jonnyremix's Replies

He'll remake ET and hope nobody will notice due to the lens flare emitting from ET's dirty finger. she's a mary sue yeh but most were inappropriate for a star wars film i read earlier that disney have simply marveled up star wars guardian of the galaxy style which i thought was a good description you sum it up well there it had too many characters, too much focus on diversity screen time for the sake of it, rebel stuff was overlong and very zzzzzz if luke didn't die and finn did (his arc is over after all i'd say) that would have been so much better!!! agreed. well said. Agreed. Mark Hamill is pissed Interesting he sighed on for the new trilogy in 2012 BEFORE it was announced Disney bought it late that year! *Reaction so far has been very mixed. A lot of people pissed. Most reviews were full of fake praise. Rotten Tomatoes has been irrelevant for years. Disney getting more powerful by the day. Perhaps Mickey is the big bad in the next episode? linking will be fine what other ones are there?? i wish imdb was still going on at times like this! :( as was i Mr President I know your son Alan Snackbar. He is a lovely fellow. "I was expecting a pile of crap like Avengers" First rule about trolling is actually be good at it? Like Nolan Burton had little to do with the next installment. It's just name recognition so to bring fans of their installments along. It's meaningless. It's PR bs. I'd say trying to hide his tash in the long term could prove much more damaging! Either way if they have any sense they will wait until 2022/2023 and get some strong origin stories in first including a Superman and a couple of Batman movies. But it's Warner Bros so expect a reboot by next June. -superman in the cell phone footage is Whedon - intro with Batman was Whedon, same with Batman in the plane talking to Alfred - World without Hope montage was Snyder. The Lois bit with the empty bed next to her is actually from a later point in the movie repurposed for this - Snyder original cut had the World without Hope montage go straight into Batman meeting with Aquaman in the village which went on longer as well. Same with their conversation after as Aquaman swims off - Deleted Snyder scene with Martha and Lois talking in the apartment. - Wonder Woman sequence in London is mostly all Snyder but trimmed down as the original had her taking out all the bad guys and additional slow-mo. Snyder loves his close up to convey information as there's a close up of the lead bad guy changing the gun from single to automatic mode after Wonder Woman stops the first bullet. Reshoots did add dialogue between Wonder Woman and lead bad guy before she stops all the bullets. This reshoot had everything finished to get it ready for the movie so I suspect this will be in extended version - this cuts into the Amazonian which is Snyder and mostly not changed. A scene they removed was an Amazon being turned into a demon during Steppenwolf initial encounter. She kills herself before the transformation finishes. This shot was finished so maybe extended version - anything with the russian family is Whedon - Cyborgs dad talking to the janitor at Star Labs was Whedon - Cyborg intro with his dad is a longer scene as well and Snyder . The scene starts with him looking at the people walking around the streets enjoying their lives as he looks on with envy. - Wonder Woman meeting up with Batman while he repairs the jet was Snyder, them discussing the nature of the motherboxes on the Lake was Whedon. - Thousand year battle is mostly the same in Snyder version, there was a back and forth between adding more focus on the Green Lantern or not. Darkseid actually showed up here as a visual s