Mulletor's Replies

I run into the same problem with porno movies. Prison camps to have slaves to do tasks that robots can't do for some reason? It wouldn't have been outside of Mr. Pink's character range if one of the others were razzing him about the name to say something like "Mr. Pink is my nickname at the clubs because I get so much pussy." and play off of the name. Given how MS Dos databases were back then..."It won't let me delete that field". I know it's a lame excuse but I'm tired. Human hackers fighting back and deleting/scrambling data. Unless Skynet destroyed all human history out of spite. It's starting to sound more and more like Skynet's AI was based off of a poorly written crazy ex-gf pleasure bot program. I can understand records being lost to the humans after the war. You would think Skynet would have ALL the records. "Can you see anything!?!" "I see everything." --- Or however that quote went in T2 when T-800 is driving with no headlights Would there even be any birth record if she gave birth on the run? And to get John into school (not that he spent much time there) she had connections to get false IDs made. Why use your real name on that if you know you are going to be targeted in the future? Those people aren't in Fight Club. And neither am I by association Now let's take it too far and make it preachy. John Connor shares the same bloodline as Jesus Christ. John Connor is born in 1985, Kyle Reese is born in 2004 which (fill in blanks and plotholes) he father's Kyle Reese and sends his only son back in time to die for humanity. ...and the all the Terminator movies are just different gospels of people telling the story. Ugh. I can't believe I typed all that. Ooh ok I like it. But doesn't the photo taken of still living Sarah Connor at the end of the movie end up in the hands of Kyle Reese/John Connor and that's how Reese knows what she looks like? Now back to the chubby Sarah Connor angle. What if it doesn't matter which Sarah Connor Reese gets his jollies on with. It's the act of him going back in time and fathering John Connor plus defeating T-800. John Connor knows this but chooses the photo of attractive Sarah Connor for incentive. What kind of a movie would it have been if T-800 decided to start assassinating Sarah Connors from the bottom of the list up? He would have got the correct one on the first try. Also I just noticed that the house he goes to first has a civic address that corresponds to none of the civic addresses in the phone book. Odd. I could have sworn this was the same tagline for when ALF makes his return too Ha! The theme song from Mystery Science Theater 3000 touches on this "If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts I should repeat to myself it's just a show I should really just relax" <blockquote>Most steel mills smelters R enclosed.</blockquote> "Most". So apparently this one was the exception. It would be a remake called "Home Alone: Forever". After the family get back home no punishment is given to Buzz. This makes Kevin go off the deep end and that night when everyone is asleep he booby traps the house as he does. This time he murders the family and spends the rest of the holiday pretending they are still alive by using props when people/deliveries come to the door. He then frames the murders on The Wet Bandits or Shovel Man/Creepy Bird Lady. Raw dog her and then die fighting a robot from the future. The same way he got into that blonde cop's panties so fast. He has ins. *wink* It was an elusive movie out of the "So bad it is good" clips from the past 15 years. My wife presented an early Christmas gift of the blu-ray Samurai Cop and Samurai Cop 2. Samurai Cop was watched last night and it delivered. Ive only watched the interviews and cant wait to watch the commentaries.