SoCrates's Replies

Mr Burns: "Men, there's a little crippled boy laying in that hospital that wants you to win this game. I know...because I crippled him myself to inspire you." Milhouse: "Ehhh I hope they win, or else Mr Burns said he's coming back." There's no need to murmur, ma'am. Here at Itchy and Scratchy Land, we're just as concerned with violence as you are. That's why we're always careful to show the consequences of deadly mayhem, so that we may educate as well as horrify. When do you show the consequences? On TV, that mouse pulled out that cat's lungs and played them like a bagpipe, but in the next scene, the cat was breathing comfortably. Just like in real life. Please Willy, the children want to pick on someone their own size. And why doesn't Batman dance anymore? Remember the Batusi? (starts dancing) "Now before I give you the check, this place "Moes" you were at... this is some kind of business?" (Don't tell him you were at a bar... But what else is open at night!!?) "It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography." (Heh heh heh, I would've never thought of that) "The luke storyline I actually didn't have a problem with. Made sense that he'd be in a bad way considering how things went with his Jedi academy. " I don't know about that. Obi Wan failed with Anakin, and the result of that was Vader killing almost every other Jedi in the galaxy. However, when he got the call from Leia, he didn't just continue sulking in his hut like a bitch. He grabbed Luke, set him on a path, and went to go try and make it right. After watching the OT, Luke doesn't really seem like the type of guy that would just sit it out why his sister is being hunted and why people he cares about are being murdered. Rian Johnson murdered Luke's character. "Mom, Dad, Bart's dead!!!" "That's right, dead serious about going to Itchy and Scratchy Land!" "The extra 'B' is for 'BYOBB'." "What's that extra 'B' for?" "That's a typo." "Hmm. Free sample of Lemon Time." "Ooh, give it here." *Guzzle Guzzle* "Homer, that's dishwashing liquid!" "Yeah, but what are you gonna do." - Not being afraid of "fan service" It's fucking Star Wars, not some independent film on the Sundance channel. Fan service is apart of it. Guess how many people support this franchise not only by going to see the films, but also going to conventions, collecting merchandise, cosplaying, ect. The fans are the reason this IP is anything, so service them. - Don't kill Luke, you assholes! Luke Skywalker is important to sooooo many people. Mark Hamill is alive and still doing some great acting. Why the fuck are you killing him off in the middle of the trilogy!!? "Hey, this will be edgy and unexpected! Let the past die, kill it if you have to... heh heh he... Fuck you, Ruin Johnson! PS. I don't buy Mark Hamill's backtracking of his statements made about not liking the way Ruin Johnson wrote Luke. Mark knows he was shit on by both Ruin and Kathleen Kennedy, but I bet he doesn't want to sour any relationship he has with Disney. - Don't kill off Snoke. Let me get this straight, your killing off the big bad before we get the chance to know anything about him, to even care enough that you're killing him off? Brilliant, no one will be mad about that... - Poe and Finn had great chemistry in TFA. Maybe they should team up for a mission or something. Nope, let's create a character that no one will like, send Finn and her on a pointless SJW side quest that no will like, and then shoehorn a romance even though they have no chemistry whatsoever, which no will like. - Hmmm Admiral Akbar, who fans love, or Laura Dern. Tough decision... - Remove Leia Poppins That's just stupid. - Watch "Return of the Jedi" again and then write your scene with Yoda It's such a powerful scene between Luke and Yoda in ROTJ. We've waited decades to see these two again, but the scene plays more like two guys in a book club rather than two Jedi masters. "Page-turners they were not" Are you fucking kidding me? The whole scene was just off. Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through? it was on the bestseller list for eighteen months! Every magazine cover had... Superintendent Chalmers: Oh, I have had it, I have had it with this school, Skinner! The low test scores, class after class of ugly, ugly children! Bud: Any dedication request for me? Kelly: Yeah, three actually. "Lonely Boy", "Like a Virgin", and "When a Man Loves a Rubber Woman". Bud: And I'll bet you got yours, "She Works Hard For the Money". Kelly: Now whatever gave you the idea that I'm some cheap tramp? Radio: And now, dedicated to Kelly Bundy, "She Works Hard For..." [Kelly throws the radio on the floor, breaking it] Marge: Homer! Are you planning to hit Ned Flanders with that pipe and steal his tickets? Homer: San Dimas High School Football Rules!!! Yeah, can you imagine all of this chaos happening to you, and then your mom takes you into the basement, tells you about the vigilante justice she was apart of, and produces the actual murder weapon? I would be at the bus station so fast, and hoping Freddy couldn't reach me if I left the state. "Fade To Black" - Metallica Wow, Laura Dern! I loved you in "Jurassic Park"... that's about it. You were apart of my two most hated pieces of entertainment this year. TLJ and Twin Peaks: The Return. It's actually a toss up for which one I hated more. Hey, Ruin Johnson is here! Just curious, but did you watch TFA at all? Do you know that parts of a trilogy are suppose to connect together? Did Mark Hamill just give you the stink face all through production for destroying his character? When you were writing the Canto Bight scenes did you know right there that everyone would hate them? During the writing process, did you have scenes where you were like "The fans will really love this part!" and then you deleted them? Do you have any voicemails from JJ Abbrams that are like "Dude, What the fuck?" or "How am I supposed to fix this garbage?" When you were filming did you notice that John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran had no chemistry whatsoever, but you decided to say "Meh, screw it. I'll just shoehorn that romance anyway."? Does Kathleen Kennedy know anything about Star Wars besides the box office figures...... Ruin, where are you and Laura Dern going? The deal was for an hour, and I wasn't done with my questions! Wow, I've never been flipped off by a celebrity before. This chicken is really good. Personal opinion, but I just don't think Oscar caliber movies are as good, or as memorable, as they used to be. We just aren't getting a Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Silence of The Lambs, LA Confidential, ect. anymore.