Ithilfaen's Replies

Oh dude. You are going way into details for tv writers. You have your gay people, and your straight people. Of course gay women don't really exist in tv land, they're all bi (as in turn to a man the minute they get too threatening to the audience), but men who are into guys, are just into guys. You don't want to scare straight America with subtleties, do you? Talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire... "The comic version of Ego was never exactly a nice guy. Granted, I don't recall him ever committing genocide, but there have been plenty of stories in which he was an antagonist." Most God-like characters in Marvel comics are villains, and for a good reason. If Ants were making movies, we'd be antagonists too. If you have the power of a creature like Ego, in the big scheme of the universe and billions of years, what's one man, or a woman, or a few dozens or even thousands? I read that complaint in other forums. I don't think the problem is with his acting. I think it's just that people were buying the loving father act so much that they were disappointed when he revealed his true self. To me, he was very good and the character was interesting as well. Now David Hasselhoff... talk about "not awesome". He's so bad in his 1.5 seconds on screen, he almost single-handedly ruined the last act. Duh. They didn't use the Ipod because the joke was that Zune was *never* a thing. It was a massive failure that didn't even get the chance to raise to the Ipod level of fad. That's what makes the joke funny. "Strange thing to say. My friends and I are all 33-40. No one laughed and the theater was all people around our age and older. In fact, there wasn't much laughing at all during the entire film'" Classic case of people not getting the jokes because they are not flying low enough for them. When he said millennials, he referred specifically to that particular jaded self-centered generation who has the culture of a goldfish, nourished by viral youtube videos and commercials, and anything else that their limited attention span can accommodate but they are not the only morons in the world, unfortunately. Plenty of idiots who don't know enough to get a joke if it is above the waist, in the 33-40 generation as well. It's like saying "oh no, not *another* love interest" What makes movies is not the action or the number of special effects crammed into one scene, it's the characters and their humanity. We are who our parents make of us for better or for worse, and our interaction with them, as well as the way it carries into our interactions with others is one of the very foundations of our personalities. If you have too many daddy issues to deal with seeing movies that mention them, maybe you should just stick to the Transformers. You won't risk running into anything that might challenge your intellect. "Lots of screenwriters who were raised by single mothers, it seems!" If they were raised by single mothers, why would they be having daddy issues? Most men have mommy issues from being raised by their mothers. Not the other way around. Maybe you should give up on pop psychology No she hasn't. In the first season, she's back at the DPP and in subsequent seasons, working on Crime Commissions (probably to get rid of those ridiculous wigs and make the show more watchable for the international market) And thankfully, despite the creator's claims that it was "just like Crownies", it's really really not. It's a dark intense character drama to Crownies' Melrose Place. They really got rid of almost everything that was wrong with Crownies except that ridiculous idiot Richard. UGH Having low standards doesn't make movies you enjoy "underrated" Most of the movies, no sorry, ALL the movies you list are total crap but hey if you like them, nothing wrong with that. It probably means you'll enjoy movies way more than most people will in the future decades, considering how crappy it's all become, but it's not a flaw. If you are expecting answers to anything, you are extremely naive. Any Matrix movie they make will be the exact same crap as Revolutions: special effect catalogues in the guise of action of movies, with a side of plot holes. The Wachowskis will not be involved and that's saying a lot already. You forgot one fundamental thing: Millennials are morons that will open their mouths waiting to be fed just any bullshit by whatever corporation will make it sound cool enough. They love the trilogy because they cannot understand what is wrong with Revolutions. All they see is a cool movie with lots of special effects. You are talking about people who have the movie culture of any oyster who lived close enough to a television set. They just absorb images while tweeting, texting and instagramming themselves watching movies. You think they try to understand? please. Did you understand that the whole story had been happening over and over for a while? Different versions of Zion, of the Matrix, of Neo etc. Smith was looking for the Oracle. Seraph was protecting her so yes they met before. It didn't matter. A few ships more or less obviously made no difference. It was about belief. Go tell a General on the eve of battle that you want to borrow a dozen soldiers and ask them to pray to see if prayer will win the battle. You'll be lucky if he doesn't shoot you in the face. Adding to that the fact that this moron had it in for Morpheus for personal reasons and there you go. Dude, are you actually using Spider Man and Batman as standards of writing? lol Learn about movies and come back to talk please. You sound ridiculous. lol here you are again and this time, you are making up racist statistics too. Kudos, you are officially as bad as the white racists you hate. Yeah because all white people are with the KKK. Ask the ones who marched with Doctor King. Or the kids from the ACLU who got gunned down in Mississippi. Nobody is saying that most white people were involved with black people's problems like this family is but there were people who cared. <Why do you need to be spoonfed every single piece of information? Why cant you think for yourself?> lol you mean "plot? who cares about a stinking plot? There are fight scenes that last 10 minutes!" The storyline is laughable and the setting, and all the pitiful excuses for it (like guns being banned and cars running around on... love I guess?) are as ridiculous as your pathetic attempts to defend them. If you think it doesn't matter that a show is stupid as long as there are dudes for you to fantasize about in it, then good but at least don't pretend it's a masterpiece, you're ridiculous. Well HBO has higher standards. AMC is obviously desperate for their next TWD since TWD won't last forever and some day, the fanboys will notice that it's become crap. So they keep trying and honestly they've had more misses than hits so they have to keep some of them going. This crap lost half its already meager audience between season 1 and season 2 and they still got renewed. Why? It probably costs nothing to make and it's something to put on the air for the teenage boys who make up most of AMC's audience. Yeah it makes no sense. They also know how to refine oil... without any power source really. They do it by hand I guess? lol