Mulletor's Replies

I think they might be having a stroke It was all over the Napster/Limewire programs back in the day too. [Any parody song: even if it obviously wasnt Weird Al] - Weird Al Yankovitch I hope the mystery of the ever-present H at the end of Yankovic's name is addressed in this biopic When I saw Radcliffe was cast it had me wondering exactly how much full frontal nudity is going to be in this film. Is he going to be doing it though? Doing a biopic about yourself would be interesting. "So *that's* how it is in their family." Remember when Drive came out and a bunch of people lost their shit because "no one talks, they just stare at each other."? Same deal. Those masks probably leave a hell of a waffle to dig out. Level 6: Nick's Navy Army Store. Well put The first half is good and then you're presented with a different film to finish the runtime. (But there are reasons for how it happened like that) Jeff Foxworthy, Larry The Cable Guy and Carrottop are going to live to be in their 90s or beyond. There's really no excuse for the "No Cure For Cancer" special. Straight up stolen. Most smelters are hot. Hopefully Vernon Wells is letting of some steam today. It's his birthday! Wait. I have a better title for a sequel. "The Better Son" The Boogeyman would tear him a new one. There is a thread 5 posts under this one about the exact same thing: He did naaaaaaaaaaaawt! Buzz would have just shrugged it off