's Replies

Im more progressive, sure, but doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. How am I supporting Trump? Im not voting, therefore, I support nothing. Nothing will change with Biden or Trump. Nothing changed with Obama. What point you wanna make? Me being labeled is nothing new. People have thrown everything at me. IM NOT VOTING FOR ANY INTEREST..... Hell with them both. O boy.... Why is it one extreme to the next. Im not voting either. Funny, let idiots do it. Not my problem. Im center left to an extent. I hate the current left where it is at. Im a progressive to an extent. It be hard to say all the issues and where Im at. You can always ask. Ive been called an extremist Trumper Socialist Communist Far right Name it, ive been labeled it. I voted in the primary. Im younger than 40. I voted in the primary, again, last two. Sat out in 2016. Will sit in 2020. You've all lost your minds. Clinton is a loser, and you want her speaking out!? She needs to go away. Christ.... LMAO, and you want Clinton to endorse him!? Jesus christ, one political loser endorsing another one, maybe that'll cancel everything out? The economy tanked due to an unknown virus. Could he have handled it better, sure. Here we are indeed, but you think Joe "where am I" Biden would do anything better? Youre not telling me how he'd handle this better. Why? You don't know, it's guess work. You just dislike Trump, and I get it, I do too. Biden is just as big of a train wreck as him. Douche or turd, either way, nothing good.... But youre sounding like Jon Stewart. We should want Trump out by policy, not convenience. Yes, but how was this his fault? How would Joe "Where am I" Biden help any of this? How has he ever? In the end, Biden has no pure love for him. It's a group of,"anything but Trump," supporting him. I won't vote Biden. I won't vote Trump. Neither seem good options to me. I sat out in 2016 and I'll do it again. The problem with a lot of the left you feel you don't need me like you thought in 2016. We need new blood. This current left isn't working. While yes I liked Bernie (Policy) the other two I loved were fairly young in Tulsi and Yang. Biden won't beat Trump, imo, he loses worse than Clinton did. Im center left and always found them so silly.... Who cares what Carter says. We are still doing this Russia nonsense!? I agree. I only mentioned the last two, Ford was next. I only mentioned the two. This is your hope? For the unemployment to stay high to grab power? Sounding like Jon Stewart. No one should want that so their guy can be president. Do I think Trump handled it well, no. Do I trust Joe "Where the F am I" Biden to handle it Yes, until then. It was a pandemic no one saw coming. It sadly has been wiped out. Now what is Joe gonna do to fix it? Seems like you pro Biden-ers got nothing but hopes of the economy failing and no policy to grab power.... This system sucks. We got two idiots running...what a sh!tshow... Joe,"Where am I" Biden... Look man, I'm not a Trump guy, but killing people? I guess FDR killed people because he had to go to WW2 after Pearl Harbor got attacked. F*ck that means Abe is one of the worst presidents of all time. Im not a Trump or Biden guy. You guys have to get it together. I lean center left and the entire,"anyone but Trump," won't cut it. Bro, that's history. Under Obama democrats lost 1000 seats, you nabbed the house (Senate it was just a bad map). Biden gives no one any enthusiasm. An extremist now!? God damn people love labeling me. I just want actual change in this country. Obama disappointed and we were left with crumbs. Republican...crumbs Democrat...crumbs I don't have family bro, so that'll be hard to do..... I hate to disappoint, he will. Your basically routing on Corona. History bub. History shows it's hard to be a one termer, last one we had was Bush 1 and Carter after that. Biden is a bad establishment pick brother. I got no dog in this fight btw. HAHAHAHHA, wow, totally unbiased. This might be the most hack list I've ever seen. Notice you put the two "democrats" at the end. So subjective bro. 1. Clinton 2. Reagan 3. Trump 4. Bush 5. Obama 6. Bush Jr (I could say btw): 4. Obama 5. Bush I go back and forth on those. Don't be a political hack. Here we go! Didn't take long to get here. I didn't vote Trump, nor will I vote Trump. I won't vote Clinton or Biden either. I won't do it. Nothing changes. Im what we call an evil "Bernie Bro." I liked (In this order): Tulsi Bernie Yang Thanks for the welcome. Sorry to disappoint. Biden is. He will just help the rich get richer. Nothing changes.... Im not, it's his voting record. Go by the record, not the promises. They won't, Biden will just serve their agenda. We seen it, many upon many times. Republicans aren't leaving, they won't. America will, we survived Bush Jr, Buchanan, Fillmore etc. I don't like Trump but the entire,"the world will end if Trump is president," is so out dated. We will be fine. I won't support Biden or Trump. A lot of the left feel this way. I hate to say, I dont see you guys winning, but good luck. I lean center left honestly. Im not fond of Trump, Im not one of the left who claims everything he does is racist or bad. If he does something I like, I say it. Something I dont, I say it. I hate Biden, won't vote for him. My top 3 were: Tulsi Bernie Yang Biden/Booker/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer all need to go. Who is that? Lemme look him moment. Yea, he's an idiot too.