Mulletor's Replies

Sour Candy Cheek Disintegration was the childhood equivalent of snorting so much cocaine you burned a hole in your nose He did do a few adult movies prior to his commercials under the name Seaman Crunch before he was promoted to Captain. Capn Crunch Mouth was one of the leading childhood ailments of the 1980s. Up there with the dreaded Skittle Throat. What's the title though? "Escape From Lincoln, Nebraska"? For me this movie debunked 9/11. A jet crashes into a building and it's just laying there in a few pieces on the ground. He probably just gave them the finger. *Rimshot* Thank you, I will be here all week. Try the veal. Slap that damn smartphone out of his hands an make him watch some decent movies for Christ's sake. Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except I would watch all of the parody TV shows from 80s movies. "Climbing For Dollars" from "Running Man" was gold and "It's Not My Problem" from "Robocop"....I'd buy THAT for a dollar. I vaguely remember this being explained in the cartoon at some point: One of the Van Houten's are from Shelbyville and a different branch of the Van Houten's. (Or something to that effect) The Gate It was time for Wapner Sequel idea: This time David Mann is the truck driver 3 of 6 main characters in a movie that is almost 30 years old. Not really haunting given the fact the 4 crew members were born between 1940 and 1945. You know what is haunting though? Pretty much every actor (if not all of them) from the movie "Modern Times" is dead. Randy Quaid has all the best lines in movies. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Moving Caddyshack II [debbiedowner.gif] Sounds like she's thirsty. ;) Clerks has a style all its own It was the only good scene of the movie. Jealousy