partydjz's Replies

The Die Hard nonsense was pure crap for anyone who enjoys intelligent cinema, grow up and face it. Bruce Willis is a face, can't act, never could. Action films are for pre-teen boys or those with lower than average IQ You're comparing this film with Kubrick ? If it's new to an "American" it's new period, they don't acknowledge the existence of the rest of the globe. How about Peter O'Toole in "My Favorite Year" for irony in casting ?? Wrong, the films and directors you mentioned were crap. Some of us have higher standards. Super Hero "movies" are for kids or those that have a short attention span. Grow up and start screening Kubrick films. "Animation is extremely important in cinema" and why might that be ? Are you into cartoons ? I love how your excuses for not being Jon Voight, Malkovich or Walken makes you a genius of actors, what in the fark is your problem, act or not to act, one is talent the other is a face, would you care to compare disciplines ? What do you consider talent? I mean stop flooding the internet with your poop, please just stop Therefore you admittedly have no taste, or you prefer untalented actors to those with talent, take your pick Everything this "Bear" guy ever said was a lie The guy is a complete no talent, he's a joke You people need to grow up and understand what REAL acting is. It's not posing, making faces, acting tough for no reason. This guy is a complete NO TALENT and a JOKE I think many of you are over estimating the original plan devised to escape the violence of the society from which these people came. They had faults. Some of which would (even after then end of the film) eventually lead to the demise of the "Village". It was an ideology gone wrong. Yup, ghosts move stuff all the time, right now my ghost is TURNING THIS PIECE OF TRASH MOVIE OFF HELL NO, this is trash, simple childish nonsense "Smells like a troll to me" Stop using asinine terms like troll because someone has more intelligence than you and can tell a piece of shite movie from a true work of cinema art. This film SUCKS, you people that like this crap are IDIOTS and you can't take criticism so you use childish terms like "TROLL" Grow the hell up, read some intelligent novels, try watching Kubrick films instead of this nonsense "IMDB is stupid." Truer words were never spoken, I suppose by now everyone knows that IMDB removed all the forum posts, now the individual movie pages load slowly and have full page ads, some never load at all, they are a joke. Lucky to find moviechat I suppose and see the relics that remain from decades of intelligent film discussion. It's a shame this 2012 film about Lincoln wasn't nearly as good, I think the cast was wonderful, it required a better director. All his films are garbage, yes that's right, he relies on imagery and action, he was by far the wrong director for this film. This film required a creative film maker, not a children's dinosaur cartoon boy. plumbersteve is spot on, Spielberg ruined this great assemblage of talent