's Replies

The economy is screwed. No going back now. Welcome to every site on every forum. Good good, we need more,"My side is better than your side," threads! No theyre not. Heroes of who? Do we value women, do we believe women? Joe Biden - "Women should be believe." Cory Booker - "We believe women." Kamala Harris - "She is putting herself out there, knowing that they're gonna try and excoriate, and she has the courage to come forward, she has nothing to gain, what does she have to gain?" Joe Biden - "The Woman should be given the benefit of the doubt." O too! Ok touche.. I HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE FIRST ONE YET! Does it matter what color the wall is? A wall is a wall..... We'll never happen. Yea, you were one of the ones I knew. OKeefe is still an amazing idiot. I always wondered where averageJoe went. A lot of us went to V2 sadly, bioslave (Recall him) just got banned... I posted on in the Trump/Obama boards (Same was my user name here). Im from V2, yes. Shadyvsesham on there too. Im basically hated by left/right/center everyone. No one knows what to label me really. I won't vote republican or democrat atm. Like Tulsi/Yang/Bernie, not perfect, best I can get. Yes, Im from IMDBV2, began posting here some. Ok fair enough. Good reply my friend. You're labeling everyone on the left. Not one, not one!? You need to get out more my friend. Plenty of left and right wingers are insanely polite. Im out doing the same, seeing what else is there. If you find ones, PM me on V2. Legit, Ill follow bro. This is such a train bad. Look who it is. Small world brother. ;) You all have that honestly..... Both sides are this way.... I been down this road, many upon many of times. I defended neither, you just hate you picked Joe "Where am I" Biden. Trump is a liar, an idiot, but he knows if he is ordering at Burger King and not McDonalds. Joe is the type of guy to order a whopper at McDonalds. Wait, so Im a progressive that likes Trump? Makes TOTAL SENSE! Think of that for a moment. How's Chris Dodd btw! I dont see it that way. Biden doesnt even know where he is at, he wouldn't even run anything. He'd have stooges do it for him. Same BS, different day.