's Replies

C He is such a bad pick. Why the left went with this dementia ridden idiot baffles me. We did it folks! We did the south park prediction. So who you guys got...the douche or turd? He's an idiot. Nothing more or less. Greatest since Reagan!? Reagan was..ehhh. Bill was better honestly. He definitely isn't near the greatest bro, nor is Reagan. Bro bro...youre in the same boat. Supporting Trump, youre basically no better than what you're accusing of others being. PS - I like neither Trump nor Biden. Some elite shill, Hillary Clinton for all I care. This campaign is DOA. Biden isn't even gonna win. Sorry man, Trump sadly has it. This is coming from a center left guy.... Biden is basically another establishment pick. Hey, every forum needs their nut bars man. Used to that. I just hope they stopped putting chemicals in the water. Don't need those d@mn gay frogs.... It wouldnt let me post it all, let me continue: (Continued) amendments to the bill stripping protections for military members and people who have medical debt. Biden has supported bad free trade deals that have given corporations more power and sent jobs overseas, such as NAFTA, the TPP and free trade with China. Biden has a very shaky record on abortion rights - he supported allowing states to overturn Roe vs Wade, he supported the Hyde Amendment all the way up until last year, and has made comments that women shouldn’t have complete control over their own bodies. Biden has supported cuts to social security and has supported raising the retirement age, and then has gone on to lie about doing so recently. Biden worked with segregationists on strongly opposing busing desegregation in the 70’s. Biden strongly opposes and has spewed lies about Medicare for All. Biden gave a eulogy praising Strom Thurmond, one of the most racist, pro segregationist politicians of the past 100 years. Biden has praised Dick Cheney, saying that he likes Cheney and that he learned about the “legal parameters” of the office of VP from Cheney. Biden gave a medal to George W Bush. Biden has said that he has “no empathy” for millennials. Biden promised a group of elitists that “nothing will change”. This is what he has ACTUALLY done...not "hope and change" and empty promises... Biden will be awful man, pure horrible. (BTW, Im not a Trumper, I lean center left). All these promises and he does none of it. Now let me explain why he is an awful pick...besides his mental decline. Here is what he actually does: Biden is a warmonger - he strongly supported the Iraq War and has consistently supported an interventionist foreign policy. He claims to have changed since his Iraq War vote but he’s never taken responsibility for his vote, he’s passed the blame to others and has changed his story about his belief about Iraq having WMD’s, and since then he’s supported regime change wars in Syria and Lybia. Biden is anti privacy rights-civil liberties - he strongly supports the Patriot Act and has even bragged that he wrote a bill that became the Patriot Act. He’s even called for the Patriot Act to go farther than it does in eroding our civil liberties and has proposed bills that would ban encryption, and has consistently supported more power for the national security state and the intelligence agencies. Biden has a terrible record on criminal justice issues - he wrote a bill on crime that has led to mass incarceration, helped the rise of the private prison industry and has had a disproportionate impact on minorities, he’s been a leader in the “war on drugs”, has been a strong supporter of civil asset forfeiture, has supported banning raves and prosecuting those who own rave venues, and strongly opposes marijuana legalization. Biden is a supporter of Wall St deregulation - he supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall and he supports consolidation and the creation of “Too Big to Fail” banks, which led to the Great Recession and badly hurts the economy. Biden was the lead supporter of a bankruptcy bill, sought by Biden’s big donor MBNA and other credit card companies, that screwed over consumers and made it harder for people to get out of debt and stripped them of bankruptcy protection, even going against most Dems to support amendments to the bill Pence would be worse than Trump. There isn't much he can do, the governors need to re-open the economy. We're screwed bub. I mean, idk, I view the both catering to the nutty nut bars honestly.... This entire ticket is horrible anyways. Biden is a bad pick.... People still listen to Alex Jones!? Why..... For you folks, go enjoy some Jesse Lee Peterson if youre gonna go off that deep end.... Corona...bringing the world together! I mean....moviechatuser, you sadly described both sides of the aisle here bub. Wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole.... Sounds like Biden and Trump. Pence would be worse than Trump.... This country is so hosed. It all boils down to,"liberal/conservative" We are beyond hosed.... How, he is right? 83 percent of the cuts went to the rich. Im glad he is donating fantastic, doesnt change these tax cuts only helped the elite of the elite. Im sorry I have hard time when people say,"demokkrats, cuckservatives, libtards, republicrats....etc" If youre gonna discuss politics, be mature or you dont be taken seriously.