before his first term, but after we had 4 glorious years of economic boom and world peace during his first term, followed by 4 years of economic devastation and needless bloody conflict abroad under Dem rule… you must be insane to vote anything other than Trump this time.

He is clearly ‘good for the country’, so why would anyone vote Kamala? 🤷🏻‍♂️

The only ‘reasons’ I’ve heard so far aren’t even reasons - only an irrational hatred of Trump implanted by the mainstream media.


Melton dropping logic bombs as usual. Oh how they hate it.


It’s almost like there are two species of human - those who want stability, peace and prosperity, and those who want chaos and misery. The latter presumably would have been removed from the gene pool via natural selection before we built compassionate societies that cradle and nurture them.

I think there are also simply low IQ people who are easily emotionally manipulated. Essentially NPCs who allow the mainstream media to dictate their thoughts. Looking at some of the responses here you can see this kind of deranged irrationality on display - pure learned hatred for Trump, no reasoning behind it.


That is Trump in a nutshell. He's a terrible public politician, but knows business, and that's what a government is. I don't care what he says, I care what he does.


Conservative here. NOT liberal.

Why do I like Kamala? Simply because she is not Trump.


Then you like for sure also Kim Jong Un. Because he is not Trump...


@ Pete..........Kim Jong Un is not running for President of the United States. You comment is not relevant at all. It is silly, actually.


You did not write about presidential candidates but about people you LIKE. As you are a demrat I can easily add Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Chairman Mao to the list...


Thank you for replying.

Sadly, though, you’re proof of the ‘irrational media-induced hatred of Trump’ I mentioned. On any objective level Trump was a superb President who delivered a fantastic economy at home and brought unprecedented world peace abroad. He improved everybody’s lives (except the Globalist elites). The only reason people despise him is because they have been trained to via mainstream media brainwashing.

Kamala will only continue the devastation wrought upon the US population and wider world by Biden and his handlers. Why do you want this?


do you actually believe the bullshit you write?


Trump clearly lost the debate with Harris and Trump's band of barking seals have lost their minds

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats," Trump said during an answer to a question about immigration. "They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame." Trump said it was true because he saw it on television. 🤣

That comment alone will cause Trump to lose in November. Most Americans will not vote for a 34 times convicted felon who is way too old to be president with his dementia getting worse by the day. Too bad for the MAGA party which is almost dead anyway.


An incredible case of TDS. Utterly detached from reality, just full of mindless hatred 👆🏻


RoboGPT is broken. He is just copy/paste'ing the same response everywhere now. 🤣🤣🤣


Well yes, it’s all demonstrably true, whereas notice how your bitchy comment is completely devoid of substance. You’re proof of the ‘irrational media-induced hatred of Trump’ I mentioned.


Lol, so you ARE serious. Thought you were trolling. Relish your state of being utterly filled with dogshit.


…and now irrational abuse. You’re proof of the ‘irrational media-induced hatred of Trump’ I mentioned.




How does Kamala not being Trump make her likeable?


It doesn't. That person isn't a conservatives. It's literally a contradiction to say you are yet vote for an extremely liberal person. Liberals are notoriously bad at understanding facts.


Do you realize you're making his point for him? What policies of his don't you like, if you're actually a conservative?
