's Replies

So much wrong with this where do I begin. Trump has never passed approval of 50 percent. Black community gets educated? WTF does that mean? Who says demokkkratic party, that's immature af. If people are educated they'd see he got handed a 4.7 unemployment rate and the trend has continued. Nothing more, nothing less. This is all insanely silly. Success and growth? More recessions and depressions happen under republicans. #Walkaway movement is small, insanely small to the voting public. No one is inciting a race war, just like the right called Obama a Marxist. Come on.... No one is freeing people will vote for whatever is best. If anyone gets educated you better hope not, because we have more job growth and GDP growth under democrats my friend. Brandon is also an actor looking for a paycheck. I disagree. His approval ratings? 65-68. Hers? 35-38. All the scandals she had. As for attacks, he could have easily attacked back. MAGA, you dont make your clothes here. Didnt support Iraq, explain your 2002 interview. Sanders did amazingly well with independents, theyre the main group you have to win. What, true democrats are gonna vote for Trump? Independents sure as hell will. Now: 1. No, I dont believe Trump, how about Donna Brazile, Elizabeth Warren, or Harry Reid who all said DNC didnt run a fair primary? My friend you only focused on one of the 4 here, yes, Trump is a blow hard, but Warren, Donna and Reid are ALL liars!? Come on now. No, I didnt vote Trump, I DIDNT vote. I said Bernie or bust and I meant it. Trump did not sway me because I knew what he was. SO no, didnt vote Trump sir. "Trump even said he was glad Bernie didnt make it out the primary." I wonder why...Bernie had a 15-20 percent lead. Hillary...7-9 percent lead. Id been happy too if I was Trump. Let Trump say what he wants on Bernie...guess who is the most popular senator right now? Yup..Bernie Sanders. IDK why you think I like Trump I didnt vote for him nor would I ever. He's a clown. If you think Hillary was a better choice, gl. I didnt vote her either, I didnt vote, stayed home. Bernie had a superior platform, better crowd support, better all around. DNC SHOULD prefer neither, that's the thing. You have to run a fair primary. How did Hillary lose? Well it's obvious: WI/MI/PA. Could Bernie have won those....I think so. The only state Im not sure if he wins that did NV, but it wouldnt matter. He takes it with WI/MI/PA. Would the situation be different? IDK...but you know what I do know? Hillary lost. Than youre a fn idiot. I can easily. 1. DNC rigged it. Even your god Trump claimed,"Bernie got screwed by the DNC." E. Warren, Donna Brazile, and Reid also said it wasnt a fair primary. DNC colluded against Bernie, having things like,"expose him as an atheist.' Seriously yuma you are either insanely stupid or the best troll ever. I can go into more depth if you want me too, but I got a feeling Im wasting my time. Look I get it, you like Trump so you have to "pretend" he beat a strong candidate, truth is, she probably ran the worst possible campaign in the history of campaigns. Pure garbage. SHE DIDNT EVEN GO TO WI KID. That's a good campaign to you? I'd love to run a campaign against you! Bernie would have eaten Trump alive, every poll he was ahead 15-20 points, she was ahead 7 and it slipped down down down. By the end 2-4 points ahead, margin of error for most polls? 3 percent, this isnt that hard man. Youre also either, as the person above me said, living under a rock or being dishonest. You either dont watch ANY news (Not even discussing MSM your "fake" news im talking any news source, shoot even right winged sources reported it) or are plain ignorant. Either way, you seriously look highly uneducated. Im hate being mean to anyone, go to the back, around the last few pages, you can see me thank both right and left wingers. Man....I truly think you shouldn't discuss politics if you dont know the basics. Here man: [url][/url] I got np being polite but if youre gonna throw little insults I can play that game. I find youre responses a tad childish I must admit. Seriously got to be a joke...Trumptard. Jesus christ this is such a hackish post. Obama also handed Trump a 4.7 unemployment rate. He inherited an 8.4 unemployment rate with it skyrocketing up. This is what happens with tax cuts/deregulation. It goes wonderful at first, and crashes, it's like a sugar rush. Read about the 1920s. See how Bush Sr term went after Reagan. How about Bush Jr. Dont take it from me, listen to someone who actually studied it: [url][/url] Also, when someone types "libard" or "demokkkrat" I know Im dealing with a child. better hope they dont. While you jerk off over Trumps amazing 44 percent approval rating..Bernie has a 76 approval rating U mad bro? "Massacred" her. Man do you people study previous elections? Reagan beat Mondale, that's a massacre. FDRs 4 wins...massacres. If Trump massacred Hillary, WTF did Obama do to McCain and Romney? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH! What!? Hillary was a weak fn candidate, are you serious!? Bernie would have smoked Trump, hell, if Hillary made Bernie her VP, Trump probably loses. This might be the most comical post I've ever seen and I post on multiple forums. Bravo Yuma! So what Im gathering is 310 is a troll. One of those loves everything Trump does types. Got it. Basically... What boom? Wages are still abysmal. Tax cuts, 83 percent went to the top. Eventually middle class's taxes will go up. Theyre doing a Dooh Nibor. It's a bubble. Want to go over last time we deregulated and cut taxes in the 10s-20s-30s (Im sure you know what happened)....Reagan..we went into a recession....Bush Jr....went into a recession. I see a pattern forming. It's a boom-bust cycle. The market is an indication is how the rich is doing not the average joe. We got a trillion dollars in student loan and credit card debt. Wages have been stagnant since 1980s....we got an unregulated market which can burst, wallstreet bought properties and rent them out for big cash. Half of workers in US makes 30K or less. Our infrastructure is rated a D+ The richest 6 people own more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of people. We got so many problems man.... Because Trump was never going to charge her, it was obvious to anyone. WHOA! Trump is still president!? What amazing news!!