partydjz's Replies

Not quite There is absolutely nothing funny here, this is pure trash, and so are those that find it "hilarious" Please DO NOT Breed He tries like hell to be like Pacino, he has no style of his own. Crap actor I "Get the humor" it's just not very funny. Oh yeah, it's so deep to try and figure out how many yards a 1/4 mile is, and therefore I just don't understand the humor, get real, that is not deep nor clever humor, it's simply stupid, which is why is probably appeals to you. "this movie has a lot of subtle humor which I'm sure just went right over a lot of people's heads" Oh no, I can completely guarantee you that it did not go over my head. I fully understood the "attempts" at humor. I simply did not think those attempts at humor succeeded. "Reminds me of some kids I went to school with that everyone thought was awesome because of how awkwardly hilarious they acted" So would ask during what time period you attended school ? I enjoy clever comedy, there is nothing clever here. It's basically as you mentioned "awkward" events designed to get a reaction out of the lesser intelligent sector of humanity, which unfortunately represents 90% of United States society. Please define a "good sense of humor" in my opinion a good comedy has some clever humor, not stupid humor which is what this pile of dung brings us. There is nothing clever here. We get that he's a nerd, the nerdiness wears off very quickly. Most of this trash repeats the same things over and over, if you continue to laugh I highly doubt you have much of an IQ at all. And Rita sitting there so sultry with the guitar, she looks a little Nancy Wilson aye ? "He can't decide to be (Openly) gay" Because most of United States is inhabited by dolts & dullards The OP is pointing out how idiot american movie goers are, and he is spot on. This movie is underrated because it's crap. Sold out what ? He never had a talented bone in his body, making a squint and acting tough is not acting, what the hell are you talking about. Whoever that fat dude was, principle or whatever, had he pulled that crap with my child I would've had him in front of the School Board and sued them all. In the scene in the supermarket, just before she calls him, she tells Oscar "We're gonna call your father now" What else do you people need to know about this ???? What's your definition of funny ? Thanks, I was under the same impression, now I can change the channel. This really does suck on a whole shite load of levels The entire movie makes no sense He was easily recognized, it was fantastic to see the master in his own biographic film.