MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

And Deadwood isn't even all that old or unpopular. :) I enjoyed this movie very much, but for a telling of the story, I did prefer the Swedish movies. I like the story behind Count, but I do think that Zorro is just more fun. I really like talking about movies and tv. I wish there were more of us here as the one thing that I really miss from "the other place" was being able to get answers in the I Need To Know section. I like general chat, but as I've always been more of a lurker it's not as important to me. I don't really have an opinion on incarceration, but as a non American it's always struck me as something so strange that Americans seem to portray that they are the only free nation on the planet. I don't know if they really believe that or not, but I've never really understood it. I will watch, although I am a little unsure of the new direction they are going with new cast members and such. Of course, unsure doesn't mean I think it will suck...I'm just holding off on judgement. I do love that movie The Devil Wears Prada (guilty pleasure) Cashback A Scanner Darkly Little Miss Sunshine The Host Pan's Labyrinth and...I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but Snakes on a Plane If humans live survive long enough, I think the possibility is there. Who knows what sort of technology there will be in 500 years. I don't think that it will happen in my lifetime, but I can't say no. Although, I highly doubt we will survive. The sky here this morning was very apocalyptic with smoke from the fires in British Columbia and California. Very eerie. I just giving this another watch right now and came to see who else appreciated the spider sounds. They really make the movie. Right, well I'll go and have a lie down then. No I won't; I'll go and hit some guests. My only thoughts on this is that they have disregarded previous movies enough times that even if they end it with a definite ending, someone else could still take the series and run with it, because who cares right? I almost always have. I think it's just a habit from ore internet days and I'd always want to know what a song was and music is always at the end. There are quite a few movies that have funny credits. Besides, it's nice to acknowledge the grips and assistants. So weird. I was just listening to that on my way home from the gym. Spooky. Lol So scouring the seasons of Disney, the only thing that I think that it might be would be The Liberators. Does this scene ring a bell to anyone??? That's because it's the french pronunciation. I had a similar experience. It was just after high school and I had been living abroad for some time. Of course I didn't get my hair cut when I was gone. So when I came back I went to a new stylist and asked for a trim and some shape and he asked me how much I loved my hair? I said " A lot" and he cut about 8 inches off. He said it wasn't healthy. I was so livid. I cried and made such a fuss that they didn't charge me. I hate to admit that it did look okay, but I certainly wasn't looking for that big of a change all at once. One I haven't seen mentioned yet The Blair Witch Projecting I loved that show. So fun