MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

I didn't get that she was autistic at all. She didn't want her child to begin with. It was a one night stand and the guy ghosted her, hence why the doctor gave her the leaflet about adoption. She was all about protecting the children, but didn't want to get attached. Everyone that she was attached to died. There was a strong possibility that they wouldn't survive. Think about what happened when the children were born. That certainly would be considered a trauma. IMO, I think that one of the biggest problems with movies is that there are too many of them. This is going to be another "When I was young" posts, but seriously, when I was younger direct to video really wasn't much of a thing. In fact, sometimes you might wait 2 years for a movie to be released on video after leaving the theatre. Actually when I was really young there wasn't even video. Now, so many movies don't even get a theatre release, which puts a bunch more crap out there to weed through to find something good. We now have streaming services that are creating their own content. All of this leads to more competition for the studios to make money. So they aim for the sequels and remakes, which even if they are crap, will likely make money just by name recognition. Original movies don't seem to bring in the box office dollars. I really think that if we want originality and quality, we need to stop spending money on the crap. I wouldn't consider either of them "hot", but I'd rather watch Rami Malek as I find him a bit more interesting. Although I'm sure that will depend on future roles. I don't think so. It's not in Canada. I don't even know if it's included with any of the seasons as I don't know if it's considered the pilot episode or not. The Wire has a 9.3/10 and I have been tempted but not sure I'm interested enough. I've tried TWD twice and gave up both times on the same episode. I don't even really know why other than I just couldn't care. I loved that show. As much as I like Sandra Oh and think that she deserved to win, I think Jodie Comer did too. Parts of this sound like From Hell. Like the supernatural horror stuff and the red haired actress, but I really don't recall her being his sister, so maybe not. I don't have a type for men or women really. Either we click or we don't. When I was younger there is no way I would have ever told anyone that I had feelings for women. I feel very lucky that I like men as well so I never had to come out to anyone that I didn't want to. I have a younger family member from a small town in Alberta, that wouldn't even begin to admit that he was gay until he moved to Victoria as he wouldn't have been safe. Hmmm, I don't know where you are going with illegal or immoral deviances. I had to look up what omnisexuality was honestly and from what I could tell it was the same as pansexual. For me, the only reason why I consider myself Pan and not Bi is because I can't say that I would never be interested in someone non-binary or intersex or even trans. I didn't think that Pan meant anything other than that. Sure, although it sounds somewhat ominous lol. I actually hate labels even though I understand why we need them. I'm about 50%, although I just identify as Pan I guess. I'm certainly not attracted to all women, and the majority of my relationships have been with men, but the right girl could change everything. I do agree with the others here who have said that they prefer the non explanation. It's kinda funny as when it was finished, I said to my partner that I was glad that they didn't try to spoon feed us an explanation. It would make no difference to these characters if it were an alien invasion or something biological. Perhaps if they were scientists or something then I could see it, but if there wasn't anything they could do about it then I don't think it would add to the story. I prefer trying to come to my own conclusion. That has almost always been my preference. I liked not knowing what really happened in the Blair Witch. I preferred the original Halloween to the remake as I didn't need to feel empathy towards Michael because of his trashy upbringing. I like not knowing for sure where Cobb is at the end of Inception. I just find it more entertaining. You can have your opinion and I'm cool with you wanting explanations, but I do disagree with labeling something that you don't like as lazy. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is a great movie!! I agree with you as well. I thought it was a better sequel than the 2016 one. I do prefer the first movie, but I never understood why this movie got as much hate as it did either. No kidding. The OP said [quote]I buy from good breeders after visiting the home and interacting with the pets on site.[/quote] So how is that the same as going to a pet store? The article even states that a person can still buy directly from breeders, so this law shouldn't apply to them. Also, it seems from what they are saying that they don't just want any small dog, they want a specific breed of small dog, so I ask, isn't that elite in itself? They don't want a dog that they have to take care of and they are going to die before the dog, so if no one else in the family wants it the dog will end up in a shelter. Again, isn't that something of privilege? It may not be his best role, but I loved him in Newsies. My brains, his steel, and your strength against sixty men, and you think a little head jiggle is supposed to make me happy? Hmmm? Perhaps for mainstream movies, but they were churning out horror sequels like crazy back then.