Mulletor's Replies

It's good to be right, eh? I did a quick search and it is not What would you do to impress her? There was a Conan O'Brien appearance that Robin Williams did right before his death that was a straight appearance 6 or 7....whenever it was released on the C-Band satellite channel 1st Choice. I also believe that aliens are visiting this planet and have infiltrated society. Now I want to hear the first draft of the response. Edit: "I like porking!!!" Was it a "Choose Your Own Adventure"? That would be good. "BRB!" Perhaps he's an unknown relative of the family. All the other family members seem to have a strong dislike of Kevin. I believe the proper term for that is a Polkapoke. WOOSH, the sarcasm in this thread went right tf over your head...haha Not until right now. Good work for a 17 year old post. (Or so the Germans would have us believe) It's just a theory Because she's a twat. She died after a botched sex change operation. I always assumed she was Dr. Claw's sister. That's why we don't see her No wonder that guard licked her face in Terminator 2 It's obvious why some of them never had a career after SNL. Just watch their work while on the show and you'll be left wondering how they got on the show and who were the other people that auditioned that season.