pazuzu9's Replies

Nope, the ending is very well done. Kubrick wanted a happy ending to hopefully make it do better at the box office but Douglas insisted on the men being executed so Kubrick tacked on the extra part with his soon to be wife singing a song and bringing the soldiers to tears. Great movie. Are we maybe taking this movie too literally? There's a strong theme of religion (faith) vs science through out the movie. Could that be more the point at the end? They just get worse and worse, though. I'd rather that they think of something new, but we know that's not gonna happen. Yeah, I guess they were in place of having rats? Someone in another thread said that rats were considered in poor taste to have on film. Pretty silly looking but I like it They also have giant Potato bugs sleeping in some coffins. That's a good explanation. Thanks. "In other vampire lore, the coffin has to be surrounded by the very soil the vamp was buried in, though that's just from the original "Dracula" novel." Why is the soil required. What would happen if the soil wasn't there? "In some of the more modern vampire novels I've read, some vampires black out the windows of their bedrooms during the day so they can sleep in normal beds." Yeah, I was wondering why they didn't just do that in this movie. I thought maybe it was explained in the novel. Thanks for the info. I remember in Coppola's movie Dracula was transported in a crate with soil in it on a ship. I see. Didn't they use that in Bram Stoker's Dracula? Have you read the IWTV novel? Is it explained in the novel? Thanks for the reply. "It turns out, the Antichrist's mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberry." ...and wiper of other peoples bottoms. Happy birthday to a great actor. The Ninth Configuration (1980) Road Games (1981) I don't think it's meant to be hard sci fi. It's more science fiction/fantasy. I think it's a fun movie. In fact, I enjoy the whole franchise of Riddick movies. I want this movie. I felt this was just another "by the numbers" type of film. It all seemed so contrived like most modern horror. I didn't feel like anything in it had any impact. Very true. Great movie. "Is more about honor than mercy They made a deal and she is respecting the deal" I guess you're the only one here that noticed that they made a deal. That's why she was allowed to leave. What a God awful movie. Because he doesn't tip. Peter Graves is entitled to his opinion. He obviously loves our cesspool. Glad to know. I enjoy all the Riddick movies.